The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 20, 1921, Image 6
MARSHAL S SAL£3. <sr' r.)R(iI A ~TT< nry County. ¥tiil |„. (.<»!*! tn f.’.re the c hit i. in-i* door •Mihr oity i f McDonough, said state. on ife- iii s; l'ni-Mlay in Jnne,l92l, wlt-Jiin fin 4 •Xrtt: Uue home and 1m la city of v, Uw,*«meli 'ai l .votntj and Miit, <>n Ktid SbK ns Das duelling of A. 1 • Bunn H•- jßitttiinij- i'll iiiania ■'f runningnorth «iw if- rl !« I. I(t,i mnv Or less, thence •*. f.w-i'iaiin'ml. 2M>. f<< t more or i.- ~ *j>* nee mhit,h ono h'!!ini tri. 100, I ‘el lm iv <artn>rt. thencecast two hitndtvd, 2«.0, Ihh or ]»*s' tifbeninnlns [to tnt oil Ailun* •bMtv.-t. .'aid l'»t I*'''•(! on as property i*A. F Bunn to satisfy tax ext etuion »«.■(! on theJhr da; of March 1921. in jAvrvir of City ol McDonough against A. F. Svjrui. Legal notice given to tenant in •muss -sion. This May 9th 1921. I! RAPE, Marshal iBDHfITA Henry County. Will In* sold lie fore ths court house door j?»4h«j City of McDonough, slid state, on first Tuesday oi Jane 1921, within the •Hi»! hottrs of sale, the following property 'll, writ : One lot in the City ol McDonough county and suite, on said 1 it there is ns*3oie room used as Henry County Mill Mg and lee Company, said lot described ju follows: Beginning in 'he center ol irtek wall-between said Milling mid leu and City burn on tin* north -wfo* of Sloan's alley and running <*ast of -jfeen’s alley twenty live. 25. feet more or to alley, tlienee no nitig north of -aid alley, thunee west twenty-live, 25, feet au»r«> or less, thenee one hundred, 100 feet s»beginning point of .Sloan's allgy Said cA. levied on as property of Henry County Milling and lee Company to satisfy tax execution issued on the 21st day of March AAil, in lavor of City of McDonough iguintl Henry County Milling and Ice Legal notice given to tenant « possession. This Muv 9th 1921 .1. 11. KAPK, Marshal. GEORGIA— Hp.iirv County. Will bit sold before the court itonso door, in City of McDonough, iwid state, on the first. Tuesday in /tine, 1921, within the legal hours ©f sale, the following property, ft ■mil: One Dodge automobile paint,- Ad black, levied on as the property »f j. E. Gooiwvn to satisfy tax execution issued on the Hist dav of March. in favor of (be Cif» ♦4 McDonough, against ,). E. Good yrt). Local notice given to ton slit in possession. This .May 9, 1921. J. 11. RACE Marshal. *SE(')RGI A Hf-nrv County. Will l>o sold before the court. House door, in the City of McDcn •ngh, said state, <ST» the first. Tries inv in June, I'"*-! withir the legal Honrs of sule, the following prop erty to-wit.: One house and lot in ,?V.v of Me]) mongh, said enmity sand state, on ssid lot us* d as dwel ling of R. H. Elliott beginning on Sllanta street running ninth one Anndred, 100, feet more or less, Jiienee i ast two hundred, 20b, feet snore or less, thence so ft til one hundred, 100, feet more or less, Jhence west two hundred, 200, feet Aiorn or less, to beginning point <*n Atlanta street. Said lot levied »n «s property of R. 11. Elliott to satisfy tax execution issued on file 'list pay of -March, 1021, in favor »f the city of McDonough against SC. 11. Elliott. Legal notice given tenant iu possession. This Miv *Mt 1021. J. 11. RAPE, Marshal. ■4EORG 1A I lenry ('ounty. Will be sold before the eonrt aouse door in the City of MeD >n ongh, said state, on the first, Tues inv in Jute*, 1021, within the legal hours of sale, the following prop arty, to-wif : One house and lot jn City of McDonough, said county »nd state, on said lot as a dwelling of used by \V. I>. Knight on west aide of liuwreneeville street run ning north on Lawrenceville street •me hundred, 10(1, feet more or less, thence west two hundred and fifty, iod feet, more or less, thence south one hundred, lull. feet, more or V-s. thence east two hundred' fifty ibO. feet more or less to beginning point on I,n wrenceville street levied on as property of W. I). Kni lit to satisfy tax execution •issued on the 21st day of March, 5821, in