Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Committee Chairmen,
Assistants for 100th
Anniversary Celebration
The committees for the county’s
lOOlh anniversary celebration on
May 14th, are as follows.
Finance: J. E. Hooten, chairmen,
H. J, Turner, Jno. Hightower, A.
A. Lemon, McDonough, A. B.
Mitcham; Hampton; Mrs. Jno. S.
Brown, Locust Grove; Mrs Rosser
Ward and Mrs. A. H. Swann,
Publicity: Geo. C. Alexander,
chairman, Scip Speer, B. S. Elliott.
Pageant: Miss Annie Nolan,
chairman, Dr. and Mrs. A. R.
Scott, Mrs. J. T. Weems, Mrs. E.
M. Copeland, Mr. D. T, Carmichael,
Mr. H. M. Amis, Mrs. Rosser Ward,
Stockbridge; Mrs. Claud Gray,
Locust Grove; Mr. Roy Harris and
Mr. Robt. Henderson, Hampton.
Band: Rev. J. A. Partridge,
Judge A. G. Harris.
Community Singing: W. G.
Thompson, chairman, Mr. C. J.
Dickson, Mr. R. A. Sloan and Mr.
W. W. Hooten.
Invitation: Mr. J. T. Weems,
chairman, Mr. T. A. Sloan, Jr., Mr.
J. E. Hooten.
Dinner: Mr. E. F. Adams, chair
man, Mrs. E. F. Adams, Mr. and
Mrs. T. J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. E.
L. Reagan and Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Table: Mr. H. B. Carmichael, Mr.
W. M. Berry and Mr. W. A. D.
School: Prof. T. J. Horton, Prof.
. Woodson, Marshals of the day,
Mr. J. C. Harris, H. M. Turner, H.
C. Hightower, Walker Bryans,
McDonough; R. 0. Arnold, Hamp
ton; C. M. Powers, Stockbridge;
Flournoy White, Rex; Elbert Parr,
Locust Grove.
Decoration Committee; Scip
Speer, chairman; C. J. Dickson, R.
A. Sloan, Fred Kelley, Harvy
Brown, Mrs. R. L. Turner and
Mrs. S. W. Farrar.
Music Committee; Mrs. Wyman
Sloan, chairman; Mrs. Lamar
Etheridge, Mrs. Benton Thompson,
Miss Annie G. Thompson and Mrs.
Ruth Allensworth, pianist.
In Memory of
Mr. T. R. Stewart
Whereas, It has pleased our
Supreme Master to call our
worthy brother, from labor
here to rest in the Celestial Lodge
on high, therefore be it
Resolved, That in the death of
Brother Stewart we lose a worthy
member of our lodge, a just and
upright Mason, and a good citizen.
Brother T. R. Stewart departed
this life full of years— ripened
with age and experience; he was
worthy and well qualified and du
ly and truly prepared for admis
sion into the Celestial Lodge aboye
where our Supreme Grand Master
presides; and he will be properly
vouched for by his Lord and Mas
etr, whom he loved and served
on earth.
We sympathize with his children
his friends, and neighbors who
mourn his departure; but we can
only remind them that he is not
dead, he is only asleep—resting
after a long and well spent life
here; he cannot, and would not if
he could, return to us; we can,
if we will, go to him. Let
us so live and perform our du
ties here as to insure a joyful re
union with those who have gone
before, and a happy life in the
Fraternal Lodge, No 37.
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry* County.
Condensed Statement of Henry
County Taxes for 1920.
Tax Collector Hand has finished
up the collection of for 1920.
Below is a statement of his final
Countv taxes $111,431.32
Corporation taxes 12,096.75
County tax collected__sl 16,957.65
Insolvent tax 1,033.14
Errors on digest 5,537 28
State tax $41,534.77
State tax collected $38,162.63
Insolvent general tax__ 344.38
Insolvent poll tax 403.00
Ecrrors, poll tax 769.00
Errors, general tax 1,855 76
School tax, am’t charg
ed to tax collected.. $37,133 76
Collected $34,943 62
Insolvent and errors.. 2,190.14
On retiring from the office of
Tax Collector I want to thank all
the people for their kindness and
courtesy shown me through all
my term, and feel that I have dis
charged my duties to the best of
my ability. C. R. HAND.
