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Old Dobbin Wins
(Continued from last week.)
1 went back to my chair under
the the maple, but I kept wonder
in’ where old Dobbin could be.
That feather seemed to haunt me.
At last I knew. Azalea had blue
feathers in her headgear that she
wears when she rides. It all
seemed plain to me now and 1
wondered that I had not thought
Azalea had disobeyed me. She
had dared ta take old Dobbin
against my will. But when a fel
ler gets sleepy he is apt to forget
all his troubles and fall dead asleep.
I did. I wuz dozzing along first
rate when that blamed telephone
set up a yell that would ’er waked
the saints, much less me. I didn’t
hanker after one of them things
to start on; it was Azalea’s idea.
Until that day I hadn’t tried my
luck talking through the thing. I
jerked down that part you hold to
your ear and kept hollerin’ “Hello”
louder and louder every time.
Wall, after a while I caught a
voice saying, skeered like, “Tell
Mr. Gaston that his horse is hurt
worse than we thought and to ask
him to come out to Grandview di
Well, I remembered afterwards
that I left the receiver. 1 believe
that’s the thing hanging down,
maybe it hit again’ the table, I
1 grabbed my hat and was rid
ing over the hill to Grandview
afore I hardly come to myself at
all. When I got there I saw a
crowd all gathered aroun’ old
Dobbin. He wuz laying down, in
the road and when I just looked
at him, I says, “Old Dobbin, you’re
done for.”
I kept looking for Azalea to ap
pearNipon the scene, but seemed
like nobody didn't know where
she wuz at all.
1 heard horses’ hoofs hitting the
road and I raised up and looked.
Splitting down the road like mad
came a feller I didn’t know.
When he got even with the spot
where old Dobbin lay he got off’u
that horse like lightning. He or
dered the around like he’s
hired to. 1 didn’t mind jes’ so he
got old Dobbin on his feet again,
and that’s jes’ what he did quick
er’n any horse doctor I ever seed.
Old Dobbin was looking right
smart pearter when Azalea came
up, tired and red in the face. Aft
er found out how she had rid to
town after that horse doctor and
let him have her horse while she
rode her two feet I felt right sorry
for Azalea. Course I didn’f forget
she had give me lots of trouble,
but she looked so brave looking
and I knowed she wuz ’bliged to
be tir^d.
“1 see,” commented Paxton Dai
ley, “Old Dobbin won life over
death. I admire his choice.”
Not at all, not at all, old Dobbin
is a thorough bred; he didn’t stop
with jes’ living.
As I wuz saying, Azalea walked
back from town and seemed pow
erful put out about the horse.
She told me with real tears in her
tyes how sorry she wuz. Old
Dobbin tho’ didn’t ’low' a stumble
would lay him out. He got well
faster’n any horse 1 ever seed and
i'.ow lie’s peart as ever.
But going back to that horse
doctor seemed like he jes’ took a
liking to Azalea from the start.
But you wuz at the weeding; there
ain’t no use in me telling that over.
They say they’re mighty happy
and without even considering me
they lay it all to the horse.
Last Week’* Items.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvie Cdrmichael
attended Sunday school here
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Amis and
family were visitors here Sunday.
Mr. Raymond Roan, of Brooks,
spent Sunday night with his pa
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Rowan spent
the week-end at Flippen and at
tended service at Ozias Sunday.
Mrs. donee Brannan and chil
dren, Miss Fannie and Mr. Lewis
Brannan visited relatives here last
Mr. and
and children were the spend-the
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pres
ton Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander
and little Eleanor spent Sunday
with the latter’s parents.
Mrs. Martha Rape gave a birth
day dinner for her two oldest
grandchildren Monday which was
enjoyed by all present.
Mrs. Nath Woodward is spend-
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“I was hardly able to drag, I
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ily and felt I surely must do
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mg a few days with her daughter,
Mrs. Ben Pendley.
Miss Mattie Joe Latiey spent
Sunday with Miss Ethel Roan.
Rev. Hincy and daughter, of
Key, Ala., arrived Sunday to spend
a few days with his‘son at this
piace. Jocelyn.
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For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern:
Troy Smith, having made application to
me in due form to be appointed perma
nent administrator upon the estate of
Malissa Welch, late of said county, notice
is hereby given that said application will
be heard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said counYy, to be held on
the first Monday in in August, 1921.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 20th day of June, 1921.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
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Tv. RECREATIONS for S dajs. iio
charge or obligation.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern:
W. H. Morris, administrator of the es
tate of B. H. Morris, deceased, having in
due form made application for leave to
sell the lands belonging to said estate,
consisting of 65 acres in Sixth district of
said county and state, being part of lot
number 109. Said application will he
beard at the regular term of the Court of
Ordinary for said county to lie held on the
first Monday in August, 1921. This first
day of July, 1921.
A.G. HARRIS, Ordinary.