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Writes His Thanks from Wash
Only men and women who have
suffered from kidney trouble cnn
realize how urateful one feels tor
relief from suffering. Nathan
Harned, 621 N. St, N. VV., Wish
ington, wriUs: “1 was troubled
with my kidneys for years, but
tint no relief until I toon Holes
Ki T ney Pills. Now 1 think lam
wed and 1 thank you very much.”
They art quickly; tonic in effect.
McDoncuyh Drug Co.
Distributor Wanted.
Merchant wanted at every
county seat as exclusive distrbu
tor for manufacturer of agricul
tural equioment of established
nec •essitv and demand.
P. 0. Box 212. Atlanta, G\.
Alabama Lady Was Sick Tor Tines
Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous
and Depressed— Read Her
Own Story cf Recovery.
Paint Roel:, A’a. —Mrs. C. ?!. Ftcgall,
Of near here, recently related the fol
lowing interesting account o? her re
covery: “I was in a weakened con
dition. I was sicjc three years in' bed,
suffering a great deal of pain, weak,
nervous, depressed. I was so weak,
I couldn’t walk across the floor; just
had to lay and my little ones do the
work. . I was almost dead. I tried
every tiling I heard of. and a.number of
doctors. L ca** ju eked c auj *e**ci.
I couldn’t eaf, and slept poorly. I
believe if I hadn’t heard of and taken
Cardui I would_ have died. I bought
six bottles, after a neighbor told me
what it did for her.
“I began to eat and sleep, began to
gain my strength and am now well
and strong. I haven’t had any trou
ble since ... I sure can testify to the
good that Cardui did mo. I don’t
think there is a better tonic made
and I believe it caved my life.”
For over 40 years, thousands of wo
men have used Cardui successfully,
in the treatment of many womanly
If ybu suffer as these women did,
take Cardui. It may help you, too.
At all druggists. E SB
Nothing improves the quality
of FLOUR so much as
It brings out all the sweet,
nutty flavor of the wheat
makes your flour white, light
and puffy. Does away with
all inclination to be sticky.
Give us one trial and we
will guarantee to give per
fect satisfaction in bothqual
itv and quantity.
Thanking >ou for past pat
ronage, we are truly yours,
We can rebuild and recharge
your old batteries. Wm. Cross
& Son, Locust Grove, 6a.
Charter No. 7969. Report of condition of Reserve Dist, No. 6
At McDonough, in the State of Georgia, at the ctose of business
on April 28, 1921.
Loans and Discount* (except \
those shown In bundc) 010,048.61
Total loans 510,048.61
a Notes and bills rediscounted
with Federal Reserve bank
(other than bank acceptances
soul) 251.91tf.71
251.919.71 2sb,i 38 90
Over«lrfl-fl s, "unsecured 84.77 31 77
u. llotals deposited
tn secure eireula
Oon (ptn* value) 70,000-OO
All o ht v U . ,S. Uo' ernnient
securities 16,449 41
Total 86,449.41
Ot. -r bunds, stocks, securi
ties, t*tQ , 4,800.(Hi
Value of Banking house, owned
atiu unincumbered 15,027.18
Furn. and Fix. 8,150.00 18,177.18*
Real esinitj owned other than
banking house . . . 3.047.83
Cash in vault 5 502.37
Eiiwfol Reserve with Fed
eral Reserve Rank 11,20069
Net amounts due loom Xaf’l
banks ' 87,808.40
7set amounts due from banks
and bankers, and trust com
panies in the U, S. other than
included in It* ms 9, 10 or 11, 28 348 00
Checks on ot her banks in
the same city or town as
reporting bank, other than
item 18 207.98
Total of Items 9, 10, 11.
18. 18 and 11, . 77,055,13
Redemption fund with li. ri.
Treasurer and due from
U. fcS. Treasurer 8,500.00
Total $486,785.62
I, W. J. Giver, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true Co the best of my knowledge and belief.
W. .7. GREER, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of Mav, 1921.
.1 R. TURNER, Notary Public.
orrect Attest: I) P. Cook, Ralph I*. Turner, T-A. Sloan. Directors.
Charter No. 10089 Report of condition of Reserve Dist. No. 6
At Hampton, in the State of Georgia, at the of business on
April 28, 1921.
Loans and discounts, includ
ing rediscounts (except
those shown in b and c)
Total loans 269,638. 1 j
Notes and bills rediscounted *
with Federal Reserve Rank
(other than bank accept
ances sold) see item 54a107,681.34
lU7,tit i. 34 161,956.78
U. S. bonds deposited ,
to secure circulation
(par value) 30,000.00
Ail other U. S. Government
securities 25,350.00
Total 55,350.00
Other bonds, stocks, securi
ties. etc. 2,925.00
Ranking house 4.000 oO
Furniture and fixtures !,5u0.00
Cash in vault 706.16
mi*l'ul reserve with Federal
Reserve bank 2,696.10
Items with Federal Reserve
Rank in process of collec
tion (not available as re
serve) 3,114 03
Net amounts due from na
tional banks 6,302 98
Checks on other banks in the
same city or town as re
porting bank —other than
item 13 _ 12.35
Total of items 9, 10, 11, 12,
J 3 and 14 .9,429.36
Checks on banks located out
side of city or town of re- *
poriing bank and other
uisa items 275 57
Redemption fund with U. S
Treasurer and due from U.
