Newspaper Page Text
“It is wrong to break a heart
you cannot mend.”
Rev. Charlie Dunaway reports
over 1,000 conversions at a recent
Miss Willie Ruth Branan is home
again, after a season of teaching
at Byromville.
Mrs. Jos. Mann and family spent
Saturday niizht with her sister,
Mrs. J. b. Bowen.
' If you want delicious and palat
able ice cream, get it at the Stock
bridge Drug Store.
Mr. W. K. Branan was sick the
latter part of last week, but is on
the mend at present.
Mrs. Parks Lee spent several
days recently at an Atlanta sanita
rium, returning Friday.
May Ist was “clean up” day at
Master’s cemetery, which is an an
nual custom, attended by many.
Messrs. Roy Askew and Joseph
Mann are to represent Stockbridge
Methodists at L ist Point Confer
ence June 21st.
“A husband often wishes tiiat
his wife would get so hoarse that
she’d have to cancel some of h« r
speaking dates.”
The youth of America is dancing
its way to helj through the public
dance halls and movies, says an
Arkansas Judge.
Rev. C. C. Cary has been invited
to deliver Ins noted sermon on a
Christian Home, at Bethel church.
Date given later.
Pastor Sorrells opened up Sun
day on the prevailing low down at
the top and high cut at ttie bottom
female dressing.
As July 4th will have many at
tractions, it is likely that July 22.1
liad better he chosen as Corre
spondents’ Picnic Day.
Mrs. Cornelia Hightower, at the
Wesley Memorial hospital, has un
dergone a serious operation, and
is reported resting easily.
The Public School spring term
closed Mayhth with an interesting
entertainment, to th * credit of the
faculty and student body.
Mr. .1. 1). McCullough’s mother
is reported on the road to recov
ery, after a dangerous illness, to
the delight of her many friends.
Miss Greene Livingston, of At
lanta, and Miss Alma Hinton were
attendants at the Methodist church
Sunday, the dinner guests of Mrs.
Usher Hinton.
Mr. Jack Morris, one of the
dredge boat captains, has gone to
superintend like work near Ath
ens, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Morris
made many friends in Stockbridge.
From Hon. Tom Hardwick’s out
line ot some of his contemplated
policies, as indicated in his Mc-
Donough speech, one would infer
that tilings gubernatorial in this
State will have snap and ginger in
them after June 4th.
Rev Robert S. Woodson, well
known here, has taken his theo
logical degree and has been called
to the pastorate of the Presbyte
rian church at Andalusia, Ala. He
is a son of Professor arid Mrs. A. R.
Woodson, of McDonough.
This scribe is greatly indebted
to Hon. S. C. McWilliams and his
generous family for a place in the
great pageant at McDonough in
tlieir decorated auto, as well as a
fine picnic lunch at noon. It was
a great time we had that day.
It is now likelv that the parson
age front porch at Stockbridge
will soon be re-built, the recent
Quarterly Conference urging that
immediate action be taken by the
trustees, composed of S. C. Mc-
Williams, J. W. Pattillo, J. M. Wy
att, John G. Mann and W. H.
Burch, Sr.
Stockbridge in the Centenary
pageant was numerously and ele
gantly represented at McDonough
Saturday. Decorated cars and
floats were artistically arranged,
eliciting complimentary allusions.
You can count on Stockbridge as
being up to date when it comes to
town and county pride and patri
The Centenary occasion at Mc-
What Our County Paper
Means to Us.
As we are celebrating the One
Hundredth Anniversary of Henry
county, we desire, as citizens, to
speak a word fur our county pa
per. We do not know how old
the dear old WEEKLY is, but we
do know that it has been an im
portant factor in the growth and
and advancement of the county
for many years, and in celebrating
our centenary we feel that the
success uf the occasion is largely
due to the efforts THE WEEKLY
has put forth in making prepara
tion for this the greatest day in
our history.
We as a people do not appreci
ate a county paper as we should,
and we forget the importance cf
having a go d county paper. This
issue of The. Weekly wiil vividly
recall memories of the past to a
large number of its readers, and
we wish we had the figures to
give the history of The Weekly
from its beginning up to the pres
The success of our great cele
bration lias depended entirely, al
most on The Weekly, which has
been the medium through which
to give publicity. Editor B. S.
Elliott and The Weekly force de
sei ve tlie credit for making the
occasion a success.