favor of City of McDon »nfth against W. 1). Knight. Legal notice given to tenant in possession Ibis May Oth, 1021. J. H. RAPE, Marshal. E< )R( 11A Henry County. Will be sold before the court. Souse door, in the City of McDon ough, said state, on the first Tues day in June, l t; 21, within the legal v>urs of sule, the following prop erty to-wit : One vacant lot* in City of McDonough, said county and state, on east side of H&tftpt-on street, running south along Hamp ton street seventy-five, 75. feet, thence east on land line of George Alexander, W. A. Fields and I. L. Nail, thence three hundred sixtv. 3f?o. foot, thence north two hun dred, 200. feet, to land line of W. J. Turner, thence west on land line of J. P. Austin to said Hampton street, thence seventy-five. 7a, feet along said Hampton street to beginning point, levied pn as prop erty of A. N- Brown to satisfy tax execution issued on the 21st dav of March, 1921, in favor of Citv of McDonough against A. N. llrown. Legal notice given to tenant in possession. This Mav 9th 1921, J. H. RAPE, Marshal, GEORGIA —Henry Coon j W lit -HI Soul O :iuir Dill COtirt house door, in Ci’ v o! Me Scilii state, o i tiio first i.’tt- silfiy lit ,i in. , 11*21. .vliiti t.t.e ! •_ tl nour *. of sale, tlp .. >. * ■ .. i, ■ .. r • . to - O-vli : i>o« Hot* Jii.U. lot ill i us- Cil.v ol M u DoniMl gb, said ojunty uuti stale uuti oil saui Ipt tliere is a (l.veltlt ; Used as the dwelling iff Alls, t .me Ut."iUtV,t sail l lot UeeUl'i Ol' t tin lull’, W.S : I> .g 1ii 1. *ll g (.) 11 Dry .nit street running ear. one Jin..ijii d, I t), feet mo; e or l- ss, ; lilelioe souiil two hllliCD'Ctl, 200, lu i.tolf ui ic.-? .1.. . -e i.efji- l ..o ill.railed, 200, le. t nioio or i s-. to ! beginning point ou sold Ih'uiilt stitfl. i.evn.u ou as lho pr. pert, ui Mt.s Can in Goodwyu tu satisfy ii l. .. «tXi eutioii, lssr;. o oil tho 2J st uay oi A'tiroii, m fuvor of the Chlj of Mr Doit, nigh ..gainst Mrs. Currie Goodwin. C, gal notice given to tenant in possession. 'This May P n ] 921. .1. It. KA PE. Marshal. GE()RGlA—Henry <'ounty. W ill be sold before the court house door, in City of McDonough, said state, on the first 'Tuesday in June. 1921, within the legal hours ot stile, tlie following property, to wit: One house and lot in City of McDonough, said county unci state, on said lot there is a dwelling used as dwelling of Mis. Glance Furrsr, said lot described as follows: Re ginning on Key's Ferry street run ning east one hundred, ](((). feet more or les-,* south two hundred, 2(H), feet more or less, thence west one hundred, 100, feet more or less, thence north two hundred, 29(1. feet more or b ss to beginning point on Key’s Ferry stseet. Smid lot ’levied on as prop erty of Mis. Glance Farrar, to satisfy lax execution issued on 2], dav of March, 1921, in favor of City of McDonough against Mrs. Glance Farrar. Legal notice given to tenant in possum. This Mav 9, 1921. J. 11. HA PE, Marshal. %e Complete Electric light and Power,Plant J:o.b< DaLjton.O. T IKE all other Delco-Light plants, (\ * * this model at $205 has the famous ]\ - BSi j valve-in-head, four-cycle, air-cooled BS lllilfjf 152 \j' %M\ j) motor. It is self-cranking. There is tWB yffi l W jrf j SB) • only one place to oil. It runs on kero- 11 i ®iSi |l || fep sene, is economical and easy to operate. jj SI Hj |gg | || |J! Years of Delco-Light engineering , s%s)/) pSjimfe - 1 1 ( !n development, together with the experi- LJI, ence gained from over 135,000 users have If* ! }% --3 V 4 B combined to produce the value that is jl ißralll lap!'- represented in all Delco-Light Products. |Sg| v!Bm 1 I There are twenty-five styles and sizes 'i of Delco-Light plants, to meet every -I jj jIJT ""lU)'' 1 ‘ need of farms, stores, country homes and jl 4 all those places where individual lighting jj Write for catalog or come in ana let us 1 \ tell you what Delco-Light can do for you. Delco-Light betters living con- DfeLCO-LIGHT COMPANY DAYTON, OHIO Domestic Electric Corporation Distributors of Delco-Light Products and Frigidaire Atlanta, Georgia. Applications for exclusive Delco-Light and Frigidaire Dealerships are invited from responsible parties who have had sales experience and who are interested in es tablishing themselves in a permanent and profitable business with opportunity for un limited development. