Newspaper Page Text
To the Indigent, but Worthy Boys and Girls of Georgia, We
Offer the Following Scholarships :
Anderson College, Anderson, S. C., value SIOO
Averett College, Danville. Va., value 80
Ashley Hall, Charleston, S. C., value __ 350
American Conservatory of Music, Chicago, value 300
Atlanta Conservatory, Atlanta, Ga., value 150
Barnard College, Columbia University, N. Y., competitive col
lege board examination, value... 500
Bessie Tift College, Forsyth, Ga 90
Bordentown Military Institute, Bordentown, N. J., value 250
Blackstone College, Blackstone. Va., value 130
Blair Academy, Blairstown, N. J, value 250
Brenau College, Gainesville, Ga 110
Baylor College, Belton, Texas, value 105
Bowen’s Business College, Columbia, S. C., value 95
Catawba College, Newton, N. C., value. 1 50
Cottev College, Nevada, Mo., value 250
Chieora College, Columbia, S. C., value... 100
Central College, Lexington, Mo., value 200
Converse, Spartanburg, S. C., competitive must be a graduate
of a four-year high school, value 160
College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va.. value 40
Centenary College, Cleveland, Tenn. (five scholarships valued
at SIOO each) 500
Cox College, College Park, Ga., value 180
Centre College, Danville, Ky., value - 50
Danville Military College, Danyi le, Va., value 200
Davidson College, Dovidson, N. C., value 60
Erskine College, Due West, S. C., value 60
Elon College, Elon, ,N. C., value 60
Eastern Conservatory, Manassas, Va , value 100
Gaurday, Mrs. J. J., Savannah, Ga., voice, value 150
Greenbrier Military Academy, Lewisburg, W. Va., value 100
Gulf Coast Military Academy, Gulfport, Miss., value 100
Georgia Business College, Augusta, Ga., value 65
Georgia Military College, Milledgeville, Ga., value 200
Hardin College, Mexico, Mo., value 100
Hood College, Frederick, Md., value 75
Howard-Payne College, Fayette, Mo., value..'. 200
Jefferson Military College, Washington, Miss., value 75
Kemper Military Academy, Boonville, Mo., two at $350 each 700
Lucy Cobb Institute, Athens, Ga., three at SIOO each 300
Lucy Cobb Institute, Athens, Ga., one in music or oratory 90
Locust Grove Institute, Locust Grove, Ga., value 22
LaGrange College, LaGrange, Ga., two value S9O each . 180
Millerburg College, Millersburg, K., value 60
Missouri Military Academy, Mexico, Mo., value 200
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadlev, Mass., value 100
Marion College, Marion, Va , value 60
Massametten Academy, Woodstock, Va., value 150
Mississippi Synodical College, Holly Spring, Miss., value 50
Millsaps College, Jackson, Miss., value. 30
National School of Oratory, two value $2lO each 420
North Georgia Agricultural College, Dahlongea, Ga., work,
paying, yafue ... 125
Newberry College, Newberry, S. C., value 60
Peddie Institure, Highstown, N. J., one value SIOO, work, paying 350
Piedmont Institute, Wayeross, Ga., half tuition, work S9O 125
Piedmont Business College, Lynchburg, Va., value 150
Purler Military Academy, Charleston, S. C., value... 100
Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla., value 80
Randolph-Macon College, Ashland, Va., value 75
Randolph-Macon Academy, Front Royal, Va., value 100
"Radcliff College, Cambridge, Mass, (competitive) value 300
Riverside Military Academy, Gainesville, Ga., value 100
. Transylvania College, Lexington, Mo., value 30
South Georgia Normal, Valdosta, Ga., work paying 72
Savannah School of Musical Art, value 150
Salem Academy-College, Winston Salem, N. C., value 100
Southern College, Petersburg, Vb m value ... 100
Simmons College, Boston, Mass., value 200
Smith College, North Hampton, Mass, value 100
Texas Woman’s College, Fort Worth, Texas 120
Trinity College, Durham, N. C., value 60
Tennessee Military Academy, Sweetwater, Tenn., value 54
University of Virginia, University, Va., value 95
University, Oglethorpe, Atlanta, Ga., self help, value. 295
University, Washington-Lee, Lexington, Va., 50
University, Southwestern Presbyterian, Clarksville, Tenn 75
University, Furman, Greenville, S. C., value __ 60
University, Louisiana State, Baton Rouge, La., value 90
University, Florida, Gainesville, Fla , value 75
University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn., value 40
University, Cumberland, Lebanon. Tenn., value 40
University of Alabama, University, Ala., value 75
Wentworth Military Academy, Lexington, Mo., value 100
Wesleyan College, Macon, Ga., value 90
Worcester Academy, Worcester, Mass., value 250
Woftord College, Spartanburg, S. C , value 60
Women’s College of Alabama, Montgomery, Ala., value 75
Woodberry Hall, value 140
Wellesley College, Wellesley, Mass., self help 300
Community Service.
