Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge No. 37 F & A M meet Ist and 3d
Friday nights in each month. All duly
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
C. J. Dicksox, W. M.
W. G. Ingram, Sec.
testa*. tv
V ■
Call on Speer, the Optromtrlst
when you nekd glasses.
He keeps in stock all the latest
styles of frames apd nose glasses.
Miss Kate Reagan is visiting
Mrs. .1. A. Partridge has returned
from Florida.
Judge T. J. Brown spent Mon
day in Atlanta.
Remember Austin’s lO* Store is
the place to buy goods cheap.
Mr. H. J. Copeland, Jr., is at
the University Summer school.
Two pairs of hose for anv price
Saturday at Austin’s ICU Store.
Miss Maud Smith visited Mrs. T.
J. Brown a few days last week.
Mr. Zack CoDeiand, of Eatonton,
visited his parents here this week.
Mrs. 'l. J. Brown is visiting rela
tives and friends at Flovilla this
If it is paint troubles you are
having see the Copeland Turner-
Mere. Co.
We will accept school checks
and county warrants in trade. T.
A. Sloan & Co.
Three or four hundred bushels
good sound corn for sale. Hamp
ton Milling Co.
Fall planting seed Irish potatoes
and corn field beans. Copeland
Turner Merc, Co.
Mr. Dock Crumbley, of Salem
community, brought in a cotton
bloom June 16th.
Mrs. J. S. Duke spent a few
days with her daughter, Mrs. B. S.
Elliott, this week.
Dr. J. G. Smith and family are
visiting relatives at Live Oak and
Panama Cby, Fia.
Miss Jane Moore, of College
Park, was the week end guest of
Mrs. William Pullin.
You can now get your cotton
weighed and stored at Kimbell’s
bonded warehouse.
Rev. W. 0. Butler attended the
Fast Point conference last Tues
day and Wednesday.
Ice cream freezers, ice cream
powders and ice cream salt. Cope
land-Turner Merc. Co.
The McDonough Baptist Sunday
school will meet next Sunday
morning at 9:30 o’clock.
Miss Ella Mae Fields is taking
the six weeks training course at
the University of Georgia.
Dr. D. W. Scott and wife left
Tuesday for Virginia where Mrs.
Scott will spend the summer.
J. J. Fields .arrived in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fields Satur
day, June 18, a welcome guest.
Many of the Sunday school
classes are having their moon
light picnics at Davis’s lake this
Come to Stone’s barber shop to
get your shaves and hair cuts by
first c ass barbers. Shave, 15 1 '.
Hair cut, 25*L
Hemstitching and picoting at
tachment works on any sewing
machine, easily adjusted. Price
$2.50 with full instructions. Gem
Novelty Co., Box 1031, Corpus
Christi, Texas.
Few more ice cream freezers
lelt at Copeland Turner Merc, Co.
Unusual low prices are being
made on these.
It it is aluminum ware you are
interested in, please see us, we
are under the market. Copeland-
Turner Merc. Co.
Judge F. J. Reagan and son,
F. L. Reagan, have returned from
their trip to Florida. They report
a great time fishing.
‘ Tony, The Convict,” will be
played at Liberty Hill school house
on Saturday night, June 15th.
Everybody is invited.
Glass and tin fruit can’s, jelly
glasses, ice tea glasses, rubbers,
tops, wax strings and solder.
Copeland Turner Merc. Co.
We are glad to note that Mr. W.
A. D. Nelson, who lost his eye
last week from a lick in it by a
nail, is doing well at this writing.
Mr. W. H. Austin brought in one
of the first cotton blossoms this
season, June 17th. The cotton on
which this bloom grew.was plant
ed March 17th.
I take this means to inform the
public that I have made arrange
ments with the government to
take over road from MeDonough
to County Line, near Jenkinsburg.
Milt Walker.
Messrs. J. 0. and C. M. Kimbell
| planted a p itch of cotton adjoin
ing their gin, fertilized it with
j Home-Mixture, 9-3 3 guano and
t dusted it with Calcium of Arsenate.
■ Have found no weevils and had
blooms bv June 15th.
Messrs. Harvev Brown, William
Johnson, Adel Elliott and Hugh
Hunt took a trip last week visit
ing the following towns: Barnes
| ville, The Rock, Thomaston,
! Raleigh, Woodbury, Manchester,
Warm Springs, Moiena, Concord,
Williamson and Griffin.
Little Misses Sarah Jim and
Christine Collins, of McDonough,
spent last week with their cousin,
little Eleanor Patrick.
Misses Lula Mae and Mattie Belle
Patrick, of Monticello, have re
turned, after spending two weeks
with Misses Lucy Sims and Mattie
.Ice Pullin
If white men can borrow auto
mobile tags from their neighbors
and use them on their cars and
trucks and get by with it, why
can’t negroes borrow marriage li
cense and get married? Both have
been tried in this community, all
this year. The former is success
ful, but beware of the latter,
Crops here are suffering on ac
count of lack of rain. Only a few
have been able to plant peas after
wheat. Every farmer in this com
munity made an abundant crop of
wheat. Many oats were harvested
Everybody is invited to a singing
at Delta Grove school next Sunday
afternoon. June 2H.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Elkins and
their mother spent Monday after
noon with Mrs. T. O. Hammock.