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. (1 I'd)RG iA— 1 lenry ( onntv. Will ne sold before the court house door, in the City of McDon ough, sai l stale, on tin* first Tries dav itt dune. 1921 within the legal , hours ot sale, me following prop fit v. fo-wi: : (due feed mill and . pulle v.a, levied on as the property •of Brown A' Curmiciia -i Feed Co. to satisfy tax execution issued on 21st (lay of March. IS2I, in favor ft City of McJDonough against Grown and Carmichael Feed Co. L> ml notice given to tenant in possession. This ‘'lay 9th, 1921. •1. ti. RARE, Marshal. < E()IiG IA Henry County. Will he Sold before the court house door, in the City of McDon j oogh, s,tid state, on the tii’sl TOCS dav m June, if I within the legal hours <>t -ale, rite ft llov imr prop ertv i<; wit: A lot in the City of McDonough, said county ai\d state, land on said lot there is a store i room used as a garage by Tolle.-on and Turner, said lot described us | follows: Beginning in the center id u brick wall between said store room and W. R. J. Digram’s store room, on the east side of Macon street and running south along Macon street twenty five and one half, 2b%, feet to the center of brick wall in possessian of Tolleson and Turner, thence east along the center of said brick wall l()ti feet to a 14 foot alley, thhnce nort h twenty five and one half, 2f>%, feet to line of W. R J. Ingram, thence west long the, line of W. R. J. Ingram and property in possession of Tolled son and Turner and through the center of said wall to the beginning point on Macon street, being a total distance from said alley to Macon street loti feet. Said lot levied on as the property of the estate of Ed Goodwin, deceased, to satisfy a tax execution, issued on the 20th day of December, 1918. in favor of the City of McDonough against Ed Goodwin Legal notice given to tenant in possession. This Mav 9, ,1921. J, H. RAPE, Marshal, G EORGIHenry < ’ounty. Will be sold before the court house door, in the City of ;p-Ron ouuh, said state, on Die first i’ues day in .Tune, ]921, within the legal hours of sale, tile following prop el rv. to-wit: One vacant lot on east side of Mac*in street and run ning south along Macon s'reet fifty. r>o, feet, thence east along line of R. F. Grant one hundred, 100, feel thenee north fifty. 50. feet, thence west one hundred, 100. feet to be ginning point on Macon street, levied on as pro per tv of A K Rvijwn to satisfy tax execution issued on 21st day of March, 1921. in favor of City of McDonough against A. K. Brown. Legal notice given to tenant in possion. This May 9th IS2I. J. If. RAPE, Marshal. PROQRAMHE FOR AMUSU THEATRE • i Friday: “THE BEST OF LUCK” RV AN ALL-STAR CAST A cyclonic melodrama with actions and thrills salore. Saturday: “DOUG” FAIRBANKS V IN “SAY, YOUNG FELLOW” You know the star so let the title lead you to a hour of laughter and amusement. Sheriffs Sale. GEORGIA— Henry County Win he sold on the first Tuesday in inner.!-’! befoT“ the court housa d,or at Ale Don on ell. Gh.. within the legal hears of sale. One bhiee nililo Ji front i). vrs t’Uil HTld oV)y t‘V*-horse Mil burn v;ar:nnj Said property levied on as the property of Silas N-uvby to satisfy a fi-fa in favor of Carry McGuiik against Silas Xewhv. W. A. WARD. Sheriff.-^ f lor Guardianship GEOKOIA— Hvrry » ounty. 'r f; ti-K-.v), it- »i:iv Doncern. Charlie Westmoreland, having applied for Guardianship of the pers n and prop ertv of Florence Mitchell, Fred Mitchell • Mitchell, minor chi Iren or J. II Miiehell. late of -aid rouniy dt Notice is given that said application will he hear lat my office at 10 o’clock, a. m., on the first Mondav in June, 1921. May 2, 192). A. G. HARRIS, Oidinary.