Ladies’ Bible Class.
The Ladies’ Bible Class will meet
the first Sunday in every month,
in their class room at 9:45 o’clock.
The following officers were
elected last Sunday, April 10.
Mrs. E D. Tolleson, president;
Mrs. Doe, first vice president; Mrs.
Benton Thompson, second vice
president; Mrs. Marvin Turner,
third vice-president; Mrs. Victor
Upchurch, chairman of welfare
committee; Mrs Will Turner, sec
retary and treasurer; and Mrs.
William Pullin, reporter.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday, April 22, 1921.
Henry County’s
Do you know that on May \ sth Henry
county will be one hundred years old ?
Are you proud of your county ?
Do you know that plans are on foot to
celebrate our one-hundredth anniversary on
Saturday, May J4th ?
Did you realize that the celebration will be
incomplete without your presence ?
Are you making preparation to lay every
thing else aside and join with the rest of us on
that day in a general get-together meeting and
celebration ?
Let’s all get together, know each other bet
ter and and have a good time at the one-hun
dredth birthday of the best county in the best
state in the world.
Let’s boost the celebration.
Mr. J. D. Bowen Passes
Away Tuesday Evening
Mr. J. D. Bowen died Tuesday
evening at his home, after a long
illness, in the 58th year of his age.
He is survived by his wife, five
sons, Harvey, Charles, George,
Walter and Ralph Bowen, and
four daughters, Mrs. W. G. George,
Mrs. T. B. Hinton, Misses Nell and
Thelma Bowen, also his father,
Mr N. J. Bowen, and two broth
ers, Messrs. O. J. and L. A. Bow
en, and five sisters, Mrs. J. G.
Jackson, Mrs. Lem Maddox, Mrs.
Tyron Elliott, Mrs. T. G. Swann
and Mrs. A. S. McGarity. Funeral
was Thursday at 11 o’clock, Union
church, Rey. W. O. Butler offici
ating. Interment was in Union
cemetery. Ellis & Setzer funeral
To the Citizens of Henry
It is the desire of the Publicity
committee also the editor of this
paper to publish a centinary edi
tion of “The Weekly.” This paper
is to come out May the 6th, one
week in advance of the celebration.
If you have any old paper giving
a bit of history of the early set
tling of the county, or if some part
your family has played in estab
lishing the county in its early days,
or a history of your church, school,
or lodge. In fact anything that
would be of interest to the county,
won’t you please • writs it up or
furnish the committee named be
low the information,
Geo. C. Alexander,
Scif Speer,
B. S. Elliott.
is the name of the play, played by
the seniors of Flovilla High School
at the school auditorium, McDon
ough, on Tuesday evening, April
26, 1921. Of course this play has
a “Love Story” running through
out, as every play should, but it
also has such a rich vein of come
dy that you are kept laughing all
the way through.
All the oldest families of Mc-
Donough, Flippen, Stockbridge,
Locust Grove, Hampton, and
throughout the county of Henry
are extended a most cordi il invi
tation through the press to enter
a pretty decorated car in the Hen
ry County One Hundredth cele
bration parade May 14th. It is
impossible for ns to get in touch
with these families except through
The Weekly. It you care to rep
resent your family and the date of
settling in the county in the pa
geant please get in touch with
Miss Annie Nolan, chairman of
the pageant. We will tell you
how to decorate your car in an
effective and inexpensive way
with tissue paper. We hope you
will take a vital interest in this
one hundredth anniversary parade
and be present on this very hap
py occasion.
Chairman Pageant.
Memorial Day Program.
The Chas. T. Zachry Chapter U.
D. C., McDonough, and the Joe
Wheeler Chapter, Stockbridge will
unite in observance of Memorial
The exercises will be held at the
Baptist church, April 26, at 9:45 a.
m. All are cordially invited.
The following program will be
Community Singing—America.
Prayer—Rev. W. W. Arnold.
Selection —Members of Tech Or
chestra, assisted by Rev. J. A. Par
tridge, Miss Annie G. Thompson.
Essay—Mary Clinch Weems.
Solo —Mrs. Benton Thompson.
