Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
• irTIPS,
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Fratern?! Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
r communications of p’ratorrinl
L< .i-tC 1 -' No F\Xr \ ''l it. . Ist , ■
FHftay nitthts in each month. AH «’.ul>
qualified brethr. ;i fraternally and cm-ui;
a(l> invited to meet w.' h ■•.
C. J. DlCitsox, W, M.
\V. G. Ingram,-Sec.
fc-.: It ' ' ■ • ■ ,'*«£g''v S
V. J; " , i
R. T. Daniel Lodge No. 219 I. O. O. F.
Meets every Tuesday night, at
7 p. m. Visiting brothers wel
/* tf -
IggmS si# » u
& ' ;
Call on Sneer, the Optromfrist
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stdck. till the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
Sugar, 25-lbs. for $2.00. W. O.
Rooms for rent. See Mrs. Clem
P. Huling.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickey spent
Monday in Atlanta*.
Miss Lucile Woodward, of Green
wood, visited here last week.
Mr. Lamar Walker, of Griffin,
visited McDonough last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Nichols, of
Griffin, visited relatives here last
want a bargain in hose,
go co Austin’s 10* Store Saturday,
2 for 1.
Mr. and Mrs. 1. of Lo
cust Grove, visited relatives here
last week.
Miss Ruby Terry, of Atlanta,
visited Miss Oia Mae Thompson
last week.
Mrs. Neal M. Patton left Satur
day for Columbia, S. C., to make
her home.
We will accept school checks
and county warrants in trade. T.
A. Sloan & Co.
Lost —One bunch of Keys. Find
er please return to Weekly ofiice
and get reward.
When in the market for good
7% cotton seed meal call on
Brown & Harkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ray and
daughter, Dorothy, spent Sunday
at Stone Mountain.
You can now get your cotton
weighed and stored at Kimbell’s
bonded warehouse.
Mrs. Anna L. Upchurch spent
the week end with her daughter,
Mrs. Neal M. Patton.
Porto Rico potato plants for
sale, $l5O per thousand. H. W.
Burch, Falkston, Ga.
Harold Braver Elliott, arrived
in the home ol Mr. and Mrs. George
Elliott, May 2nd, 1921.
For sale, or-tnde, one six horse
gasoline engine, on trucks. J. D.
McGarity, McDor ough, Ga.
Ice! Ice! Ice! Home made ice.
Let us supply you with ice. The
Henry County Milling and Ice Co.
Go to Austin’s ICF Store Satur
day and buy one pair of hose, and
he will give you one —one day
Mr. John J. Smith was granted
a Canadian patent on his late
model, Combined Gin Saw Filer
and Gumming Machine, last week.
STA^ r r o t> t^ap^
i OuXL x>IVA LJ Or il/
“ We may live without poetry, mu
sic H*nd art ;
\\ e may live without conscience.
a -if live without heart;
A e .tin v live without friends. We
may live without Ikv6Us:
Nut e' vv /.ai m :« cnunojf live; with
out cooks. ’
May 14th.
On Saturday.
The great day.
Henry County’s centenary.
Be sure you gp to the exercises.
Don’t forget that full dinner
July 4 would be'a good time for
the pencil-pushers’ picnic.
Master Reginald Ward was in
jured a few days ago by the'fall
ing of an auto car door.
Among the sick this week are
Mrs. Emma Askew. Mrs. Cornelia
Hightower and Uncle Jim Lee.
Among the visitors this week
we note Mrs. Harris of Atlanta,
also Miss Mina Austin of Atlanta,
and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. W. Gard
ner of the county.
By request a correction is made
in the item about Gipoie Shockley.
She was passing by the Pall game
instead of looking on, and it was
on Wednesday, not Saturday.
It would be well for all business
houses in Henry county to close
up on Anniversary Day, May 14th,
so that everybody may have the
opportunity to be at the exercises
at McDonough.
The Continent, newspaper, asks
this question: “Is it a Catholic rule
not to give to general popular be
nevolence? Or to put the matter
more specifically to that church,
do the Catholic clergy never sug
gest to their people any benevo
lences but those of the Catholics?’’
Miss Grace Litchens waiters was
was the week end guest of Miss
Frances Grant, in whose honor a
social function was given Saturday
night. The invited guests were
Misses Gladys Branan, Lucy Ward,
Sarah and Lady Zue McWilliams,
Messrs. Gene Gunter, Loy Austin,
Ermon Moore, Julian Harris, Fred
Sorrells, and Will Ward.
The Stockbridge Public School
closing exercises will begin Fri
day night, the 6th, with exercises
of the grades up to the eighth.
