The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 22, 1921, Image 8
Old Dobbin Wins By OMA TARPLEY. No, old Dobbin didn’t win a blue ribbon nor any ot' them things that a feller would naturally think of. He won —” but if I told this story would end before it began. In order to get the story just as it was we will follow ol 1 David Glaston’s conversation. Mr. Glas ton was the richest man in Maple burr and the shabbiest —that is in the matter of his own clothes. On a bright afternoon when the sky never even hinted of the down pour that was to follow later in the day Paxton Daily found David Glaston, or “Cap” as he was fa iniliarily called, sitting under a maple tree. The old man’s atten tion seemed to be equally divided between his own thoughts and his bob pipe, which he puffed at be tween chuckles. Glancing up he saw Daily stand ing near, “Draw up a chair frien’ Daily and make yourself to home.” Silence ensued. “Any news?” questioned “Cap” as he knocked the ashes from his pipe and placed it in his pocket. “None,” answered Paxton in the curt tone characteristic of the Dailvs. "Then I reckon you wouldn’t mind lending your ears for a spell, eh?” “Not much, who’s dead?” “ ’Taiu’t nobody dead as I knows of, Iho the good Lord oughter know that pore Hilton woman would rest better if she was buried.” “Wall, began David Glaston set tling himself more comfortably in his chair, you know I alius name iny critters. Seems like they sorter appreciate names, ever notice one prick up his ears and look pleased like? Wall, that’s jes’ the way old Dobbin feels about it and 1 never fail to call his name. But it ’twan’t the critter’s name I start ed out to tell you about ’twuz what he done.” “Whom did it concern?” asked Daily. “That’s jes’ what I sot out to tell you, but I guess if you can’t give a feller time, I can close up.” “No, go ahead. No harm meant by the question,” “As I was saying, old Dobbin was the best horse I ever seed. One day Agalea wanted to borrow Dobbin to go galiranting around llie country with a bunch of them city folks. 1 hated to see mv horse run to death, an’ then I reckon there musl’er been a feelin’ in my heart concernin’ the gal, not know ing whether she could manage a horse or not.” “I answered, no. Agalea saw I mm for 3 days ofJdusic TlZfti s —and trifforMrfdisoiis *20,000 cash prizes. Sign and send to us. We'll loan you « New Edison for three days, — without charge or obligation. Experiment with it —and send Mr. Edison a phrase which will distinguish the New Edison from all other sound-repro ducing devices. SIO,OOO in 23 prizes. Folder of complete information free. Mail this Ccr« tificate today. ■ McDonough Drug Co. MAMS ABO A K S 0 IXS/ NEW EDISON Brain Work Wins. This is proved by the fact that in the last nine years 2,700 sug gestions for improvements in manufacturing methods and ma chinery have been accepted and paid for by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber company. In the nine years since it be came company policy to ask for suggestions from employes, 55,000 new ideas have been submitted by workers. For some of these as high as S2OO have been paid — in a few cases even greater amounts have been paicJ where benefits were proportionate. In most cases from $lO to SSO are paid. Employes take this method of earning additional money and it is not unusual for one employee to have as high as six suggestions accepted in a year. meant what I said, so she -just turned on her heel and went out of the room.” “Along after dinner a while 1 went out in the orchard where 1 pulled some tall grass that I thought would go well to old Dobbin, and I reckon would have, but when I got to the stables his door was standing wide open. About three feet from the door was a bright blue feather. did that feather come from, and when,? I asked myself.” [ Continued next Week ] I). A. BROWN. DENTIST Office Hours : n A. M. to 12 M TERMS: STRICTLY CASH. McDonough, Ga. NEW EDISON EXCHANGE THIS ••NEW EDI SOy* Clothes, teeth and hair must be brushed. We need a brush when we shave, scrub the floor, varnish the. woodwork. !A lot of brushes put out lately need Danderine they shed their hair. We sell the kind that give lasting service. This is the that keeps all the best 1 patent medi cines. Have you used Dr. Miles’ Remedies? We’ll guarantee the first bottle or package to help you. Your money back if it doesn’t. HORTON DRUG CO. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA Salesman Wanted, to sell tires direct from factory to user. Ex ceptionally good commission. All or spare time. Address, Burr Oak Cord Tire Company, Burr Oak, Michigan. For Dismission. GEORGIA —Henry County. Whereas, J. L Pritchett, administrator of John/Patrick, represents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered John Patrick's estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be dis charged from his administration, and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in August, 1921. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. Maddox’s Blacksmith . Shop TO MY FRIENDS:.; I have begun business for myself at the Stansell & Rape stand near the Henry County Milling & Ice Co. I have been connected with the blacksmith business for the past eight years. I feel that my practical knowledge ob tained while in business with Mr. Joel Bankston enables me to do anything that may come my way. Come to see me. Yours truly, GRADY MADDOX. a Colorado Utah California North Carolina •Michigan Reduced Summer Fares VIA. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM From Atlanta Convenient Schedules Attractive Service Inquire V. L. ESTES, D. P. A. Broad and Walton Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. H. C. ELLIS FRANK SETZER ELLIS-SETZER CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMING FRED KELLEY, Licensed Embalmer License No. 497. Issued by the Georgia State Board of Embalmers, Jan. 12, 1915. No case so small but that we give our BEST SERVICE* Office Phone No. 8. Residence Phones Nos. 57, 54-J, IJ2-J, McDonough, - - -, - - - Georgia. For Administration. GEORGIA—Henry County. To Whom It May Concern: Troy Smith, having made application to me in due form to be appointed perma nent administrator upon the estate of Malissa Welch, late of >-aid county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in in August, 1921. Witness my hand and official signature, this 20th day of June, 1921. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. HOWARD L. CARMICHAEL FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMING Office Phone 19 Residence Phone $0 'Jj ill ' You can plov/ di !’., j Jy Si/os * /\- “TO harrow, harvest, i\\ thresh, bale hay, *jjr stamps, do road j [ work or arw other ffZ power job around j | f arm quicker, ! j easier and at less eost toyonwiththe Sj j Twenty-four hours each |j | // day, every working day in [Washing Machine\ j\\ the year it will give ir.axi | mum service. Light but \\\ ; powerful it gets from job to job quickly. Easy to operate and control —et'i- cient, economical and above M• g all DEPENDABLE, Hjj| Get in the power-farming frame of mind now. Call, phone or drop us a card for facts. See the Fordson in practical • j ! | l operation. p ; ! 4 i H. M. AMIS CO. For Leave to Sell. GEORGIA—Henry County. To Whom It May Concern: W. H. Morris, administrator of the es tate of B. H. Morris, deceased, having in due form made application for leave to sell the lands belonging to said estate, consisting of 65 acres in Sixth district of said county and state, being part of lot uumber 109. Said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the’ first Monduy in August, 1921, This first day of July, 1921. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. .J