The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, June 24, 1921, Image 7

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Business Men of The County Will
Close Thursday of Each Week
to Co-operate.
The business men of Greene
county win make a concerted fight
o/l the boll weevil.
A petition is being circulated,
and universally signed, agreeing
to close up shop Thursday of each
week until August, and urging the
extermination of the boll weevil.
Plans will be perfected, and full
announcement of the plans will be
made in a few days.
There have been many wavs
suggested to fioht the pest.
The business men and clerks
will get out one day of each week,
which will be Thursday, and co
operate with the farmer in making
a determined fight on the boll
There is no doubt but that the
weevil is virtually destroying the
cotton crup in this setion.
While The Herald-Journal has
time and again warned the people
of the weevil’s approach, they have
waited until the enemy is at their
Something must be done, and
every man, woman and child in
the county should co-operate in
the fight on the boll weevil. —The
Herald Journal.
Marketing Organization
For Sweet Potatoes
The Advisory Board of the
Georgia Farm Bureau, a business
organization of ten thousand of
the leading farmers in Georgia,
decided at its last meeting that
farm bureau members throughout
the state should have the services
of a direct marketing organization.
To this end was created a Farm
Bureau Sales Agency. It is now
just beginning its work.
An example of the value of this
marketing service may be had in
the sweet potato situation.
Georgia is one of the leading
states in the production of sweet
potatoes and in the past, on ac
count of inadequate storage facili
ties and lack of touch with mar
kets of the country, such a small
portion of the crops has been sold
that only in isolated instances may
the sweet potato crop be called a
money crop. With the drop in
price of cotton, farmers over the
state so increased their acreage in
potatoes that probably twice as
many will be grown this year as
ever before and thus the market
ing problem becomes more pro
nounced. To relieve this situa
tion, the Sales Agency has plann
ed to foster, through the county
farm bureaus, a sweet potatoe or
ganization. Growers throughout
thirty-five counties will be given
an opportunity to join the county
sweet potato association within
the near future.
After the organization work is
completed, there will be a manag
er, thoroughly acquainted with
the markets of the country and
entirely familiar with the market
ing of sweet potatoes, will be
placed in charge of selling this
great crop. Other commodity or
ganizations are now planned and
will be operated along the same
general lines, all to the end that
one day a considerable portion of
the crops of Georgia may be mar
keted through one great organi
zation, each commodity having a
separate division, but all organized
into one body and all working to
gether for the common good.
For Inf ants, and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Signature of
Notice tp Bridge Contractors.
A U parties interested in contracting to
rebuild bridge fit Island Shoals over South
river are hereby advised to 100 It over the
work to be done and to submit sealed bids
to Hoard of County Commissioners of
Newton county or to the County Commis
sioner of Henry county on or before July
Ist, 1921.
The specifications for the bridge are,
roughly, as follows:
Raise abutments at each end 3 feet.
Raise abutment in center 8 feet. Get one
half of bridge out of river, (one. 100 leet
span) put in good condition and in pn per
Complete the bridge.
County to furnish all material, includ
ingce ment, floor, etc.
For further information see or write,
Dan Upshaw, Covington, Ga.. li. F. D.,
or Milt Walker, McDonough, Ga.
The County Commissioners of Newton
and Henry counties reserve the right to
receive or object any or all#)ids.
Signed: -
Com. Henry Co.
Chm’n Board Co. Commis
sioners, Newton Co.
Large corporation mannfactur
ing product that lias- conclusively
proven that it aids in producing at
least twenty-five to one hundred
per oent larger crops, is opening a
Branch Office and storage room in
McDonough, and requires the serv
ices of a business man as manager.
Previous experience not essential.
Applicant must be competent to
handle large amount of money,
hire and handle help. SI,OOO cash
investment required. Fully se
cured. This proposition should
net a live man SIO,OOO annually.