Our clever and efficient Editor
is a new man in the newspaper
business, and is putting forth
every effort to give us a good
paper, and he deserves the hearty
support of every citizen and busi
ness man.
When any important event oc
curs in our county, and prepara
tions are to he made to have such
an event as we on the 14th, the
burden of the responsibility al
ways falls on the newspaper anu
success depends largely on what
ever attitude it takes in the matter.
In conclusion, we want to say
that our good (sld Henry County
Weekly deserves the hearty sup
port of all our people,
We wish to think onr friends
for each act of kindness shown us
in the death of our husband and
father. May God’s kindest bless
ings ever he yours is our prayer.
Mrs. J. S. Duke and children.
Writes His Thanks from Wash
Only men and women who have
suffered from kidney trouble can
realize how grateful one feels for
relief from suffering. Nathan
Harned, 621 N. St., N. W., Wash
ington, writes: “1 was troubled
with my kidneys for years, v hut
got no relief until I took Foley
Kidney Fills. Now I think lam
well and 1 thank you very much.”
They act quickly; tonic in effect.
McDonough Drug Co.
Donough was too big a tiling for
a newspaper paragraph, and so we
refrain from an attempt to abbre
viate an affair that is worthy of a
page in any man’s newspaper.
We say Hurrah for the “ Mother
of Counties,” and every town in
it and for her intelligent and pro
gressive citizens, including her
noble womanhood, old and young,
cultured and beautiful.
Ajax, Jr,
Pain in Side, Back
and Head
Jamestown, La. —"I have used. Dr.
Pierce’s Favorite Prescription for
years and find
J It does me
1| medicine I ever
J right side, back
and a -
T- lln friend of mine
If told me to try
h Pr. Pierce's Fa
/ vorite Prescrip
tlon and it did
me so much good I never get tired
of praising it, for I believe it saved
my life. I tried several doctors
but none of them helped me Now
I enjoy good health.” —IDA YOUNG
BLOOD. Send 10c to Dr. Pierce, Buf
falo, N. Y., for a trial pkg.
Violin Recital at the Meth
odist Church.
The citizens of McDonough have
waited many years to enjoy a real
musical trtat at the hands of a
genuine artist. They were amply
repaid last Sunday evening when
in the Methodist church, they lis
tened to Mr. G. B. Trnka, who,
with his wife, are guests of Rf*v.
and Mrs 7 . J. A. Partridge. Mr.
Trnka gave a violin recital which
proved his mettle and demon
strated to the full satisfaction of
an audience that filled the house
to its capicity th it he is a master
of his instrument. His technique,
with perfect intonation and ap
pealing tone, held his appreciative
audience spellbound. His num
bers were well chosen and he ren
dered his program with thorough
conception and perfect ease. At
the conclusion of his evening’s
entertainment his hearers were
clamoring for more, and will be
glad to welcome him with open
hearts whenever he finds it possi
ble to visit our little city again.
L. G. 1. Programme.
Saturday, May 21, Bp. in. —Con-
Sunday, May 22, 11 a. m. —Ser-
mon by Rev. Josiah Crudup, Dal
ton, Ga.
Monday, May 28, 10 A. M. —Or-
atorical Contest
Monday, May 23, 3p. m. —Im-
promtu Debate
Monday, May 23, 8 p. m. —Play
By Dramatic Ciuh
Tuesday, May 24, 10 a. m. — Ad
dress by Dr. A P. Montague M fr
eer University, Macon, Ga.
Tuesday, May 24, 11 a. m—De
livery of Diplomas and prizes.
Tuesday, May 24, 4 p. in. —Seni-
or Class Exercises.
Tuesday, May 24, 8 p. m. —Cham-
pion Debate/*
Dusting of Calcium Arsenate, for
control of 801 l Weevil, has passed
the experimental stage and is en
dorsed and recommended by the
U. S. Dept, and State of Georgia.
Our machine, endorsed by State Board of
Entomology and Cohe re of Agriculture, is
highly efficient. Our Calcium Arsenate con
forms to U. S. Government. Standard. Our
prices make dusting profitable. Immediate
shipment ot machines and material from
Fort Valley. Write, 'phoneorwire and our
representative will call on you.
We have in Atlanta a complete
factory for the manufacture of
Send us the measurements of
vour doors and windows or
porches and let us make you an
estimate of .the cost.
Downtown Office, 34 Cone
street. Telephone Ivy 6197.
South Avenue.
