Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
@btteraal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Segoiar communications of Fraternal
No. 37 F & A M meet Ist and 3d
''Fmftt.y aifthts in each month. All duly
i««ijfj!ied brethren fraternally and cordi-
to meet with us.
C. J. Dickson, W. M.
f noram, Sec.
on Speer, the Optromtrist
3«e keeps in stock all the latest
-ustsyfiea of frames and nose glasses.
Sirs. G. W. Cathy spent Tuesday
cl Atlanta.
3STtss Jonnie Berrv spent the
vueek-ead in Atlanta.
Mrs. W. W. George is visiting
a t Carrollton.
Scgac, 14 pounds for SI.OO. Sat
.xn&vy only. W. O. Welch.
ffn&y-cent box of paper for
it Austin’s 10? Store Saturday.
Sfoae cakes for two weeks at
TUT each. McDonough Trading
Mrs. Ida Beal, pf Lake City, Fla.,
■ x tßStting her niece, Mrs. L. L.
SLa&es! Have your gloves clean
.aal*t Mackey’s by the scientific
Mias Ethel Sloan has returned
'ttocb Ward Belmont College at
SSeuietaber Austin’s Store is
Mace to buy hose for % price
ILtdies’ Have your gloves
-logaed at Mackey’s by the scien
aSc ®aethod.
T&cee or four hundred bushels
sound corn for sale. Hamp
fiezrn Milling Co.
We will accept school checks
county warrants in trade. T.
.A. Sloan Co.
Mrs. Julia McDonald is visiting
tier daughter, Mrs. Stewart Tay
im;. of Griffin.
Wc ere-selling Stone cakes at
,:.ivW«ach for two weeks. McDon
oyagh Trading Co.
’Wfoen *in the market for good
Z%, .cotton seed meal call on
/Sccwn k Harkins.
' You will find pictures of the
‘iffi&rwnt floats for sale at the Mc
-o«*aKP;«ii Drug Co.
You can now get vour cotton
'ssG-a’giied and stored at Kimbell s
Mr.’ffl. C. Low, Jr., has returned
fbats!-Georgia to spend his vaca
,*xa«. with homefolks.
Y®h who desire a picture of a
' rTsutt will fmd good ones at the
Mjd&oaough Drug Co.
Kacffi straw hats cleaned and re
sfeAped at Mackey’s shop, 25 c '. La
iL<af isats according to size.
F«sr sale, or trade, one six horse
i*£«ss&tte engine, on trucks. J. D.
3fe*£fcnity, McDonough, Ga.
*Hsss and Tin Fruit Cans, War
Rubbers and Sealing Wax.
jQ*sela«id-Turner Merc. Co.
ICes Vivian Glass has returned
"mw Birmingham, where she has
teaching in the schools.
C&l Frank Reagan, of Macon,
* few days this week with
-Mae and Mrs. E. J. Reagan.
UCetfs straw hats cleaned and
'naifeased at Mackey’s shop,
s’ hats according to size,
'Efce tffenry County Milling and
]a» froze their first ice Wed
mtay. April 20. 1921. We are
• 3wready to ship ice and will be
to supply you with ice.
Ganitoid and Kurfacite for fin
ishing floors, furniture and wood
work. Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.
Come to Stone’s barber shop to
get your shaves and hair cuts by
first c ass barbers. Shave, 15?.
Hair cut, 25?.
Misses Mary E. and Rachel El
liott have returned from Milledge
ville, after attending G. N. & 1. C.
graduating exercises.
For painting barns, fences and
roofs, use Red Mineral and Lin
seed Oil. Our prices are right.
Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.
Granitoid Paint is not stain, but
is a high grade inside floor paint
that covers the surface in solid
colors. Copeland-Turner Merc.
Ice Cream Freezers that make
real home ice cream. If you are
thinking of buying an Ice Cream
Freezer this season see the Cope
land-Turner Merc. Co.
Wanted —Salesmen for 6,000
mile guaranteed tires. Salary
SIOO 00 weekly with extra com
missions. Cowan Tire & Rubber
Co. Box 784, Chicago, 111.
Mrs. Jake Giles and little daugh
ters, Martha and Dorothy, left for
their home in Richland, after a
most delightful visit to relatives
and friends in McDonough.
Hemstitching and picoting at
tachment works on any sewing
machine, easily adjusted. Price
$2.50 with full instructions. Gem
Novelty Co., Box 1031, Corpus
Christi, Texas.
A. A. Johnson, of Rogersford,
Pa., doubled the egg production
of his hens in only ten days. He
used International Poultry Food
Tonic. It’s a wonderful egg pro
ducer. Try it. Sold by Horton
Drug Co.
TY in pamphlet or book-form can
be had for 25 cents the copy at T.
A. Slom & Co., McDonough Drug
Co., Horton Drug Co., McDon
ough, and Locust Grove Pharma
cy, Locust Groye.