Product has already received na
tion wide publicity. Big advertis
ing campaign starting, including
full page in local paper. When
writing, give full details in order
to secure interview. Applioaiytf
must be able to come to Macon or
Atlanta for one or more days in
structions. Unless you can meet
the requirements of this ad and
your reputation is good, saye your
stamp. This is a real opportunity
and presents itself but once in a
life time. Write or wire immedi
COMPANY, Macon, Ga.
Ship and sail under
the Stars and Stripes to
all parts of the world
THERE was a long period when
it was not true, but today it
is proudly true once more
trade and passenger routes are
so established that you can ship
your goods, or you can sail, to
any part of the world under the
Stars and Stripes.
The program of routes is being
carried out with an eye to the
future as well as present needs
of American exporters and im
porters and all American pros
perity. See that the ships you
use are owned and operated by
American citizens or by theU.S.
Shipping Board.
Operators of Passenger
Admiral Line, 17 State Street, New
York, N. Y.
Matson Navigation Company, 26
So. Gay Street, Baltimore, Md.
Munson Steam Ship Line. 82 Beaver
Street, New York, N. Y.
New York and Porto Rico S. S. Co.,
11 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Pacific Mail S. S. Co., 45 Broadway,
New York, N. Y.
LT. S. Mail S. S. Co., 45 Broadway,
New York, N. Y.
Ward Line, York and Cuba Mail
S. S Co.) Foot of Wall Street.
New York. N. Y.
Free use of
Shipping Board films
Use of Shipping Board motion picture
films, four reels. free on request of any
mayor, pastor, postmaster, or organi
zation, A great educational picture
of ships and the sea. Write for inform
ation to H Laoe, Director Information
Bureau, Room 911, 1319 F' Street.
N. W., Washington, D- C.
(To American citizens only)
Steel steamers, both oil and coal
burners. Also wood steamers, wood
hulls and ocean-Soing tugs. Further
information obtained by request.
For sailings of passenger
and freight ships to all
parts of the world and all
other information, write
any of the above lines or
Negro Woman Gives
Birth to Quadruplets
Goggansville, Ga., June 11. —
“Eula Smith, a colored woman liv
ing on the farm of Mr. Edgar
White in Pike county, recently
gave birth to four babies, all of
whom are living and doing nicely.
The woman w,£S already the moth
er of twins less than two years
of age.
Martha Ann O’Neal, mother of
Eula Smith, is said to be the moth
er of twenty children, among the
number being triplets, three girls
who are now about ten years of
age. She also has four sets of
The Jemimy, and in Pike coun
ty again, certainly Pike county’s
population does increase by leaps
and bounds. Watch the next
I have begun business for
myself at the Stansell & Rape
stand near the Henry County
Milling & Ice Co. I have
been connected with the
blacksmith business for the
past eight years. I feel that
my practical knowledge ob
tained while in business with
Mr. Joel Bankston enables
me to do anything that may
come my way. Come to see
me. Yours truly,
Ita 1 tried
but dive JUS a Camel
I’m through experimenting. No more switching.
No more trying this and that It's Camels for me—
every time.
They’re so refreshing! So smooth! Go mellow mild!
Why ? The answer is Camels exclusive expert
blend of choice Turkish and Domestic tobaccos.
There’s nothing like it.
No'other cigarette you can buy you the real
sure-enough, ail-day satisfaction tlir.i comes from the
Camel blend. Camel is the quality cigarette.
Give Camels a tryout. Buy a pack today. Get ycur
information first hand. You’ll tie to Camels, too.
Net Contents ISPluid Draclm|
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Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Office Phone 19 Residence Phone .10
For Infants and Childreac.
Mothers Know T W.
Genuine Castoria
Always / ,
Bears the XjY\|B'
Signature yM/vlp
ft Jr %
ntj* Use
Vj' For o mr
Thirty Years
TURKISH fv-ivwkiTrc&Sl
. nOAHt
R. J. REYNOLDS TobaccnCaw
Wiu»ton-Salcm, N. C.