Thursday afternoon still hold
the interest of both the old and
young at Locust Grove. Each
week is featured by something
new and profitable. Patriotic dec
oration gave a thrill of pride to all
who attended the community ser
vice program on the Thursday fol
lowing July Fourth.
The close of the series of com
munity activities will be on the
last Thursday of July. On this
day there will be a special program
embodying all the features that
have been stressed during the
months of June and July, with the
additional charm of an old fash
ioned ice cream festival which will
be in charge of Miss Wyleyne
Donovan’s cooking class.
The special feature of this weeks
exercises will be an interesting
gymnastic exhibition conducted
by Miss Frances Walker.
LOST —June 17, between Stock
bridge and Mr. John Wilingham’s,
a Black Riffle Tail Coat which
goes with a suit, and $2 33 in mon
ey. A card from Grady hospital
bearing the name of Katie Jinks
was in the pocket. A reward will
be paid for its delivery to Marshal
Moseley, Stockbridge, Ga.
During the season when flow
ers arc so plentiful, keep them in
the house. Nothing brightens up
a table and aids the process of di
gestion like a bouquet of flowers.
The tax you pay for good roads
is worth as much to you as the
money you put in a saving account
A AJSffiA Jr
, . >
PIEDMONT COLLEGE, Demorest. Ga. positively Christian
Standard Four Years Senior College for men and women. No college
or university in Georgia with higher standards. Large outside income
and its own supplies reduce Board, Tuition and Fees to $259 for nine
months. For catalogue and full information, write
DEAN j. C. ROGERS, Piedmont College, Demorest, Ga.
Next week see announcement of Hijjh School of Piedmont College.
■ ■ ■ ■■■■■ ■ 1 ■ mmm ■ammmmm
Work Pants $1.75 for sl-25
Blue Work Shirts 1.00 " *TS
Best Overalls 2.00 “ 1*25
Box Paper 40
“ 15
“ “ $ .50 for .25
“ “ ' .75 “ .50
“ “ i.oo “ .65
Ink Tablets *OS
“ “ 10
6 Bars of Octagon Soap *25
7 Bars of Sunshine Pride *25
7 Boxes Washing Powders *25
6 Bar Toilet Soap * *25
3 Bars Toilet Soap, 10c, for .25
Yours for More Business,
13,759 Buick automobiles
were delivered into the hands
of owners in June.
This proves thoroughly that
the American public is both
willing and able to buy gen
erously where it is assured full,
dollar for dollar value, and
it demonstrates also that a
large percentage of the motor
ing public does have this buy
ing confidence in Buick per
formance and Buick worth.
Prices cf Buick Six Cylinder Models
Model 22-44 Three Passenger Roadster - $1495
Model 22-45 Five Passenger Touring - - 1525
Model 22-46 Three Passenger Coupe - - 2135
Model 22-47 Five Passenger Sedan - - - 2435
Model 22-48 Four Passenger Coupe - - 2325
Modei 22-49 Seven Passenger Touring * - ‘ 1736
Model 22-50 Seven Passenger Sedan 2635
F O. B. Flint, Michigan