The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 10, 1921, Image 6
'JOaCETS FSB i S. r : v;0 tp|EU^:\i'J f.Canvass of 7,847 Editors’Shows 7,393 Communities Against Abolishing Weed. . 4WTIS LOSE THREE-STATES. Übb, Under Mor.ron Influence. Only Common weal tn to Adept Prohibi tion Measure During Year. “*°is tobacco proiop to have ii :- n n!p rr.PA-d to the belt of the pruhihitinnist O'- nte that of Hie hum’iiUHi hut as not altogether lute alcohol?" is vO»#e question asked by Garret Smith J h an article in tbe current issue of Magazine." Tin- writer readies (be conclusion ftaaf "while there has been increased z«3%atlon and legislative activity on 7 £J»» subject of tobacco following the MMavss of the drive for prohibition <*i bailor the efforts of reformer-;' seek xi#' to ajiolish tobacco have no general tsnjjpport. 'I bis opinion is fused on the iv-r.ults of tin* questionnaires on the s-'-Bisbject sent out to newspaper editors «->r r -lie country by the Press Service * ~.»»npa:iy of New York City. The quest lons asked were: rt'i) I>o you favor the enactment of Fivw> prohibiting tlie ]>ersonal use of radteacco by adults? ■H) In your judgment does the • i r- ft sentiment of your coniinunity l .i v«>r sucli legislation? (,n» Is the use of tobacco personal ity objectionable t<> Joy? ‘V- arguments accompanied the ques v and from their form it was im fct.' i-ibie for any editor to determine tl** iititnde of the (piestioners. * /.mi of 12,518 editors questioned. I replied according !•> the summary j.u’x'.n. These editors, it is estimated, .Tvn.'esent a combined cireulation of !?"• ,S7(U>tfi. V)f ilie 7,SIT editors reply 4''lex. 7,"9", or 93 ]ier cent, represent !>iuv!ie sentiment in their eomniunities opposed to anti-tobacco legislation. « v>vy 260 editors, or Ii per cent of r -w replying lielieYeif tliere was any sioorablc sentiment favorable to «*enacco prohibition. 'l'here wero 174, * -t 2 per cent, in doubt, while lit) failed tn ivcord their judgment. Editors’ Judgment Unbiased ■'"lt is of special interest to note • 'mi 399 editors in answering the* first " « yviestion, personally favored such ? o-gistatmn, although only 2(10 of them vt* ported that public opinion also fa ww'il the prohibition of tobacco- an ‘ ;t> ;tea!ion of tli<‘ cotiscientions effort mojOe by titc editors to distinguish pub ‘opinion from their own personal < w talons.” the artb le continues. ‘Tiie highest percentage of replies »t'',rorting public opinion favorable to • : •v»'tliibjtinn of tobacco came from Utah, \ Y’oere 42 per cent of the editors ho.light the public were for such a «t*}*vement. Utah is the only slate mb Pch lias since adopted an anti - -9garotte law. Tlie result was foro • r-.i* i h.v several of tlie editors who vw.siod tiiiir the influence of 1 lie Mor ffwca Cburcli was against tobacco. The YksTinon Church is also strong in Idaho, iv*lch is tlie other state where the use tobacco was recently prohibited. ■*;'irt the governor lias signed tlie bill : Pi'd passed, in which the prohibitory ~ validation is repealed. In tiiis state per cent of the editors estimate . s*»\Miment in their communities as . tobacco prohibition, which, i tweriiieless, t<; G per cent below tlie aswruge reported opposition. *'The legislature of Tennessee some ago passed and tlie governor ums signed a (nil repealing tiie anti « vgarette law of that state. The ques - tosmaire showed 93 per cent of its ‘-.'fitors believed the public against wAtl-tohaeeo legislation. The legisla - rrre of Arkansas has also passed a ** dll repealing its anti-cigarette law. In wfhis state 94 per cent of tlie editors rrsfiported against tobacco prohibition. Arizona’s Practical Joke "*A bill, introduced in the current session of the legislature of Arizona r * prohibit smoking in public dining I'wons and other public places, was S'VrSt amended to proliibit flip consump tAss in public of peanuts, chewing tea and coffee and then defeated *-ivt the senate. The questionnaire s-sefcnrns from that stute were 92 per ♦east ‘no.’ -**ln lowa where the ‘no’s’ were 9.7 14W cent a bill to repeal the anti- law has been passed and *ejßned by the governor. "“A bill to reiteal the anti-cigarette . ssw in Kansas, with S 9 per cent ‘no s,’ its receiving the attention of its legis lature. Last year a petition for a referendum in Oregon to prohibit the sense of tobacco failed of sufficient sig natures to bring the question to a vote, and 06 per cent of the editors their public against legislation. In Oklahoma an ariti-cigarette bill has /»een reported unfavorably in the ’ house. Tlie editors of that state re sorted 94 per cent against its public • | support. v-o:,ts!de of Utah, where Mormon . Influence predm; ’mites." tiie article j concludes, "the anti-tobacco move-, ttii’ ;'.pp ors*. in the case of Ten ! ties •(*, Arkrn- .»