The present faculty includes the
following: Prof. H. G. McCants,
high school; Miss Mary E Elliott,
sixth and seventh Miss
Emma Henderson, third, fourth
and fifth grades; Miss Rachel Elli
ot t, first and second grades.
The American Committee for
China famine funds received from
the Presbyterians $269,796.43;
of Southern Methodists $215,009;
Northern Methodists $127,166 21 ;
from the Jews $695.25; from Uni
tarians $5L25; from the Catholics
sl9 03; from Christian Scientists
SB.OO. It there were'no churches
but Unitarians, Catholics and Sci
entists, what would become of the
poor and starving of this world?
Marriage. —At the residence of
Mr. Jno. C. Walden, Sunday, May
Ist, Mr. Charles Adamson and Miss
Gladys Gilbert were united in
marriage, Rev. J. A. Barner, of
College Park, officiating clergy
man. The following were Dresent
and witnessed the happy event:
Mr. Frank Wright, Mr. R. Strick
land, Mrs. Martha McLendon, Miss
Tommie Cates, Mr. Clark Wright,
Miss Mabel Trammell, and Miss
There Is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and for years it was sup
posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing
to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease,
greatly Influenced by constitutional con
ditions and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Medi
cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Sc
Co.. Toledo. Ohio, Is a constitutional
remedy, is taken Internally and acts
thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
of the System. One Hundred Dollars re
ward is offered for any case that Hall’s’
Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 76c.
Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergerson and
children have returned to their
home at Buckhead, aft r an ex
tended .visit to Dr. and ms. O. L.
Adams. »
Wanted —Salesmen for 6,000
mile guaranteed tires. Salary
SIOO.OO weekly with extra com
missions. Cowan Tire & Rubber
Co. Box 7<S4, Chicago, 111.
The Henry County Milling and
Ice Co., froze their first ice Wed
nesday, April 2J, We are
now ready to ship ice and will be
glad to supply you 'With ice.
Limited amount Texas Bowden
cotton seed lor sale at' di.tO per
bushel. Ten uays to two weeks
earlier than the majority of big
Poll cotton. (J. L). Jackson, Abbe
ville, S. C.
Having electric lights now in
town, will exchange a J. B. C.-lt
Co. lighting plant lor something of
equal value or will sell at a reas
onable discount. W. J. Smith,
Locust Grove.
LOST —In McDonough, or be
tween McDonough and C. T. El
liott’s, one crank pin and cap tor
Hanson Six automobile. Finder
may report io this office and re
ceive reward. C. T. Elliott.
Do yQur cows give as much milk
as they should? International
Mormilk Tonic is wonderfully ef
fective in increasing the milk flow.
Dairymen everywhere use it. Try
it yourself. Soid by Horton Drug
To the citizens of Locust Grove
community. Let us do your shoe
and harness repairing. Our agents
at the Locust Grove Pharmacy
will receive and return them to
you. W. W. George, McDonough
Anyone who wishes to renew
or subscribe to the Henry County
Weekly before June the Ist rnay
do so at the $1.50 a year rate.
Tax Receiver VV. C. Thompson or
Rev. W. O. Butler, of-Stockbridge,
will take your subscription for
this paper, it you see tnem sub
scribe for The Henry County
Weekly, it will cost you only 3v
a week.
Lily McLendon, all of Jonesboro,
Mr. G. S. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Gilbert, of Stockbndge,
Mr. R M, Walden, Miss Mattie Con
kle, of Atlanta, and Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Hartsfield, of Morrow, Ga.
Messrs. L. H. and B. H Harrell
•were born on the Suwne day, May
Ist, and every year a feast is giv
en the two brothers on the return
of their birthday. This year Mrs.
L. H. Harrell spread a delightful
dinner at their home on Sunday,
and a large number of invited
guests were present to the
occasion. Among them were the
following: Mrs. W. B. K llev, Mrs.
Wallace, Mr. and Mrs.. R Payne,
and Fred Kelley, of McDonough ;
Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Askew, Mrs.
Frank, Miss Grace, and Frank
Litchenswaiters, Jr., and Mr. Julian
Harris, of Atlanta; Mr. R. C.
Johnson, of Lawrenceville, Ga.;
Mrs. Grady Moseley, Mrs. Nan
Lewis, Mr. rnd Mrs. B. H. Harrell,
Misses Ida Laura Lewis, Miss
Alice Turner, Misses Myra and
Mattie Berry, Miss Ila Mae Mose
ley, Misses Frances and Ida Pearl
Grant, Messrs. C. M. DeLong, Er
inon Moore, and Rev. W. O. But
ler, of Stockbndge. Assisting the
clever hostess were Mrs. B. H.
Harrell, and Misses Ida Lewis and
Frances Grant.
