The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 10, 1921, Image 3
American Farm Bureau Presents Argu ments Against Townsend Highway Bill The American Farm Bureau Federation at its meeting here in Washington, Aoril.TS, 1921, adopt ed the following resolution: “We earnestly approve the lo cal building of ‘Farm and Market’ highways by the use of Federal and State and local funds. Until such roads are built we emphati cally oppose the construction bv the Federal Government of a few hard surface trans-continental roads. Regardless of the charac ter of the roads which are built, an adequate amount of such funds should be provided for their maintenance and repair. We urge the administration of Federal Road funds be in the hands of the Unit ed States Department of Agricul ture.” It is difficult to understand why any-body should advocate that federal agencies should have all of the authority in determining the type, specification and location of our roads and highways to the exclusion of the states when the Federal Government contributes no more than one-half of the cost of the building and nothing to ward their maintenance. We be lieve there should be a joint sup ervision of expenditures of both state and federal funds where roads arc constructed from funds contributed federally, by the state or locally. To date such a super vision has worked out to mutual advantages. The federal govern ment has been assailed for being exceedingly wasteful in expending money in mmy ways, hut we be lieve the highway funds, taking the matter by and large, have been wisely administered and ir. this respect are in a class by them selves. The continuation of Fed eral Aid as set forth in the above resolution is embodied in ihe Dowell Bill now pending before Congress, which should have the support of all those interested in securing Federal Aid to the stales. The good ministers tell us it is wrong to work on Sundays, but that is what we pay them to do. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children So Use For Over 30 Years Always bears " Signature of MO MODERN BUSINESS W% f M ANDS vf I fJr A Hi ! CONNECTION^! Our service and facilities for serving you are just as modern and as helpful as present day busi ness requires. • You have no banking need that we will not fill to the limit of sound banking sense. * You will profit through a banking connec tion with us. SERV/CT SAFETY THE BANK THAT BACKS THE FARMED ■' ; • „ 1 = DEPOSITS INSURED = E I Nitro-Sacter Soil Vaccine. No announcement in years has been received with greater in terest bv the farmers of Georgia and other Southern stales ill in.of the discovery of Nitro Bacter Soil Vaccine and of tiTe subsequent opening of a i irge in Macon and the other Georgia cities, to manufacture the product - which will revolutionize farming meth ods. The establishment of the Macon plants make it possible tor the agriculturists of this region to ob tain this marvelous discoveiy of Dr. Frank Montgomery Wood, for it is thus brought to their vt ry doors and obtained q ticklv and at small transportation ex pense. Working along well established lines, Dr. Wood, regarded as one of ihe most remarkable, geniuses of the age, spent' seven years in research work before he finally produced a product that met tht high standard he had set. With this marvelous vaccine it is possible to regenerate worn out l and to cal! hack barren stretches probably abandoned, and to again convert them into fertile fields oi almost unlimited productive abil ity It will speed up crops. Fruit CAM HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama La&y Was Sick For Urea Years, Suffering Fain, Herrons and Depressed—Read Her Own Story c£ Recovery. Paint Rock, Ala. —Mrs. C. M. Stegall, cf near here, recently related the fol lowing interesting account of her re covery: “I was in a weakened con dition. I was sick three years In bed, suffering a great deal of pain, -weak, nervous, depressed. I was so weak, I couldn’t walk across the floor; just had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard of. and a number of doctors. Still I didn’t get any relief. I couldn’t cat, and slept poorly. I believe if I hadn't heard of and taken Cardui I would have died. I bought six bottles, after a neighbor told me. what it did for her. “I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength and am now well and strong. I haven’t had any trou ble since ... I sure can testify to the good that Cardui did me. I don’t think there is a better tonic made and I believe it saved my life.” For over 40 years, thousands of wo men have used Cardui successfully, in the treatment of many womanly ailments. If you suffer as these women did, take Cardui. It may help you, too. At all TN! S 5 HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. McDONOITGH. GEORGIA trees and other plant life grow and produce with marvelous rap idity when treated with the vac cine. It also increases the yield until the harvest is .many times what it was in former days. The manufactures of the vac cine have scores of letters that! tell of wonderful results. These letters are testimonials from a grateful public which has grasped the opportunity and benefitted thereby. The benefits these pro gressive farmers have enjoyed are within reach of everv farmer in Georgia rnd also those in the neighboring states. The cost of the vaccine is infinitesimal. It is less than that of barn yard manure. How it is possible to produce such remarkable results at ■ o small an expense, of course, the secret of the manufacturer, bit the claims are backed by indisput able proof, mid leading Georgians say the vaccine will prove to be the greatest discoveTy the world has known in centuries. Cord Tires for Small Cars at Lower Cost \ In our clincher type 30 x 314;-inch Goodyear Cord Tire, we have endeavored to give own //’Ow /fw \ ers °F small cars all the cord tire’s advantages tC fv-V' at a l° w price. When you see this tire you will say vve hnve succeeded. It enables the M/V\ mm Ford, Maxwell or Chevrolet owner to get IxXx I IbMi a tire identical in quality with the Goodyear lP ; n Cord Tires that are used on the world’s fin f/s/v m \ est cars for iittle more than he formerly paid I for a fabric tire of the same size. You can :i buy this 30 x 3 1 /2-inch Goodyear Cord Tire with all its comfort, long wear and econ omy—from your nearest Goodyear Service Station Dealer today for only • $24.50 I The Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company H Offices Throughout the World hj ! Rib or All- Weather «-| rj en SOx'SA Non-Skid fl C 75 m | Tread Fabric Casinp ... *1 / Fabric C»wn« B / / 30x3 A Heavy Tourist Tube *0 25 * S') 55 1 k. v.-11L11Ti...: "J— JOi. i 1 TOLLESON & TURNER, Agents. This Drug Store Caters to Your Requirements What do you want? How much do you want to pay for it? Those are two questions we keep in mind when we buy in the wholesale markets, and our purchases are guided by the knowledge we have of the people we serve. For satisfactory buying come to us when you need anything in Drugs, Sundries, Cigars or Soda. HORTON DRUG COMPANY, McDonough and locust grove. >: . 4 Vr - ; v v*; ViiCU iiU. 2L tf * For Gale a your Dealer Mada in five C radc 3 A£X I'CR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO ' EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK ' | M 111 ■!! I 'jnm. 1111 II iWI I'll ■tm ■IB ■ | Mi——J—M paid less tsax jonesi v :' ■> p; id. $5-3 for 11 gallons Mixed I^pint— S i'Vti made 14 gallons, Best Pure Paint for $39 y Bnyii .r: cl gallons L & M SSLM-PASYE PAINT and C gallons Linseed Oil to mix into it — ' SMITH SAVED sl7 CKT-11-PASTE Saves Money *• & MARTINEZ, Makers, N. Y i n^—■ Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.