Lost —White wicker basket from
the float of the Belles of the Old
days. Please return to this office
as the basket was borrowed and
prized very highly by owner on
account of sentiment attached to
same. Reward cheerfully paid.
Rev. W. W. Arnold left for
Macon Wednesday morning to at
tend the Evangelistic Conference,
which is usually held immediutely
following Mercer University com
mencement each year. He wiil re
turn to fill his pulpit here next
Sunday morning.
Kurfacite is not a paint but is a
high grade varnish and stain com
bined, made especially for finish
ing new and old floors, furniture
and woodwork. It finishes new
wood in its natural color or stains
and finishes it in any color desired.
It will change old painted sur
faces to imitate hardwood finish
and it makes- old furniture look like
new. Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.
At the last regular meeting of
the City Council, Boston withdrew
from the Municipal League of Geor
gia, that organization of a small
handful of men that are trying to
saddle on the people of our state
the greatest curse ever thrust on
them. In such legislation the tax
payers have to foot the bill. It
cost the city $24.00 per year to be
long to this municiDal league and
we believe the city fathers acted
wisely when they refused to send
in their membership fee for the
year 1921.
If the city council of Boston has
any funds to throw away we would
much prefer that they give such
funds to their present mayor to
defray cigar bills, ice cream sodas,
banana splits and such. The cig
ars he would smoke himself and
the ice cream sodas, banana splits,
nut sundaes, etc., he could use to
try and keep the voters in a good
humor until the next election. —
Bostonian, Boston, Ga.
Ten for 10 cents. Handy
size. Dealers carry both.
10 for 10c; 20 for 20c.
It’s toasted.
In the city of Macon, Wednes
day, June 1, Miss Bessie Pye, of
Monticello, was married to Rev.
A. C. Elliott, of McDonough. After
the ceremony they left for Borden-
Wheeler Springs, Ala., where they
are spending a few days, after
which they will return to the
beautiful country home of Mr. El
liott near Whitehouse, where they
will abide in the future.
Mrs. Elliott is of one of the pio
neer and most prominent families of
Jasper county. She has given the
past twelve years of her life to
one of the most noble callings of
life, namely: “teaching.” For ten
years she has been teaching in the
Dawson High School. This speaks
for itself for her reputation as a
Rev. A. C. Elliott is of one of
the original and prominent families
of Henry county, having won a
reputation of being one of Henry
county’s most noble sons, for his
devotion to his and his
God: The Week v joins their
numerous friends throughout the
state in wishing for them a long,
happy and prosperous life.
Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Will be sold at the court house door in
said county on the first Tuesday in July,
1921, within the legal hours of sale: One
Ford car, 1920 model, license No. 42734,
five passenger, also one bay horse about
7 years old, named Hill. Said property
levied on as the property of Walter O’Neal
to satisfy a mortgage fifa issued from the
County Court, said county, in favor of O.
W. O’Neal against Walter O’Neal. This
June 3, 1921.
W. A. WARD, Sheriff.
June 14th last day for CroD or
801 l Weevil Insurance. This year
you may need it. See me now as
I can’t possibly get to all. M. C.
Reduced Summer Fares
From Atlanta
Convenient Schedules
Attractive Service
V. L. ESTES, D. P. A.
Broad and Walton St«.,
Victory Medals.
Loren Bufford, route 6, and
Earnest G. Brooks have applied
by mail for their Victory Medals
and will receive them in a few
days. Henry H. Crumbley, route
6, and Judge F. Elliott took their
discharges to the Victory Medal
Office. 204 Journal Building, At
lanta, on the 6th and were given
Hampton Hardware & Furniture Co.
our service: is the: best
Turn Onto
the Road to Chui ch
Preaching by
Superintendent Home Mission and
Evangelism for Synod of Georgia.
“The Spirit and the Bride say come, let him
that heareth say come. Let him that is athirst come,
and whosever will let him take the water of life freely.”
Votes or volts—
don’t forget the Little Box
THERE was once a politician of the Optimistic
Sort —didn’t Hustle Much to Fill the Ballot
Box. And there came the Opposition with a
Stronger Coalition. And the Politician’s Hopes
went On the Rocks.
There are optimistic motorists who likewise take
a chance. The battery? Oh, " they should be an
noyed ! ” But they pull its power down, stopping
starting ’round the town. Till the starter says:
"Old Box, you’re null and void.”
The Prest-O-Lite Battery uses less than one four*
hundredth of its power-reserve for a single start —»
and the generator quickly replaces that.
Stansell & Rape Bros.
their medals. The Victory Medal
Officer expects to close his office
about the end of this month and
would like to get all of the Henrv
county medals issued before that
time. Apply now, it is much easier
than it will be when this office is
Wm. A Kent
Adjutant General,
Victory Medal Officer.