Newspaper Page Text
The Henry
County Weekly
Official Organ of Henry County.
B. S. ELLIOTT, Editor
Entered at the postoffice at McDonough,
Ga., as second-class mail matter.
Advertising Hates 25c per inch, position
Be additional —special contracts.
Foreign Advertising Representative
McDonough, Ga., April 1, 1921.
Trouble is trouble only when we
recognize it as such.
____________ »
Men are good forgetters and
women are good reminders.
Any man can acquire the habit
of saving if he has anything to
Today never exists for the per
son who is going to reform to
The man without an idea hasn’t
the room in his head to hold those
of others.
The man who is truly great is
often acutely alive to his own im
perfections. _____
The blindness of love is prover
bial—until after the preacher col
lects his fee
Some men’s heads, are so full
of brains there is no room left for
common sense.
The league of nations is still
battling valliantly in its efforts to
remain a league.
The crime wave in this coun
try is said to be ebbing. But
floods generally do.
There is no occasion for hiding
your smile, brother. It is not
subject to the income tax.
. «
Occasionally we hear of some
fellow who was really lucky in
love. He escaped in time.
More people would reach the
goal of success if those crowding
behind would keep pushing.
In the end, the young man who
sticks to the farm generally finds
that the money sticks to him,
When a fellow begins to feel
his oats it is a sign that the seeds
of wisdom are failing to sprout.
Movie critics contend that a
three-foot kiss is long enough.
But we couldn’t say—we never
tried one.
As proof positive of the aDpear
ance of spring, hubby will now
dig down in payment of those
Easter hats.
As an evidence of the daunt
less courage of the young men of
today, just scan the list of mar
riage licenses.
Of course, we might sidestep
Jaoan by sinking the island of
Yap. Who wants to fight over a
fly speck, anyway.
The person who keeps a recoid
of his successes and failures is
generally the one who has the
least failures to record.
Mexico is rapidly getting down
to business and returning to nor
mal. Apparently our neighbors
saw wood while we talk.
If the bolshevik dictator of Rus
sia keeps up his present record
he will go into history as having
been killed more often than Villa.
As the Editor Sees It.
Mr. Harding say that he owes
everything to his wife. That is an
honest confession for which the
president is to be commended.
We can not all be presidents,
but there is nothing to prevent
our recognition of the value and
assistance our wives are to us.
A good woman is always an in
spiration to a man, whether she
be wife or mother.
Men are prone to profit from
wifely wisdom without according
the recognition it deserves. Of
ten it is only the usual thought
lessness of the sterner sex, but at
times it is pure egotistical selfish
The mother of man justifies her
existence a million fold. Her mere
presence is as enervating as a
fresh breeze on a sultry summer
The most that we can possibly
say is not a tenth of what she de
People who don’t want to settle
down to business sometimes find
it embarrassing when the time
comes to settle up. y
Fault finding and grumbling
over economic conditions may re
lieve our exasperation to a slight
extent, but they do not remove
the cause for complaint.
Patience is a virtue, and virtue
wins its own reward, but only
when both are followed to a logi
cal conclusion.
Conditions in this country are
not satisfactory, but vociferously
voicing our dissatisfaction will not
improve them.
Patient and systematic effort
toward production and economy
will restore prosperity in time,
but uncertainty and continued
vacillhtion will have only the op
posite effect.
Wisdom points the road for us
to follow. The way may be long
and the toil may be great, but the
reward of perseverance awaits us
at the end of the trail.
A little shrubbery around the
house, a few flowers in the yard,
the occasional use of a lawn mow
er and a rake.
Only three little things, easy of
accomplishment in your idle mo
ments, yet they have a wonderful
effect in adding beauty to the
home and pride and contentment
in its possession.
A comparison of front yards in
this town might set many of us
to thinking.
The various states,of the union
are said to have $622,000,000 for
the purpose of building good roads.
That is, the states have the “dough”
and the people still have the mud.
But muddy roads, like darkest
clouds, have their silver lining.
As long as the mud is deep auto
mobiles will be scarce, and pedes
trians have some assurance of
reaching their homes without
having to be gathered up and
taken there in baskets.
The optomist can always find
something to his liking, even in
the most pessimistic of reports.
• Divisional Institute.
The Baptist W. M. U., of the
West Central division, of which
the Flint River B. W. M. U. is a
part, will hold a Divisional Insti
tute in Griffin during the month
of April. It will begin the after
noon of the 21, and continue
through the afternoon of the 22.
Several speakers from a dis
tance will be on the program and
a returned missionary will speak
at night.
It is hoped the entire division
will be represented, and all who
expect to attend will please write
Mrs. J. H. Cheatham, 231 South
10th St., Griffin, chairman of en
tertainment committee.
Frank Moseley Died
Tuesday Morning
Mr. Frank Moselev died Tues
day morning near the place where
he was born and reared. Those
surviving are his wife, three
daughters and one son.
Funeral services w r ere conduct
ed by Elder E. Oglesby, Wednes
day morning at 11 o’clock. The
remains were placed in the Mose
ley cemetery, near White House.
Mr. H. L. Carmichael, funeral
The Miracle Man.
The picture of wonders, which
inspires the soul wherein —
The reek of the underworld, the
lure of the sea, the breath of the
fields in summer, fused, with a
thousand smiles and tears, into a
great dramatic entertainment that
will live forever in your heart.
Come, bring your friends and
live this wonderful life in two
hours of entertainment.
Reduced prices will be made in
order for everyone to see this,
our greatest picture of the year.
Your admission gladly refunded
if you pre not thoroughly satisfied.
Saturday only.
Look yourself in the face oc
casionally, and perhaps you will
be more charitable to others.
i i
Make that Old Bus
Look Like New
V needs a new suit* A coat of
I paint is the best* When we
put it on it sticks and shines*
work that rivals that of the factory* We use a high grade
paint prepared especially for automobiles* When complet
ed it has the same appearance as a new one—that bril
liant lustre is there in all of its glory*
We'll cheerfully submit an estimate any time you
bring the car in to us for inspection*
In order to adjust prices of repair work more in ac
cordance with present financial depression, the following
figures will be in effect during the next 60 days:
Overhauling Ford Motor - - - SI 7^50
Grinding Valves - 2*oo
Overhauling Rear Axle = 4*50
Installing Front Cross Member - = 3*50
Overhauling Front End - 3*50
Prices for other repair work in proportion to these figures.
Bring us your work, you will not regret it.
E. O. HOOTEN, Proprietor.
By Fannie Andrew Strahn.
Christ is risen, is risen indeed;
He is the friend the world most needs;
Risen to biess and save us ail.
In mercy He heeds the lost one’s call
Shines His star and gives us light
To guide us through the-darkest night.
In glorious cross by Jesus borne
Sits He now.on a heavenly throne.
Resurrection morn how blest thou art
Immortal life for each trusting heart.
Since Christ o’er death hath a victory,
Eternal life for you and me.
Now, death, where is thy sting?
Don't Forget to Hear Dr. Cree
At the Baptist Church Tonight.
Our facilities for
repainting cars en
ables us to do so at
small expense, and
at the same time
turn out a piece of