Over fifty years ago a young phys
ician practiced widely in Pennsylva
nia and became famous for his uni
form success in the curing of disease.
This was Dr. R. V. Pierc* who after
wards established himself in Buffalo,
N. Y., and placed his “Golden Med
ical Discovery,” in the drug stores of
the United States. When you" feel
run-down, out of sorts, blue and de
spondent try the energizing influence
of Golden Medical Discovery in tablet
or liquid form. Nearly a million
bottles were sold last year.
HAMPTON, GA., MAY 10, 1921
3:00 P. M.
Graduating E xerdses
Song .. Miss Foster
Ot*Gli' n’ C i.>S
Press- ! di o (WPo-.
J. O. i\ i 1 j..,v cO iv c). i . i > ot 11 ti s teo ■,
15 Pc oc»11 fvi• 11 vu truss
UP... (. S. i\ . ■ . I'i 'ti (i i.
P , sis
MRS LU Y P. ,' : *i, P hicipal.
D y.r> Vi A . «*•» ds,
v\, ivi. u.\ RRiS, l . t ... ... bo :'d i f Trustees.
V..;> . ■ .uiv : ■ .Senior Class
• (’LA' S MTITTO : "m--
( LASS COi.URS: Gr w; uid White.
CLASS FLOWER : While Cat nation.
Clara Re a'a Do Vi ...Diploma
Nellie Mki'u E iwards ...... Diploma
Mildrt d T Jiul.di P, >tluv> _____ Diploma
M iry Eiz iheth Mum rk. ... ... ..Diploma
Eliziboih M tv kur, ip'tt d Diploma
Helen 4 .rpiey Cutilieate
Joe Leonard F trpb y Diploma
Thomas Carl Sowed '_ ...Diploma
The Average Man
Senior Play
MAY 9, 8:00 P. M.
Cast of Characters :
William Norwood, a Chicago Broker
Joe Leonard Tarpley
Helen Norwood, his wife Reath Daniel
Florence Norwood, an elder daughter
E iz ibeth Turmpseed
Morjuiy Norwood, a young'-r daughter ..Janie Jones
Jimmy Norwood, the only son T. C. Sowell
Private Secretary to Jimmy Norwood
Mildred Prothro
Dr. Bruce, the family physician Ralph Barnett
Jas. L. Slayton, Jimmy's grandfather
Preston Williams
Bob Mondell, Mr. Slayton’s manager__Merrill Minter
Molly Mondell, Bob’s wife Melba Edwards
Uncle Dan, himself a Slayton Joe Rutherford
Mary Mondell, their daughter *. Mary Minter
Mrs. Gunn, a neighborhood gossip Helen Tarpley
Act I—Scene : Livingroom in the home of James
L. Slayton, down on a Southern farm. “Nothing
but a conceited coward.”
Act 11 —Scene : Jimmy Norwood’s private office
in Chicago, two years later. “Dal's right, dis is our
Babes In the Wood Florence Maxim
J urns Rutherford
ACT III —Scene: Bre •.kfastroom in the home of
William Norwood in Chicago. The next day, “Who
does the most tor a boy?” “Why, ins mother, of
La Grace j Carl Bohm
Hazel Wise and Elizibelti Fi ids
ACT IV —Scene: Same as Act 1, three months
later than Scene 3. “Dr. Bruce, please don’t let my
father die?”
ACT V —Scene: Same as Act 4, but four months
laler. “You have whipped me to a fi. “He
is just an average man.”
Contest in Expression
Representatives of the Grades
MAY 7, 8;03 P. M.
Betrothal March : Chark-s Lindsay
Poliv Williams, Miriam Barnett, Grace Hawkins
The Old-Fashioned Girl L. L. Knight, 1917
Howard Brown (7th Grade)
Recitation _.__Prior to ivliss Belle’s Anp^rance
Elizabeth Carmichael (2d and bd Grades)
Recitation Which Shall It Be?
Edna Moore (6th Grade)
Declamation Deposed
Allen Elliott (Ist Grade)
Recitation The Settler’s Old Story
Leone Daniel (Bth Grade)
Declamation Old Mammy’s Monument
Carl Fowler (9th Grade)
To-Whit, To-Whoo _.G o. L. Soaulding
A. B. Butler
Recitation The Bride Goes to Market
Annie Lou Peebles (9th Grade)
Declamation Woodrow Wilson, January, 1921
Ennis Moore (Bth Grade)
Declamation Taking an Elevator
Traylor Rogers (6th Grade)
Recitation The Soul of the Violin
Miriam Barnett (6th grade)
Declamation A Bov’s Conclusion
James Butler (4th and sth Grades)
. MUSIC—Duet
The Dragon Fighter B. Hoffman
Mary Minter, Nettie Lovern