Newspaper Page Text
Thomasville, a Jersey Cat
tle Center.
Now that the boll weevil has
practically covered the entire state
of Georgia and the price of cotton
is so unsatisfactory, mixed farming
with livestock as a major part of
the necessary change to meet new
conditions is in the mind of every
farmer in Georgia. The dairy cow
with her wonderful food produc
ing capacity and profit making
ability is coming in for a good
share of consideration. A dozen
communities are considering build
ing creameries and cheese factor
ies. The cheese factories and
creameries now in operation are
receiving from 100 to 1000 per
cent more milk and cream than
ever before in their history. With
this increased interest in dairy
farming, many communities want
to know where they can buy de
sirable breeding, stock at satisfac
tory prices.
Fortunately or unfortunately,
Thomas county was very early in
fested witQ boll weevils. A few
herds of superior Jerseys were
established in the vicinity of Thom
asville. These herds have been
conspicious in Register of Merit
tests, show rings and sale of the
entire United States. The owners
of these herds have received
money making prices for their sur
plus breeding stock from the be
ginning and today Thomasville is
very conspicuous on the Jersey
map of the United States.
This will be a red letter day in
Thomasville history and many
cotton farmers will sign a new
Declaration of Independence as a
result of attending the big Jersey
Cattle Convention to be held on
the farm of the Thomasville Live
stock Company at this time. Mov
ing pictures showing the most
noted cattle of the breed have
been arranged for. An instructive
speaking program has been pro
vided. Albert Holman will furnish
free all of the ice cold watermel
ons and red hot barbecue that the
multitude can consume. In the
afternoon, the Thomasville Live
stock Company will hold an auc
tion sale of 40 splendid Jersey
cattle. Every farmer and business
man interested in improving the
financial condition of his commun
ity should attend this meeting.
“Let’s go.”
To Build Ideal Section.
The Lincoln Highway associa
tion has announced the names of
the experts retained to collaborate
in the final detailed design of the
Ideal Section which is soon to be
built on the Lincoln Highway, the
funds being provided by the Unit
ed States Rubber Company.
The letting of the contract for
the construction the Ideal Section
has been placed in the hands of
Lockwood Green & Co., engineers,
of Boston, Mass.
In charge of the final detailed
design of the Ideal Section, will be
W.G. Thompson, late State High
way Engineer of New Jersey, and
formerly associatd With General
Goethals in the construction of
the Panama Canal.
That the beautification of the
Ideal Section may be of the same
high standard as the construction
work on the road itself, Jens Jen
sen, of Chicago, who is known as
one of America’s leading landscape
architects, has been engaged.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure it you must take an
internal remedy. Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is taken internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hali’3 Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years. It is com
posed of some of the best tonics known,
combined with some of the best blood
purifiers. The perfect combination of
the ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Medi
cine is what produces such wonderful
results in catarrhal conditions Send for
testimonials, free. _ , .
F. J. CHENET & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
All Druggists, 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
Trouble comes mainly to those
who recognize it as much.
About the only way to prevent
future wars is to fight on until
there is nobody left.
Spontaneous friendships are
generally founded upon impulse
and deliberation.
Merely as a test of memory, do
you still remember the name of
the new vice president of the
United States?
A Harvard professor claims ot
have discovered a means whereby
a lie can readily be detacted.
Want to talk to him?
Large corporation manufactur
ing product that has conclusively
proven that it aids iu producing at
least twentv-five to one hundred
per cent larger crops, is opening a
Branch Oftiee and storage room in
McDonough, and requires the serv
ices of a business man as manager.
Previous experience not essential.
Applicant must he competent to
handle large amount of money,
hire and handle help. SI,OOO cash
investment required. Fully se
cured. This proposition shonld
net a live man SIO,OOO annually.
Product has already received na
tion wide publicity. Big advertis
ing campaign starting, including
full page in local paper. When
writing, give full details in order
to secure interview. Applicant
must lie able to come to Macon or
Atlanta for one or more days in
structions. Unless you can meet
the requirements of this ad and
your reputation is good, save your
stamp. This is a real opportunity
and presents itself but once in a
life time. Write or wire immedi
COMPANY, Macon, Ga.
