The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 06, 1921, Image 6
The Henry County Weekly Official Organ of Henry County. B. S. ELLIOTT, Editor. Entered at the postoffice at McDonough, Ga., as second-class mail matter. Advertising Rates 250 per inch, position 6c additional—special contracts. Foreign Advertising Representative ! THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION ' McDonough, Gn., May 6, 1921 GENUINE “BULL' DURHAM tobacco makes 50 good cigarettes for 10c Will pasture cattle 5f per day per head, on good Bermuda grass. A. R. Scott. HOWARD L. CARMICHAEL FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMING Office Phone 19 Residence Phone 30 No. 174 For Sale at your Dealer Made in five grades ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK PROGRAM STGGKBRIOGE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM. Friday, May 6th, 1921, 8:00 p* m* 1. Just a Bit of Cloth, but It’s Red, White and Blue. First and Second Grades. 2. Noah’s Wife Reading. Edith Bowen. 3. The Haymakers and the Dairy Maids. Third, Fourth andJFifth Grades, j 4. Crowning the May Queen Play. Sixth and Seventh Grades. CHARACTER CAST: Old Hagar, the Gypsy Ruth Grant. Dart j Dalton McCullough. Ray ((Woodland Elves) Edith Bowen. Zephyr ( __ Maurie Pattillo. Rill—J Mollie Belle Cook. Rose, the Queen Mary Gardner. Winnie Agnes Owen. Helen Louise Lee. Grace ___Susie Shockley. Doris Doris Moseley. Elbe Frances Hinton. Percy Fred Ward. Cecil Charles Mann. Arthur Frank Walden. Frank ' Abner Ward. Guy L. A. Lamb. Harold Walter Mays. 5. Now Aren’t You Glad You Came?_ __.Song. India Sorrells. Cut This Out—lt Is Worth Money Cut Out tSiis Slip, enclose Wun 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, lii., writ ing your name and address clear ly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pain in sides and back; rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder ailments; and Fo ley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathar tic for constipation, biliousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. McDonough Drug Co. Fruit Trees. Peach, apple, pear, plum, cher ry, pecan shade and ornamenta trees. Finest budded and.grafted stock ai before the war prices. Most ail fruit trees at 50f each prepaid. California privet hedge plants $4.00 per 100. Strawberry plants $5 00 per 1,000. Cabbage plants $2.00 per 1,000 postpaid. Half and Half Cotton seed. Send a postal for our Fruit Book and Catalog. Fruitvale Nurseries, Albany, Ga. Duffey’s Blacksmith Shop. Now is the time to be econom ical in everything. So we have decided to do your Horse Shoeing for $1 00. We are located on the Jackson road, five miles from Mc- Donough. L. N. DUFFEY. D. A. BROWN. I MONTI ST Offtok Hours : n M . oO 12 M. TERMS: STRICTLY CASH. McDonough, Ga. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH. GEORGIA For Guardianship. GEORGIA—Henry County. To Whom lr May Concern. Charlie Westmoreland, having applied for Guardianship of the person and prop erty of Florence Mitchell, Fred Mitchell and Nellie Mitchell, minor children of J. H. Mitchell, late of said county, deceased. Notice is given that said application will be heard at my office at 10 o’clock, a. m., on the first Monday in June, 1921. May 2, 1921. A. G. H ARRIiS, Oidinary. Long Staple Seed FOR SALE I have a few bushels of Weber 49 Long Staple Seed for sale. This cotton will staple 1 1-4 inches. Early and easy to pick. This cotton is selling at 7 1-2 to 10 premiums over short staple now. Have only 200 bushels of seed left. J. T. WEEMS. "~T — - \T~ O Jpgs ... . <3 h\ / \'' -’-w J: jaf • tftV \\\i*w S, —J® 14k iejM'o Mpffljftflffi ' Hr j ; :i e'r / y ' V\ ' i LIZ?:. tzjEz - ’ ; .h. ? ■ i P tv Jf I h* Mj F • it t •1 ~-i e IPfl ffP gVi HE RIO L.' 1 iiil-ia. UUaLO' w Hto-’ii ILP kd? j i I 4.i v - c.ij \d ca ■y| Vf e .:yj && (foy M*£i®22®gs*api ; 2 wa&j a &oui j. . /CONSIDER your object in buying a phonograph, it is to bring true. music to your home —the living per formances of great singers and in strumentalists, of great bands and orchestras. Over five thousand times, before more than five million people, the New Edison has stood side by side with the living artist in a direct comparison test, and no one has been able to dis tinguish between the living perform ance and the Re-Created performance. The New Edison is the only phono graph or talking machine that sustains this test. It is the only phonograph that has actually proved beyond ques tion that it gives you true music. McDonough Drug Company. (g) TO PEOPLE WHO EAT MEAT . WHO doesn’t relish a rich, juicy steak? Who doesn't abhor a tough one? It is all in the buying. A dealer can get a high grade of meat and sell at a reasonable profit, or he can buy “cheap” meats and profiteer. No inferior meats are sold in this market. Our prices are down, but our meats are not. Come to us for the best in steaks, chops, boils, roasts, salt meats, bacon, poultry, oysters, sausage, and everything car ried by a first-clase market, QUALITY UP. -PRICE DOWN. We pay the highest market price in cash for country produce. G. M. McLaughlin, IN THE JOE J. SMITH BUILDING. » !j F you buy phonograph rec orJs, or player-piano rolls, if you play or sing, you should have a copy of “What Edison Likes in Music.” IttellsMr. Edison’s 25 favorite tunes, — gives ins views on music, — and names 6 selections which he thinks everybody ought to own. Ciet your copy. It’s free for the asking. Use the coupon. COUPON Bring or send this coupon. Mark the items you want. No charge or obligation. Name Address □ What Edison Likes in Music. PI Booth’s etching of Edi son, 12 x 19, for framing. □ Edison & Music the Story of the New Edison. f~l What Did Edison Do During the War? (Bul letin)