Newspaper Page Text
Looks more like rain this morn
ing. Anyway you needn’t worry,
the rain will come in good time.
Mr. and Mrs, W. N. Austin and
worthy and Blanche Austin visited
the family of Mr. Walter Haynes
at Locust Grove Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Craig and lit
tle daughter, Geraldine, returned
to their home near Atlanta Sun
day, alter a two weeks visit to rel
atives here.
Quite a bit of visiting, fish frys,
etc., this dry weather.
Miss Nellie Hooten, of Jenkins
burg, is visiting relatives here.
Miss Nina Strahn spent a day or
two with her aunt, Mrs. J. S. Aik
en, of Oxford, last week.
Mr. Ralph Bloodworth, formerly
of Woodstown, now of Oxford, is
seriously ill.
John p ierce Hunt, of McDon
ough, is ill with measles at the
home of his grandfather, Mr. J. W.
Jackson, of this place.
Men and boys are a good deal
interested in the game of pitching
horse shoes these days..
Mrs. Lily Lillie, of Atlanta, spent
last week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Nail, and her sister. Mis.
Stirling Moss.
Now, please let me say for the
edification of some who don’t see
why we don’t give up this “iittle
old prayer meeting” at Mount
Bethel and quit —since the tares
continue to grow and since they
‘‘can’t see any pood results any
how.” Well, now, we planted
this prayer meeting less than a
year ago. In this time we have
not planted and reaped a harvest
of corn and cotton. We’ve plant
ed truly and area ntinually giving
our crops almost daily attention,
but we havn’t thought of gather
ing yet, and no on£ seems worried
or distressed thai we have not.
Why not be patient and wait for
fruits of the prayer meeting as
you do the fruits of the field. If
no greater force had entered the
fields in this community than have
taken up the work of the prayer
service we would all have to have
help or starve. “In union there is
strength.” Remember that. Those
who attend and put their hearts
into it are growing stronger and
being blest. Also, those who can’t
attend it, but w ho give their hearts,
interest and prayers will reap a
reward. The greater effort and
sacrifice we make in His service
the richer reward. This has been
proven to us so many times—and
U/y * )
Drop In After the Show
This is the place to come for hot or cold drinks,
Our ice cream, sodas and sundaes are made
from pure fruit juices, cream, sugar and eggs.
Served from an absolutely sanitary fountain.
Mixed by clerks who know how.
Taste better and are better for you than the drinks they used
to sell over the mahogr.ny with a rail in front and mirrors
in the rear.
If ycu have a headache—and it’s surprising
how many do a. er an evening’s pleasure—
take Dr. Miles' Anti-Fain Fills. \7e know
they’ll stop the pain.
then you will say to us, STOP or
QUIT. Why, you would just as
well say to a “moonshine” distiller,
“Stop your nefareous work,” for
any good it may do. For “love
of Jesus” we want to carry on His
work. And surely if ever He
needed devoted followers, those
who will “stand by” in the thick
of evil opposition, it is now —hear-
ing the cross gladly for Him. You
say vou don’t want to attend and
don’t want your family to, because
there are those who go there with
whiskey on their breath. True
such a thing is deplorable in the
house of God; but by the way,
don’t joj ride in cars and sit
around stores or other public
places with those same men and
| boys who are drinking and are
profane also, and you don’t resent
it there. And, too, the tiling that
wrings our heart and tries us so
is that those whom we nave a
right to expect to help and en
courage us in our fight hgainst
evil (not the evil doer —mind you
' but the evil) will make sport of
the "sura enough men who are
trying their very best to crush
I out and put down evil for the sake
j of the evil doer as well as others
j and will make sport, too, in the
j wrong doer. What about your
influence? Are your not afraid
that they will die in their sins arid
God will require their blood at
your hands?” And how do you
know that those moling men who
attend prayer meeting are not
souls, seeking light, groping their
way in spirit and darkness with a
heart hunger unsatisfied. Oh!
men and women, why are you not
there to help us lead them to the
fountain of life? Who knows but
that those same young men who
have desecrated the house of God
by going there with whiskey on
their breath will some day stand
in the self-same place, speaking
burning words of life and love aud
freedom from sin, led hither by
the honest untiring efforts of those
who keep alive the prayer service
in the church. Don’t you want to
be one with us in the great work?
Have Faith in God. Last Sunday
night one young man and four
young women stepped out and
gave their hand in token that they
wanted to walk that way with us.
Do you think we were encourag
! ed? Those young people meant
jit, too. Do you think we are go
ing to quit? Just watch us, now.
I didn’t write last week so didn’t
get to tell you of the large con
gregation out to hear Bro. John
son on Saturday. Almost as many
as on Sunday, lam told. This is
encouraging. MIS’ FRANC.
JS jikLJsl
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A Pleasure to Do Business with You
Ford sore
McDonough, Ga., Phone 82.