If it keeps raining every day
somebody will get in the grass
sure. Farthers got an unusually
early start tiiis year, but it looks
now like it will be June before
thev finish chopping cotton.*
Mrs. W. N. South is at the'
Piedmont sanitarium, where she
underwent an operation about
two weeks ago.
We all went to NfcDonough
Saturday and enjoyed the day
immensely, jhe parade was beau
tiful, bui the last part of it was
spoiled by llie crowd breaking in
to the lines of the school children.
Mrs. Milton Clark was the guest
of Mrs. C. W. South Tuesday after
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Clark and
family were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. L. C. Butler near Mor
row Sunday.
Rev. W. N. South and children
and Irene South were guests at
Mr. John Sims a short while Sun
day afternoon, then to Union to
preach and back to Mr. Dave
George’s a few minutes. They
brought home some nice ripe
peaches from the latter place.
Helen South was the guest of
Agnes Peterman Sunday aftei
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Callaway
were guests at Mr. W. G.‘ Calla
way’s Sunday.
Mrs. D. A. George, Mrs. Roy
Richardson and Rev. W. N. South
went to Atlanta Thursday.
Through the efforts of Mrs. J-
A. Callawav a collection was taken
at Bethel Sunday morning to help
repair the front porch of the
Methodist parsonage at Stock
Mr. M. F. Martin spent Thurs
day night in Atlanta.
Busy Bee.
Sacred Harp Singing.
The annual Sacred Harp Sing
ina will be held in the court house
on the sth Sunday beginning
promptly at 9:30. Everybody is in
vited to come and bring a well
filled basket.
J. B. Brown, Judge Harris, W/W.
George, W. A. Ward, E. M. Cope
land, committee on arrangement,
l. P. Rosser, Pres.
W. G. THOMPSON, Vice Pres.
A. D. Tingle, Stc.
There Is more Catnrrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and for years it was sup
posed to he incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing
to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease,
greatly influenced by constitutional con
ditions and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Medi
cine, manufactured by F. J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional
remedy, is taken internally and acts
thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
of the System. One Hundred Dollars re
ward is offered for any case that Hall’s’
Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
Specials for Saturday
$3.00 Ladies’ Dresses for $2 00
2.00 Misses ’ i 50
1.25 “ “ “ ; 98
1.00 Children’s Dresses, 2 to 6 yds .50
300 Work Pants 175
2.50 “ “ LSO
2 50 Overalls 1.35
1.50 Boys Overalls 98
100 “ .75
.50 “ “ .25
150 Ladies’ Waists . 100
2 00 “ “ L 25
300 “ “ 1.75
.25 “ Under Vest 15
.50 “ “ “ .25
1.00 Blue Shirts .75
7 Bars Soap .25
3 10c Bars for .25
one: dav only
It is my pleasure as chairman
of the governing board and pro
gram committee to congratulate
those who worked so faithfully
and were so interested in making
the centennial of our county such a
Vonderful success.
I wish to thank eyerv one, I cm
not name all, for all will agree
that to Miss Annie Nolan should
go the praise for the success of
the pageant, which was the fea
ture of tiie day.
There were others who sacri
ficed time nlid pleasure, among
them Mr. Elliott, editor of The
Weekly. To them muen credit and
uraise is due.
1 trust our citizens and people
will so thrive and succeed that
they will leave to the succeeding
generations a county of industrious
and God-fearing people, who, in
celebrating the next centennial,
will show an even more wonder
ful progress. For ail encouraging
words I thank you.
Miss bess Fouche, Sec’ty,
Mrs. Lula .M Reagan,
President, U. D. C.
We want to thank each friend
for every kindness and sympathy
shown us in the sudden death of
our dear son and brother. May
God’s richest blessings rest upon
each of you.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jackson and
A Tonic
For Women
“I was hardly able to drag, I
was so weakened,” writes Mrs.
W. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C.
' ‘The doctortreated me for about
two months, still I didn’t get
any better. I had a large fam
ily and felt I surely must do
something to enable me to take
care of my little ones. I had
heard of
The Woman’s Tonic
”1 decided to try it,” con
tinues Mrs. Ray ... “I took
eight bottles in all ... I re
gained my strength and have
had no more trouble with wo
manly weakness. I have ten
children and am able to do all
my housework and a lot out
doors ... I can sure recom
mend Cardui.”
Take Cardui today. It may
be just what yoii need.
At all druggists.