Newspaper Page Text
Cost of Poisoning
The 801 l Weevil
Hie Georgia Experiment Station
has had a number of inquiries of
of late as to the cost of dusting
cotton with calcium arsenate. As
with other farm operations, how
ever, this is an individual problem
and will differ radically according
to the skill with which the work
is carried on and with the seasons.
The best that the Experiment Sta
tion can do for the farmers inter
ested is to give them certain facts
and figures that will enable them
to form some idea of the probable
lo apply the calcium arsenate
to the cotton some form of dust
ing machine is necessary. These
vary from small hand guns, cost
ing about.sls.oo, to large power
machines, costing about $500.00.
The size of machine which a far
mer should buy will depend large
ly upon the acreage he has to
dust. As a general rule the large
machines will dust at a much low
er cost per acre provided it is used
to its full capacity.
The hand guns now on the
market will cover from 8 to 15
acres a season. As these guns
cost from $12.00 to $20.00 each,
and will last only about one sea
son the per acre cost of these
machines per season is about sl.
50. The labor cost of covering
one acre of course varies with the
scale of wages and the energy of
the laborer. About one acre per
hour is about as fast as one of
these guns can be operated.
However it is not possible to
maintain this rate in continous
operation as the guns are so very
laborous to operate that from two
to three hours is as long as one
can operate one. Another disad
vantage of these guns is the diffi
culty of operating them at night,
when it is possible to do the most
effective work. It is probable
that the future use of these mach
ines will be for use on rough land
where the larger types of mach
ines cannot operate.
The cart type of duster, costing
from $75.00 to $300.00 will take
care of an acreage of from 60 to
125 acres a season, depending on
the machine. A good duster
should last longer than one season'
if given the proper care, so that
the per acre cost of the machine
is less than half of that of the
hand guns. The labor cost is also
much less as one man and a team
To various resorts in all parts of the
United States
Write V. L. ESTES, District Passenger Agent,
48 North Broad St., Atlanta, Ga.,
for full information.
The Southern Serves the South.
can cover 15 to 30 acres a night.
A new type or machine which
is now on the market is built so as
to rent on a saddle, and is so built
that the opperator can crank the
machine with both hands while
sitting in the saddle. Such machin
es cost about $54.00. This tvpe of
machine appears to be especially
valuable on rough land, which is
not suited to the cart type.
The large power machines, cost
ing $500.00 or more are suitable
for large plantations only as they
will take care of as much as 800
acres per season and should last
several seasons. Their cost per
acre, theoretically, is even lower
than that of the cart type of duster.
The trouble with this type pf ma
chine is their heavy weight which
makes it difficult to operate on wet
ground. Also, machines are more
complicated than the other types
and loss of time due to mechanical
difficulties are apt to be large un
der the usual from conditions, As
these machines are large they are
suitable only for smooth level
ground. It is usually necessary,
therefore, to supplement them
with hand guns or some others
Mahy persons, otherwise
vigorous and healthy, are
bothered occasionally with
Indigestion. The effects of a
disordered Btomach on the
system are dangerous, and
prompt treatment of indiges
tion is important. “The only
medicine I have needed has
been something to aid diges
tion and clean the liver,”
writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a
McKinney, Texas, farmer.
“My medicine 1b
for indigestion and stomach
trouble of any kind. I have
never found anything that
touches the spot, like Black-
Draught. I take it in broken
doses after meals. For a long
time I tried pills, which grip
ed and didn’t give the good
results. Black-Draught liver
medicine is easy to take, easy
to keep, inexpensive.”
Get a package from your
druggist today—Ask for and
insist upon Thedford’s —the
only genuine.
Get it today.
33 EB4 O
High Cost of Talking.
Congress woman Alice Robert
son has appealed to congress tc
‘'stop talking and save money.”
Right — a dead center shot.
There must be a great surplus of
wind in congress when a woman
deems it expedient to appeal to the
men to talk less at the expense of
their countryman.
The congresswoman entimates
that one week of congressional
talking costs the country nearly
ten thousand dollars in printing
bills, and that only covers a part of
the expense.
If our distinguished congress
men were not talking us poor in
Washington they might be talk
ing us to death at home.
We hate to part with our inonev,
but we are determined to cling to
Let ’em talk —in Washington.
smaller type of machine.
The calcium arsenate costs about
15 c ' per pound. The amount used
will depend upon the skill of the
operator and the season. When
properly applied five pounds per
acre is enough for one application
but in unskilled hands it is best to
aliow seven. The number of ap
plications will depend on the sea
son, varying from one to six,.
Sometime it is necessary to
onlv part of a field. A rough es
timate of calcium arsenate nec
essary per acre would be about
20 pounds.
R. P. Bledsoe,
There is more Catarrh in this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and for years it was sup
posed to be incurable. Doctors prescribed
iocal remedies, and by constantly falling
to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Catarrh is a local disease,
greatly influenced by constitutional con
ditions and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Medi
cine, manufactured by P. J. Cheney &
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional
remedy, is taken, internally and act 3
thru the. Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
of the System. One Hundred Dollars re
ward is offered for any case that Hall’s’
Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
P. J. CHKNEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Hull’s Family Pills for constipation.
Cord - - New Price $24.50
32x4 “ “ - - “ “ 46.30
34x4h “ “ - - “ “ 54.90
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IP |r W y r
Standard Non-Skid Tire
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r ""‘ _ ~ r ~'« ' ’ TTH’ 'T' yyjf — —Ilfa-Jl imm' ■ m t -C- - T-r--» "
/'• ' ' -J. '• .r•' W f MtcAt.rt o-; efft*: CK/.if.C iS ?: r- «» r#<- / /-.x
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> r ir, , 'frci-.f * W £ NARCOTIOA tfl <i o vc f H o fi An . <* ■-i Pilcliv. r»»
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Thirty fears
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Plant e No. 2 was
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Skid fabric tires.
With a daily ca-