The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 20, 1921, Image 2
Husband and Wife Both Sick. A Mr. mid Mrs. Andrew Comer, ►Shenandoah, Va, were both ill. He writes: “Rheumatism and bladder trouble was our trouble. My wife had rheumatism in her arms so she could not use them. She has had no trouble since tak ing Foley Kidney Fills. I don’t have to get up at night so much since taking Foley Kidney IMls, nor have 1 a weak back.” Back ache, sore, swollen or stiff muscles or pints, tired languid feeling yield quickly to Folev Kidney Pills. McDonough Drug Co. D. A. BROWN. DENTIST . tioi iib " M i.n 12 vt TEIIM S: STB!C LYC AS H McDonough* /rf* irfsiif v ■ fr Phonographs a Sou l- A : h ' 1 M _ —.. —v •• ~f; rY Y ' r The Price of the . ?YyTy;. ( NEW EDISON ' ■■ -"SS- —has increased less . : tMfHbk than 15? since 1914. Ifllll rifked millions in ' ; - order to keep his • '.i ■ • ■ r invention jHi ' ,>VV' within the reach ot - ' ,/ / >? ' TT-mjK.. ./ /. -'Ay Y a v s 1 Ml ? 3 at..-.. -- •:. know Mr. Edison, the j[ scientist now meet Mr. Edison, the music lover. Almost every day, Mr. Edison sits close to his Official Laboratory Model, hand cupped to ear, and enjoys his sfavorite RE-CREATIONS. Mr. Edison has his own private collection of Re-Creations. He has built it up with the discrimina tion of a confirmed collector. We have just received a booklet containing 25 of his favorite tunes. This booklet is entitled “What Edison Likes in Music”, and inter estingly describes Mr. Edison, the Music Lover. If you would like a copy of this booklet, together with -a 12"xl9 n proof of Franklin Booth's etching of Mr. Edison, please fill out this Dallot and mail or bring it to us. McDonough drug company r- • , rp l rjK I real. Peach, apple, pear, plum, cher ry, pecan shade and primnu ntal trees. Finest budded and grafted stock at before the war in ices. Most ail fruit trees at 50'' each prepaid. Calii'ornii piivet hedge ; fHAi* ' «”« v • r ■ H B (fy r A B ,* - ...3 . il/ 'v:, »1 a LI <£ ■ . > .i .for Vi- gallons Mixed Paint— * • ‘ /. *g ik ns, Best Pure Paint for sr:3 . .; ! f TfE rAir47 and • ’ > ; in- jc .I Oil to mix into it — :' : r ""V 5 \ VED f 7 7 e C'svrs Koney Copeiand-Turner Merc. Co. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McOONOUGH. GEORGIA plants Fl 00 per ICO. Strawberry plants $5 00 per 1,000. Cabbage fants $2 00 per 1,000 postpaid. Half and Half Cotton seed. Sand t postal for our Fruit Book and Catalog. Fruit vale Nurseries, Albany, Ga. What other well-known person’s favorite tunes would you like to know? Please write his or her name on the ballot. Mr. Edison’s love of music has made the phonograph his favorite invention. He spent over three million dollars in research work to perfect the New Edison. Then, to prove its perfect real ism, he stood the New Edison side by side with the living artist and matched its performance with the actual performance of the living artist. No one was able to detect any difference between the two. This is the only true way to prove the realism of a phonograph or talking machine and the New Edison is the on/y phonograph which sustains this acid-test of direct comparison. ‘ HOWARD L. CARMICHAEL _ F U fN* E R A !_ DIRECTOR A In! D EMBALMING Office Phone 19 Residence Phone 30t RELIABLE GLASSES If you are thinking of obtaining g’asses, please bear in mind th t the fmanci il and professional responsibility of those to whom you entrust the care of your eyes is of greatest impor tance. (Juts is a complete organization, devoted exclusively to the scientific examination of eyes and the fitting and grinding oi proper glasses, all for one reasonable charge. Optometrist J. 0. DuggSO °P lician A 53 West Mitchell Street, Near Neiv Terminal Station. A Gentleman’s Agreement JF you love music, your credit is good here. Pay cash or suit your own con venience. Ask us about our Budget Plan. FREE —In addition to “What Edison Likes in. Music”, you can obtain a copy of the bulletin, “What Did Edison Do During the Yv ar?” and a proof of Booth’s famous etching of Edison, suitable for framing. Just use the coupon. BALLOT Bring or send this coupon. Mark the items you want. No charge or obligation. Name Address _ Whose favorite tunes would you like to know? □ What Edison Likes in Music. \ C Booth etching of Edison, 12x19, for framing. □ Edison & Music —the Story of the New Edison. □ What Did Edison Do During the War? (Bulletin.)