Essay—Miss Elizabeth Butler. J
Delivery of prizes in U. D. C.
Essay Contest—Mrs. E. J. Reagan,
Winner of First Prize, offered
by Chas. T. Zachry Chapter U. D.
C.—Miss Mary Clinch Weems.
Winner of Second Prize, offered
by T. A. Sloan and Co. —Miss
Sarah Brannan.
Winner of Third Prize, offered
by Mr. Frank Reagan—Miss Lena
Winner of prize offered by Joe
Wheeler Chapter U. D. C., Stock
bridge—Miss Eiizibeth Butler.
Music —Orchestra.
Delivery of Crosses—Mrs. A. R.
Introduction of Speaker—Hon.
Paul Turner.
Orator of the Day—Gen. Walter
A. Harris.
Music —Orchestra.
Benediction —Rev. A. R. Cates.
Master of Ceremonies —Mr. E.
M. Copeland.
Ushers —MisSes Mary Joe Smith,
Annie Ola Sloan; Messrs. Hugh
Hunt, Howell Dickson.
Program Committee:
Mrs. J. t. Weems, Chm’n.,
Mrs. e. l. Reagan,
Mrs. Wyman Sloan.
Notice to School Children.
All the children of the county
are urged to be at McDonough in
the morning of May the 1 1, at 9:30,
and march in the parade. Mr.
Woodson will help in placing you
in line with the McDonough school
children. Practice on the songs
of Dixie, Star Spangled Banner
and America.
All children not in McDonough
school report to me first. Let’s
come and have a great day.
T. J. Horton, C. S. S.
$2.00 A YEAR:
Strawberries ripe.
Memorial Day next Tuesday.
It has been tough weather on
gardens and early cotton.
May 14th will be one of (he
greatest days in the history of
Henry county.
The Weekly will issue a specsaJ
centennial edition next week.
Howell Lemon, one of He*ary
county’s best colored citizens i'ost
Ins residence and its contents by
fire, a few days ago.
Henry county will celebrate the
lOOtli year anniversary on May 14,
with one of the biggest celebra
tions ever held in the history of
the county.
Mr. Joe Culpepper who eras
formerly a citizen of this county,
died at his home in South Geor
gia a few days ago. He was an
uncle of Mr. J. C. Culpepper, of
The Henry County Weekly
issue a special centennial edition
next week and every church in (he
county should send in by Tues
day morning a brief history of
churches and date of their orgam
zation, charter members, etc.
The Men’s Bible Class of th«
Methodist Sunday school in Mc-
Donough continues to grow in
interest and in number, and isoae
of the largest Men’s Bible Classes
in McDonough. About 40 raw*
were present in this class I**l
Sunday, with about 175 members
present in Sunday school.
A very interesting and enthuo
astic meeting of the several c.oa»-
mittees, who have the matter ic
charge, of arranging and compil
ing the program for the big cele
bration of the 100th anniversary
of Henry county on May 14th was
held last Tuesday night, and Ar
rangements are being made far
one of the greatest celebration
ever held in the county.
The church rally which was
held at Bethany last Sunday after
moon, was attended by a good
congregation, it was indeed an in
teresting and inspiring service.
Rey. L. P. Glass, of Griffin, Rer.
W. W. Arnold, Rev. 1. G. Waltrer
and a number of prominent fly
men were the speakers, the muik
for the occasion was furnished fey
the McDonough orchestra. Mr. E.
M. Copeland, who is chairman
the Laymen’s Movement in this
district was in charge of the exer
cises. These rallies are being hefid
in all the churches in the Ffi?t
River Association.
Memorial Exercises will be heid
in McDonough next Tuesday. One
of the sad features of this occa
sion will be the fact that the nura
ber of the old veterans will not&e
as large as it was one year aga.
Some have passed away since
last memorial day. As we write
these lines our thoughts wander
back to the days of our youtb
when the old brave and galladt
veteans of the Civil war would
meet at their annual reunions, and
have such great times. But those
! days are gone, the old brave, and
greatest sol liers that ever lived,
1 are fast passing away. We wifi
miss them when they are gone,
let’s everybody honor them by at
tending the exercises next Tues