American ships, flying
the Stars and Stripes
will carry you and
your goods anywhere
Two and three generations
ago, the Stars and Stripes
were all over the world.
Then they almost vanished
from the seven seas. But
today they are back again.
Big splendid steamers, Ameri
can owned and operated,carrying
passengers and goods, are crowd
ing their wav into all foreign
harbors with the Stars and
Stripes proudly fluttering from
their masts.
American exporters, importers,
travelers —all can help by ship
ping and sailing under the Stars
and Stripes.
Operators of Passenger
Admiral Line, 17 State Street, New
York, N Y.
Matson Navigation Company, 26
So. Gay Street, Baltimore, Md.
Munson Steam Ship Line, 82 Beaver
Street, New York, N. Y.
New York and Porto Rico S. S. Co.,
11 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Pacific Mail S. S. Co., 45 Broadway,
New York, N. Y.
U. S. Mail S. S. Co., 45 Broadway,
New York, N. Y.
Ward Line, (New York and Cuba Mail
S. S. Co.) Foot of Wall Street,
New Y6rk, N. Y.
,Free use of
Shipping Board films
Use of Shipping Board .notion picture
films, four reels, free on request of any
mayor, pastor, postmasf-r, or organi
zation A great educational picture
of ships and the sea. Write for inform
ation to H. Laue, Director Informs’ ion
Bureau, Room 911, 1319 "F" Street,
N. W., Washington, D. C.
(7a American citizens anlf)
Steel steamer*, both oil and coal
burners. Also wood steamers, wood
huils and ocean-doing tugs. Further
information obtained by request.
Forsailings of passenger
and freight ships to all
pa*-ts of the world and all
otherinformation , write
any of the above lines or
" 1
Nothing is Quite so insistent as
hunger, It comes unbidden, is
never welcome, and departs only
when satisfied.
The fellow who is false to his
trust kicks mightily when others
refuse to trust him.
Most men are quick to embrace
their opportunities, especially if
they aie young and pretty.
Devote the same amount of en
ergy to hard work that you do to
complaining and. you will find the
cause for complaint removed.
$1 .25
In Attractive Case.
Satisfaction Guaranteed or
Money Refunded.
This offer for a limited
time only.
Remit by money order or
cash—(no stamps)
lif'] pul m Hi MlMi Mlfl/iZ ImliiUi
/ i i® 'ii
l ( . i I "I.
\V ' 'u-VVIaY - 1 V
11 if mm. i
- o arette
liice' tbis in my day™.
The Camel idea wasn’t born then. It was the
/ exclusive expert Camel blend that revolutionized
cigarette smoking.
ry* pi That Camel blend of choice Turkish and Domestic
yjffl Ibu tobaccos hits just the right spot. It gives Camels such
mellow mi: ’ness.and fragrance!
The h r st time I smoked Camels I knew they were
’ T made for me. I knew they were the smoothest, finest
cigarette in the world, at any price.
\ Nobody can tell me anything different.
Ny. Contents ISTluid DraclM
ll*J iiHjll
I Preparation for As
|?s*| 8 by
1 tine theStomacis and Bowels^
'V $ Thereby Promoting Digestion
m ; Cheerfulness and Rest. Contains
i neither Opium,Morphine nor
tit* Not Narcotic
9 Vos JPuwpkinS** \
Senna, .. <1 .
iofc* HocMUtoU* I
tpQVfl MUeStf* I
/ :
J* ?* C i Worm SmJ I
HBi [
'fej A helpful Remedy for _ i
Constipation and Diarrhoea
t * o\-« Loss of Sleep
5$ rcsuUir^i^[romMn^ fanc y- ,
facsimile |
6®s; H
Iff * 3 1 ?he centaurGohMSK. I
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Office Phone 1') ResidcncePhone 30
For Infants and Children.,.
Mothers Know Thai
Genuine Castoria
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