Newspaper Page Text
Co-operative Marketing
For Sweet Potatoes
The first attempt to market
Georgia sweet potatoes on the co
operative marketing plan will be
made within the next. week. The
Georgia Farm Bureau Federation 1
through its marketing exchange,
has devised a plan for handling
sweet potatoes for growers
throughout the state, and it is said
indications are it will prove bene
ficial to all growers.
The exchange is now forming a
sweet potato organization, and
when the bulk of the crop begins
to come in next month, it is said,
this organization will be ready to
However, in order to take care
of the sweet potatoes which have
already started coming in from
several counties, the exchange has
made arrangements to care for
them by co operating with the
Southern States Produce Distribu
tors at Valdosta.
This concern has selling agents
in one hundred and forty prin
cipal cities, who wire the prevail
ing prices on all comodities each
day direct to fc headquarters. The
agents also wire the amount of
commodities their markets re
The agency then takes the best
price quoted and sells direct by
wire, Shippers bill their potatoes
direct to the agency, or to Atlanta,
from where they are reshipped to
the city buying.
P. H. Sanders, in charge of the
Farm Bureau exchange, says that
new sweet potatoes are beginning
to arrive and that he believes the
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F«O.B.Detroit . %. ■:
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<* i~7 /ft*. 1&T * „ ?_
&0 V ; t %s '• ' ’*-■ ** « - ** L.y.. v* -
Built with over strength in every part;
built to withstand tin constant s :a:n of
heavy cbty;*teoied out under every cona
tion of farm and belt wens, ana put to
actual test by 170,000 owners curing tin
past three years—theFordscnTracter has
lived up to every claim made for it.
No matter what the farm tash—whether
plowing, disking, harr: /, threshing,
baling hay, grinding feed, pumping
water, sawing- wood, pulling s tumps,~£k-.
ing silos, or any of the many other jobs
around the farm, the Fordson will not
only do and do well, but quicker, easier
and at less expense.
There are so many different time and
money saving ways in which the Ford
son can be used that you owe it to your
self to get the facts. Come in and see
the Fordson, or write or phone for the
j arrangement with the selling
agency will work to great advan
tage. He said the first few cars
would be sold in Atlanta, and that
the exchange would handle these
Mr. Sanders said indications are
the Georgia sweet potato crop
this year would be extremely
good, and the growers would re
ceive an excellent return for their
crop. He said co-operative mar
keting would guarantee the far
mers a better price, and at the
same time place the potatoes on
the market in better condition.
Full details regarding the plan
are being mailed out in bulletins
issued by the marketing exchange.
Sunday School Association
A Country-wide Attendance
Contest has bemi organized in
connection with the approaching
Henry County Sunday School
Convention to be held in the
Methodist Church at Stockbridge
on Sunday, July 31, accoding to
R. D. Webb, General Superintend
ent of the Georgia Sunday School
At this convention an attractive
banner will be publicv awarded
to the Sunday School having the
largest number of delegates in
proportion to the distance travel
ed. Under this plan, ten dele
gates coming ten miles each to
the convention count the same as
twenty delegates traveling only a
distance of five miles each, thus
making it fair for all, both near
and far.
The banner becomes the prop
erty of the Sunday School winning
it, and mqy be taken home for
permanent display in the Sundoy
School room.
TY in pamphlet or book-form can
be had for 25 cents the copy at T.
A. S!om Sc Co., McDonough Drug
Co., Horton Drug Co., McDon
ough, and Locust Grove Pharma
cy, Locust Groye.
m mjmwKl
ot*& tw&l* it' 6s di 9
No Substitutes
\7,«difvvV ? n
T 7 r> mm !}• ©
Li?er Meciicsie
? f.o a
Yco I? get somewhere
t *>. I c 7j -ry. a ;
lA/jSrn yyrtifal / ;
..■■ <1 ITU VSMtffi JT.t *&«■ iq «W'<« MOM.M li«>. »«»«&■-w piQ. »j
Prince Albert is
sold in toppy red
bags, tidy red tins,
handsome pound
and half pound tin
humidors end in the
pound crystal glass
humidor with
sponge moistener
ffiINCE AlßEfflh,
Copyright 1921
by R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
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The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
io use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of
—■ and has been made under his per
fjfL . sonal supervision since its infancy.
' •***<*“'<& AUow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger" the health of
Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment.
Never attempt to relieve your baby with 9
remedy that you would use for yoursed*
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Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,.
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contain?
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it ha?
been iii constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Comfort—The Mother’s Friend.
genuine CASTOR! a always
In Use For Over 30 Years
i fae Hind You Have Always Bought
i ii iiicitih—riTT’~Tri ii uni mi i inil !■ n q—n wwiiininMiiiiw i hm m .. .
Prompt Delivery and All Work Guaranteed.
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/FAT- v. •r. . :
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• . ev.
dif'lil' y -y'/p
A \a//VP -'yV'" *
Start fresh all over again at ,".c ferirxir-g! Get a
pipe!—and forget every smoke e:.:pv. . ice you ever had
that spilled the beans! Fcr c j'mmy pipe, packed
brimful with Prince Albert, ’.ill trim ary degree of
smokejcy you ever xegistered! It's a revelation!
Put a pin in here! Prince Albert can’t bite your
tongue or parch your throat. Both are cut cut by o.ur
exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old
idea you may have stored away that you can t smoke a
pipe! We tel: you that you car—and just have the time
of your life cn every flrc-up —if you play Prince Albert
for packing!
What P. A. hands you in a pipe it will duplicate in a
home-made cigarette! Gee —bur you’ll have a lot cf
fun rolling ’em with Prince Albert; and, it : 's a cinch
because P. A. is crimp cut and stays put!
the national joy smoke
Children Cry for Fletcher's