The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 24, 1921, Image 3
Pastor Promises Cure to Addicts of Gossip, Opens His Own Clinic Dr. William Russell Owen de clares one treatment enough. An nouncement made to his congre gation Sunday night. Are you suffering with the gos sip fever, or, have you been ex posed to a little gossip germ ? If so, here’s your chance to be cured! A gossip clinic—the latest addi tion to the medical world —has been opened up on Hunt alley in the annex of the First Baptist church. Dr. William Russell Owen, pastor of the church, is the doc tor, and he assures every patient that one treatment will be a suf ficiency. ‘Do you want to be cured of the gossip disease?” he asked his congregation Sunday evening while preaching on gossip, or the sin on insinuation. “Well, I can certainly cure you. If you come to my clinic, which I am going to open this week, I will cure you so that you will never want to gossip again as lo :g as you live. METHOD EMPLOYED “Here’s my method: I’ll tell you all the gossip I’ve heard about you since I’ve been in this church and when I’ve finished with you, you will be through with gossip ing. And I have heard a plenty of things about every single one of you. I 6ou!d begin right now if I wanted to.” Members of the congregation looked at each other and grinned sheepishly. Dr. Owen stroked his chin and looked out over the con gregation. “If you don’t believe I know plenty about you—just stand up,” he challenged. “Well, if you don’t want to hear it now,, just call around at my clinic any time next week and I’ll cure you.” Dr. Owen denounced gossip as the worse sin in the world. He said* it was than murder, worse than stealing, and worse than audultery SIN OF COLD CALCULATING HEAD “If I stood before you I would rather say mv brother was gulity of gossip than of murder,” he said; “but if I stood before God, I would rather say my brother was guilty of murder than of gossip. It is worse than adultery, for adultery is a sin of passion and weakness of the flesh. Gossip is a sin of the cold, calculating head.” Dr. Owen had as his text, “His Tongue Is Set on Fire by Hell,” and he told incident after incident where gossip had caused murder, suicide and ruin. He gave three tests which should be applied to a story before it is repeated: Is it True? Is it Need ful? Is it Kind? “And lastly.” Dr. Owen said, «SVS!TH PAID LSSS THAN JONES! JONES paid $56 for 14 gallons Mixed Paint — SMITH made 14 gallons, Best Pure Paint for $39 uy Buying: & gallons L & SV3 SEIVII-PASTE PAINT and G gallons Linseed Oil to mix into it — SMITH SAVED sl7 L a U SEF<!!I~PASTE PAINT Saves Money Copeland-Turner Merc. Co. FIRST-CLASS TIRF SERVICE RELINING and VULCANIZING GOMEL TO SIMS’ GARAGE Prompt Delivery and All Work Guaranteed. Have vou tried the new 10c package? Dealers now carry both; 10 for 10c, 20 for 20c. It’s toasted. fAucKr\ lISTRIKE/i (H The Turks Are Urged To Take Two Wives Constantinople, June 12. —“Tur- key is no country for a bachelor. The Nationalist Parliament has en acted a law requiring all Turks above 25 years to marry immedi ately. The penalty is forfeiture of a quarter of their income. The men are also encouraged to marry two women if possible. Govern ment officials are summarily or dered to get wedded or lose their jobs.” The Turks are very much re duced in their man power for the reason of frequent wars and hence they are willing to furnish more provender for the cannon by hav ing their men to marry two or more wives so that they might be an additional force for their arm ies which they are constantly us ing. The matter was suggested among one of the most refined nations of the east during the world war, that their women be allowed to marry more than one man. This shows what extremes that nations go under the demoralizing influence of war. But the Turks are a nation not of the first waters at any time of (their existence. V “Jesus Christ knows my Faults and kesps them. Why should I repeat those of my fellowmen?” — The Constitution. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA Found Fifty Dollars. We were a little surprised the other day to find fifty dollars on the road beside the hedge at the corner of a prominent farmer’s house, and more so to find that it had lain for several weeks unmo lested and was beginning to look much worse for exposure. The money was in the shape of a corn planter, which will have to be re placed by a new one before an other season, unless cared for bet ter. If we had the money that is lost every year by neglect of farm machinery, we would not be run ning a newspaper. Notice. Howard Duffey, son of Perry Duffev, left home 'Saturday, May 28, without permission. I take this means to notify the people qf Henry county not to hire him without my permission. Perry Duffey. Better Goodyear Tires Than You Have Ever Known IXrtl Jio Goodyear Tires for passenger cars are >Of S|fc\ bet ter today than theyhave ever been. faQA fi : : y You need only to compare them with ' 'I others to see their manifest superior /MV I f ity. We have given them a thicker QfV\ I tread, a more powerful body, an im- QfV 1 proved construction throughout w 1 making them larger, stronger, heavier, yy* I and even more durable than before. VS/V | If you seek the utmost in economical *' I and satisfactory tire equipment, ask j I your nearest Goodyear Service Station SSlw (. f Dealer for Goodyear Tires. W Ml y / / Tke Goodyear Tire &. Rubber Company wSSStIW / Offices Throughout the World will \ %yV r _ ' - A o SSfELi - y No Heal Is Perfect Without Good Meat Relishing a meal puts a fellow in a good humor (the ladies are alwas that way.) Without meat there is always a feeling of something lacking. And if you have saved meat, and it is not of the best, the relish is not there. The obvious thing, therefore, is to buy the BEST meat—meat that produces a relish —that outs you in a good humor—that keeps you in the pink of condition. Tne quality of the meat you eat is more important than the quantity. It has QUALITY if bought from us. BEEF, PORK, SAUSAGE, POULTRY, EGGS and BUTTER. A fine assortment of meat always on hand. PROMPT DELIVERY BREAD —Two Loaves for 15c. SMITH L Mnl AIIPiHI IN. meat MARKET, * " phone: 112-w. TOLLESON & TURNER, Agents. Good Roads. When the people can be made to understand that it actually costs more in time and money to travel over a poor road than it does to travel over a good one, they will RELIABLE GLASSES If you are thinking of obtaining glasses, please bear in mind that the financial and professional responsibility of those to whom you entrust the care of your eyes is of greatest impor tance. Ours is a complete organization, devoted exclusively to the scientific examination of eves and the fitting and grinding of proper glasses, all for one reasonable charge. Optometrist J. C. Dllggail °P tician 53 West Mitchell Street, Near New Terminal Station. be less inclined to begrudge the expenses of good roads, and what is more important still, will be wil ling and anxious to put the busi ness of ioud making into the hands of intelligent men who under stand it.