H. Treasurer . 1,500.00
Total 240,338.97
I, E. R. Harris. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is true to the liest of my knowledge and belief.
E. R. Harris, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of May. 1921
W. B. MIN TER. Notary Public.
Correct Attest: \Y. M. Harris, R. M. Harris. R. E. Henderson. Directors.
MACKEY wants to see
at his NEI W SHOP
where Sanitary, Odorless and Satisfactory work is
Hats Cleaned. Leave us your old shoes to be
repaired. Agent for Piedmont Laundry.
LOCATION: Atkinson Bldg., between Bill and Abe.
Capital stock paid in - $80,000.00
Surplus fund - - 00,000.10
Undivided profits 43,4‘0.81
\ Less current expen
ses, interest and lar
i'- paid 12.070.84 31,835.97
Circulating Notes outstanding 68,500.00 j
Net amounts dm: to banks, " ' 1
bankers and trust -compa
nles in the United {states
and 7*»ri i, n couutri . (other
t ii- 1
or 23 ’ 8,164.92
j Ca.-h;er's checks on own bang
outstanding 2.20T91
Tor. of items 28 23, 21, 25.
and 36 6,856.83
1 indiviohyil deposits subject tu
uhc., ' 123,384.29
! Certil ic ttes of deposit due in less
thi a 3 ) (lays, order tmtu for
money borrowed 5,56.).81
Dividends unpaid 80,60
| Total oi Demand deposits
j (• iin-; than bml; deposits) I
subject to reserve, itenm
37 , 28, 89, 80 , 31. and 38 i 10,010.10
; Certificates of deposit (other
'than lor money borrowed) 80.U82.72
| vlot i! of time deposits,
sub.j et to reserve, items
83. 3i, 8 i, a nd 86 5d.082.72
a U. S. .government Securities
borrowed, | sft* note | 8,000.00
Dills payable, oilier Chan with
Federal Reserve Bank, includ
ing all obligations represent
ing money borrowed other than
rediscounts , 17,500.00
Bills payble with Federal
It* serv. Bank 17,ut0 00
Total . . i 486,781.62
Capital stock paid in 50,000.00
Surplus fund 30,000.0 u
Undivided profits 17,441.58
Less current expenses, In
terest and taxes paid 6,400.55 11,041.03
Circulating notes outstanding 30,000.00
Cashier’sc necks on own bank
outstanding 9.94
Total of items 22, 23, 24, 26
and 32 9.94
Individual deposits subject
tcfcheck » 32,689 25
Total of demand deposits
(othei than bank deposits)
subject to reserve, items 27,
28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 3^,689.25
Certificates o*’ deposit (other
than for money borrowed) 10,598.75
Total of time deposits sub
ject to reserve, items 33, 34,
35 and 36 10,598.75
U. S. Government Securities
borrowed 5,000.00
Bills payable, other than
with Federal Reserve Bank
(including all obligations
representing money bor
rowed other than redis
counts) 46,000 00
Rills payable with Federal
Reserve Bank 25,000 00
Total 240,338.97
Luzianne is roasted
in New Orleans hy The
Reily-Taylor Company
known throughout tne
Southland as "makers
of good coffe el’ _ For
16 years lire Reily-Tay
lor Company has guar
• anteed every pound or
j§§S] coffee
ijfa 1
If, after using entire con- c i
tents of the can according ’ 457!
to directions, you are not I „ corrn
■atistied in every respect, f S' ..V l'-Vi-rcs
your grocer will refund L "v*73!
the money you paid ler ii. ■ ■ l -^9
Specials for Saturday
aiictb&po «* £*thhr
$2 00 Work Pants for $1.75
2 00 Nunnally Overalls for 1.39
1.00 Blue Shirts, full size .75
1.00 Sunday Shrits, full size ,75
2 00 Ladies’ Waists for 1.25
1.50 1.00
125 “ “ “ .75
1.25 “ “ slightly soiled # .50
1 00 Silk Hose, black, tan and while .75
.50 Lisle “ 44 .25
.25 Ladies’ Hose, black, tan. white, 2 for .25
.25 Men’s 4 4 44 44 44 2 4 4 .25
' Children’s Dresses 50c, 75c, SI.OO, $1.25, 1.50
7 Bars of Laundry Soap for .25
3 44 “ Plam Olive Soap for .25
. 3 44 44 Bath Tablet Soap “ .25
Yours for Mere Business,
i 1 P I ITU
jfflß nEALTh
r (M W abound here
\ m . y. ■■■ -
If ycu are in a weakened or even slightly run-,
down condition perhaps all you need is a good,
reliable tonic.
In fact, we have some good, tested and tried
antidote for practically every tired or unfit feeling
you may have.
If you don't feel just right come in and see us
about it.