*• and Imvit, to f>« ]os iin -round jiml is rmt to. arty ennsid j brnlde extent supported by the peo pb ." "'lie friends of tobao/o 4eel jairtieu larly ela’ed over this -.bowing, ina.s --i •!* as 1929-21 was a maximum year in legislative circles with 42 stale leg -I::lures in - sum ami tiie tobacco sub ject received :m unusual amount of consideration. Of course, i* ;i lib in these column:; is ton pointed to please you, >ou cin enjoy it on to ilp* other feliovv. Administrator’s Sale. GKOIUSIA —Henry ilount.v. By virtue of an o ’der grunted from the Court if Ordinary of said ononty, wilt be sold at\pub)ie our. cry on th*- Tnevlay in July, 1921, at the court house door in McDonough. On. between tlie legal hours of sole, one lor, with four room hour" thereon, spiraled in iktvof Hump i ~ Henry county,'Ga., iKUinded as fol lows: On west by t cTitual railroad; .-outh by land of Joe Dupree; east by land of ,1. (). Rutherford; norm try land of Hampton Guano Co . unit also a lor, abo it. one quar ter nf an aci e, with small store room on same, aUj lining house and lot above’meti tioieii. .Sclil its ilie eatiife of John I’at trick. for payments of debts and distribu tion. June 8, 1921. J. 1, PRITCHETT, Administrator. 1 Ik 1 TT’OU probably know a man whose car is a 1 i j[ hobby with him. He knows just why it’s [BBKggg j II 'pa the best little old car there is of its class. 'i , J jjspfci And he'll stand up for that car against the WOrld any kind ° f an argument * eSSS -■ xrrxi i- Year by year an increasing number of men ' ■Kf 1;|I ' feel the Tires. Eggj|||L f For a while they may try “job lot*’ stuff, L“bargains,” “big discounts” and “rebates.” n y g TUBES But usually it doesn’t take long for a man to The same* standard of quality sense the economy of the standard quality tire. inm u?s. Tubes. rire3 13 put For years U. S. Tire makers have been build ing quality tires for sane tire users —for the car of medium or light weight no less than for the heavy car. The tire buyers of the land have responded with a mighty U. S. Tire following . * * # * The U. S. Tire makers meet the re v , wide following with characteristic • j energy. jrSjSL Ninety-two U.S. Factory Branches a/ are es tablished, covering the entire country. fSI kjjlk Find the U. S. Tire dealer who mV\ |j | i** has the intention of serving you. You J 1 will know him by his full, completely J JL sized line of fresh, live U. S. Tires — " quality first, and the same choice “Find the U. S. Tire dealer r • , , , . • ~ , . with the tun, completely ot size, tread and type as in the big aimed line of fresh, live 0 v. s. Tires." gest cities of the land. United States Tines United States Ip Rubber Company , H. M. AMIS CO., McDonough. Ga. STOCKBRIDGE MERCANTILE CO., Stockbridge, Ga. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. CHURCH[SERVICES j. BAPTIST Sunday School e.-ieh Sunday at 9:45 A M. Prtiiicbing: 11:00 A. M. and 7.00 P. M. Second, Third and Faurth,Sundays. Junior B. Y. P. U. SuQday 5:30 P M. Senior B.Y. P. U Monday. 7:00 P. M. Prayer Services Wednesday, 7:00 P. M. Woman’s Missionary Society on Monday after Second Sunday at is:80 P. M. W._\V. Arnold, Pastor. METHODIST I Sunday School each Sunday at 9:45 A. M I Preaching: 11:0o A. M. and 7:00 P. M. Mitt*Week Prayer Services: Wednesday, 8:00 P M. I Preaching at Turner's Second Sundays and Saturdays before. I Men’s Bible Class: 9:45, except Second Sundays. 9:00. J. A. Paktridok. Pastor. PRESBYTERIA N Sunday School each Sunday at '9:45 A. M. ! Preaching: 11:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. I Mid-W etk Prayer Services: Tuesday. 89 0 P. M. | Preaching At Timberridgs First Sunday, 4:00 P. M., and Third Sunday, 11:00 A. M. ami 7;00 P. M. A. R. Cates, Pastor. Subscribe for The Weekly BROWN & BROWN Attorneys at Law M cDonough, Ga. Call or write os for farm loans. IMPROVED SLEEPING CAR SERVICE via • SOUTHERN RAILWAY STSTEIi EFFECTIVE May 20th, through sleeping car service was inaugurated between Macou, Ga., and Asheville. N. C , which car is handled on train 26 befcw, e 1 Macon and Atlan ta. passing McDonough at Trio p. m. For further information relative to sched ules, round trip rates and Pullman reservations apply to Southern Railway ticket agent, or communicate with Y. L. ESTES, District Passenger Agent, Southern Railway System, 48 North Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. D. A. BROWN. DENTIST I ‘STKIOK Hot t KB : n k. M. i-O 12 M TERMS: STRICTIiY CASH. McDonough, Ga.