The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 10, 1921, Image 4

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Welborn Milam’s arm was bro
ken Sunday by a kicking Ford car.
Rev. C. C. Cary wHI preach at
Bethel, the 12th, at 11 o’clock.
Elizabeth Butler is on a visit to
ker sister, Mrs. Jep Dnniel, Frank
in. Ga.
Miss Gladys Branan left Tuesday
for Newnan, on a visit to Mrs. G.
W. Bragg, Jr.
Miss Irene Gunter will spend
the summer here with her brother
Mr. Eugene Gunter.
Old Man 801 l Weevil is expected
to cut the cotton crop this year 50
per cent, in this section.
Miss Sarah Branan, of Henry
county, was the guest of Miss Wil
ke Ruth Branan last week.
Misses Rachel and Mary Elliott
kave been re-elected teachers at
Stockbridge for another
Mr. Branan Green Ward was
elected elder in the Presbyterian
church and will be ordained soon.
The bawdy houses will not lack
for recruits where the modern
dance halls are crowded with de
Mrs. Charlie Gardner was pros
trated Friday night by an attack
©f. grippe. She was improving
Mr. Loy Austin recently came
kack from Oxford, but soon re
turned for the summer session at
the same place.
Miss Lucy Ward will spend two
■joiittis in Florida, visiting Winter
Garden, Gainesville, Miama and
Baytonia Beach.
Mr. G. W. Bragg, Jr., of Florida,
parted back home Friday morn
ing, after a brief visit to Mrs. Sal
lie Branan and Uncle Joe Bond.
Prof, and Mrs. H. G. McCants
kave gone to South Georgia for a
three weeks visit. The Professor
has been re-elected principal of
« „ C-
A Store of Friendly Service
What store is ready to serve you every hour of
the day—every day of the year? To what
store do you instinctively go when you want
to use the phone or buy a stamp? What
» store do you trust with your life when you’re
Your Drug Store, of Course
You’re welcome at this drug store whatever
your errand. Call on us for toilet articles,
cigars and cigarettes, candy and all drug
• sundries. Let us compound your prescrip
tions for you. 3^
Remember we sell aH kinds of package medi- ’
| cines. You’ll find a complete line of f '
* Dr. Miles’ Medicines here. We recommend
y and guarantee them. We have everything
a first class drug store should have even to %
t Stamps and post cards. Come in.
the school for another year.
Mr. L. C. Butler, well known
here, is convalescent at an Atlanta
sanitarium from an operation for
appendicitis. He had reached the
danger period before the opera
A mother who loves her daugh
ter ought not to allow that daugh
ter to be fondled in the dance in
the arms of a lustful partner who
demands that she come on the
ballroom floor without a corset.
Among the capital voung men
of McDonough Mr. George Alex
ander stands well up to the head
of the list, and the enterprising
matrimonialist who catches him in
her net will get a great big prize.
The “Select Few” club was en
tertained last week bv Miss Lucy
Ward, who, with the following
guests were present: Misses Irene
Gunter, Cornelia Lee, Gladys Bra
nan, and Messrs. Gene Gunter,,
Fred Sorrells, J. Ermon Moore
John Berry and Will Ward.
With most of our men bowing
at the shrine of mammon, the wo
men following the prevailing fash
ions of indecent dress, the young
women in the lustful shambles of
the modern dance, the voung men
and boys devotees of the deadly
cigarette and the moving picture
shows, it looks dark for morals
and religion in this country when
we look toward the future. A
great upheaval and mighty revo
lution is surely needed. Let the
pulpit and the press lake the lead.
A humorous lecture on “How
to Manage a Woman,” and a mu
sical comedy in connection are
being shaped up for Stockbridge
about June 16th or 17th, at night.
Rev. Marvin Williams, of Atlanta,
a noted humorists, will deliver the
lecture which will be unique, at
tractive and highly entertaining,
and our people are to be congratu
lated on having this real humor
ist and distinguished speaker. The
musical comedy will be given by
local talent and will be an enter
taining feature. An evening of
enjoyment may be expected.
Dancing from U p. m. to 4 a. m.
by the young people of Atlanta
has so stirred the mothers of that
town that a mass meeting was
called Thursday afternoon to pro
test against long hours at the
dance. These mothers have tak
en hold of the wrong end of the
dilemma. They ought to ban the
whole dancing craze, instead of
trying to shorten the hours. The
modern public dance is but a lust
ful shambles where virtue is cru
cified, and young people are for
warded on the road toward low
ideals and low morals at a fearful
pace. There is not one spark of
good in the modern dance. It is
only evil and that continually.
Baptist Church News : The pas
tor, Rev. B. W. Collier, preached
Sunday morning and night to fine
congregations. One candidate for
baptism. Messrs, Chas. E. Lamb
and E. D. Gibson were elected
deacons. They will be ordained
later. A committee was named to
take a religious census of the com
munity, consisting of Mr. R. G.
Owen, Mr. W. H. Gibson, Mrs
Usher Hinton and Miss Ida Mae
Moseley. The time for the annual
protracted meeting was announced
to include the first Sunday in Au
gust, the evangelist and singer to
named later. Rev. McClanhan, of
Atlanta, preached at Old Liberty
church Saturday night and Sunday
afternoon. Pastor Bob Cook was
also present, AJAX, JR.
The advertisement in The Week
ly for the past two weeks stating
that the Hampton Milling Co. had
corn for sale was an adyertisment
intended for W. M. Harris who
has two or three hundred bushels
of corn for sale in the shuck. The
party who handed in the adver
tisement for Mr. Harris thought
he was connected with the Hamp
ton Milling Co., so he wrote the
advertisement for the Hampton
Milling Co. We are sorrv but you
can find corn for sale at the home
of W. M. Harris, Hampton, Ga.
Immediate funds on improved
farms. Lowest rates.
Five, seven or ten years.
For information call or write
Cumming & Maddox, Griffin. Ga..
Local Correspondents.
- " — —
30x3% Standard Non-Skid Tire
Cord - - New Price $24.50
32x4 “ “ - - “ “ 46.30
- - “ “ 54.90
Don't miss this speedy and thrilling western.
Saturday===l Day Only
Men’s Engineer Overalls, $2 00, for sl-25
“ “ Jumpers “ “ 1.25
Boys, 12 to 15 years old, for 1-00
“ 6“ 10 “ “ “ .90
Best Blue Shirts .75
SI.OO Baby Caps .25
.50 “ “ .19
.10 Inserting for .05 yd.
.05 “ “ .03 “
.05 “ “ .01
.50 Embroidery, wide, for .25 “
.25 “ medium “ .10 “
.10 “ “ .05 “
.10 Laces for .7% “
•05 “ “ .2% “
Eight Pieces Curtain Scrim, goods for .10 “
Yours for More Business,
pacity of 16.000 tires and 20,000 tubes, this plant permits refined pro
duction on a quantity basife.
All materials used are the best obtainable. The quality is uniform.
It is the best fabric tire ever offered to the car owner at any price.
Firestone Cord Tires
Tire repair men, who judge values best, class these tires as having the
sturdiest carcass made. Forty-seven high-grade car manufacturers use
them as standard equipment. They are the quality choice of cord users.
Th is new low price
is made possible
by strictest econ
omies and special
ized production.
Plant No. 2 was
erected for the sole
purpose of making
30x3 34-inch Non-
Skid fabric tires.
With a daily ca-