Mrs. Bartow Hays and Miss Josie
Lee Hays, of Bethany, spent the
week-end recently with the for
mer’s sister. Mrs. T. O. Hammock.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Patrick, of
Monticello. motored here and spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. P.
Our community mourns the pass
ing of our neighbor, Mr. J. E. Wal
lace, into the grea* beyond on May
28. He was loved by all, young
and old, and is missed each day.
His death was caused cansed from
being kicked by a mule. He was
sick only two days. He was chair
man of the board of road commis
sioners of Spalding county. No
officer has ever meant to his conn
ty what Mr. Wallace was. He
leaves a wife and 1U children. His
brother, Mr. Jim Wallace, of Mc-
Donough, preceded him to the
grave two years ago.
Greenwood News.
Rain is greatly needed in this
A good number attended Sun
day school at this place Sunday.
It is flourishing under the efficient
management of Mr. T. B. Hincy
as superintendent and Mr. Ray
mond Rape, secretary.
Mrs. Nath Woodward returned
home Sunday, after spending sev
eral days with her daughter, Mrs.
John Alexander.
Misses MaPie Walker and Lucile
Woodward left Monday for a six
weeks stay in Athens at State
Mr. R. R. Roan and family spent
Sunday with friends in Brooks.
Miss Rosa Setzer, who resides
with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bryant,
spent last week with relatives near
Mr. Nath Woodward is confined
to his home with a sore foot. Mr.
Henry Amis is missed from our
town, suffering from the same
Sympathy is extended the Misses
Callaway imthe loss of their father
of recent date.
The friends of Mr. Dingier are
pleased to know of the improve
ment in his health.
Preaching at this place every
second and fourth Sunday after
noons. Everybody is invited to at
Mrs. Arnold Payne and children
visited Mr. anu Mrs. Joe Pendley
Sunday and attended Sunday
school here.
Mrs. T. J. Elliott was the guest
of Mrs. Grady Woodward Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rape, Mr.
and Mrs. J. O. Middleton and fam
ilies spent a while with Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Rowan Sunday.
We regret to hear of the death
of Roscoe Bennett, which occurred
at Locust Grove last week. We
extend deep sympathy to the be
reaved. Jocelyn.
To whom it Should concern:
If a Christian come, they that
wait upon the Lord shall renew
their strength.
If a seeker, come now and let
us reason together, saith the Lord:
“though your sins be as scarlet,
they shail be as white as
snow: though they be red like
crimson they shall be as wool.”
If a non-profession, come and
learn of the master, of His love,
of His mercy and of His justice.
Come to the protracted services
at the Presbyterian ctiurch, July
3-10. Rev. M. McG. Shields, an
able minister, as an embassador
for Christ, will preach the gospel,
beseeching in Christ stead be ye
reconciled to God.
All are cordially invited to at
tend and take pari in the
services. We earnestly entreat
all singers in the several churches
to attend and aid in the singing.
Our motto, “work for the good
of all.” J. C. Daniel.
For Leave to Sell.
To Whom It May Concern:
C. E. Eubanks, L. W. Houser and L, G.
Smith, executors of the estate of K. F.
Smith, deceased, having in due form made
application for leave to sell certain lands
belonging to said estate, consisting of
acres, more or less, Ist district of said
county and state. S/tid application will
be heard at the regular term of the court
of ordinary for said county to be held on
the first Monday in J uly, 15)21. This 7th
day of June, J«sjl.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
FRED KELLEY, Licensed Embalmer
License No. 497. Issued by the Georgia State Board of Embalmers, Jan. 32. 1915.
No case so small but that we give our BES i SERVICE*
Office Phone No. 8. Residence Phones Nos. 57, 54-J, 132-J,
Officers Elected.
The following officers have been
elected for the Fidelis class of the
McDonough Baptist church :
Mary Lou Rodgers, President.
Louise Arnold, First Vice-Presi
Emma Lou Henley, Second Vice-
Annie Pearl Smith, Secretary.
Mary Pullin, Treasurer.
Ethel Smith, Reporter.
Mrs. Wilson Pullin, Jr.,
We wish to thank our many
You Can Buy It at —
Henry County Supply Co. and W. B. J, Ingram,
McDonough, Ga.
H. T. Moore Co., Hampton, Ga.
T. E. Hamilton, Flippen, Ga.
Norman-Turner Co., Ola., Ga.
A. C. Castellaw, Locust Grove, Ga.
L. T. Sowell Co., Uniontown, Ga.
Greenwoood Gin Co., Greenwood, Ca.,
Fall Irish
We have just received shipment cf
Lookout Mountain Seed Irish Potatoes*
Plant Irish Potatoes*
People must eat*
Begin planting now.
We have the stock.
Let us supply you*
Third Quarterly Conference.
The third Quarterly Conference
for McDonough and Turner’s
will be held in McDonough, July
3rd. Let leaders and committees
he ready with reports as required
bv the discipline.
J. A. Partridge, Pastor.
friends and neighbors for their
kindness shown us ar.d for the
bedutiful floral designs in the ill
ness and death of our son and
hr .ther, Rescue.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Bennett and