The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 19, 1921, Image 10
The Henry County Weekly Official Organ of Henry County. B. S. ELLIOTT. Editor. Kutered at the po6tofflce at McDonough, Ga., as second-class mall matter. Advertising Rates 25c per Inch, position 5c additional—special contracts, C Foreign Advertising Representative THL AMF.R K'AN PR KSS ASSOCIATION McDonough, Ga., August 19, 1921. Resolutions On the Death of Mrs, Duffey Whereas, it has pleased our lieavenly Father to remove from our midst Mrs. Genie Duffev. Therefore, be it resolved by the members of the Methodist Misson ary Society : First, That in the death of Mrs. Duffey each of us feel a deep loss of a true and loyal member, and that we shall miss her cheerful . presence and her hearty co-opera tion in all of our work. Second, That we humbly bow in submission to His will, who doeth all things well, realizing that our loss is her gain. Third, That we express our ten derest love and sympathy to her daughter. Fourth, That a copy of these resolutions be spread on the min utes of the society, a copy sent to her daughter and a copy sent to The Henry County Weekly for publication. Mrs. J. B. Newman, Mrs. R. H. Daniel, Mrs. Asa a. Lemon, Committee. New Amendment. Secretary McLendon, today, gave out the following: The press of the state will ren der a public service bv calling at tention to the amendments just made to the Motor Vehicle Law. From now on, no ten dav card board tags can be used at all, and it will be a violation of the law for anyone to attempt to operate a car under one of these tags. The amended law makes it the duty of every sheriff in the state, of which there are 160, and of every constable, of which there are 1,700, one in each militia dis trict, to swear out warrant and to prosecute every violator of the Motor Vehicle Law. In other words, an army of 1,860 public of ficers is now charged with the duty of enforcing this law, not on ly as to tags, bur as to every re quirement. This law will be signed by the Governor within a day or two, and the Secretary will, as quickly as possible, have the same printed and a copy will be furnished every Justice of the Peace in Georgia, and every constable, and every sheriff. It will not be safe for any violator of the law to get out of his militia district with an unreg istered car. The amended law also defines the uses to which a dealer mav put a dealer’s tag. Many dealers are now using tags unlawfully. Constables who swear out war rants, and Justices of the Peace who issue warrants, will Up en titled to the costs as fixed by law in misdemeanor cases.” p I . ■ COODTOTME LAST DROP MAXWELL MOUSE COFFEE k ASK YOUR CROtER L OBSERVER C jN.I Fodder pulling time. Cotton beginning to open. 801 l weevils have got us. Fine prospect for potato crop. Hard times getting in earnest now. Horse siioe pitching and checker playing all the go. There wili be more wheat and grain sown this fall than ever be fore. The boll weevil is playing havoc with the cotton fields in Henry county. The “Holy-Rollers” do not be lieve in having a physician in case of sickness. The annual reunion of the Rodg ers family was held at Bethany yesterday. A dollar was cheap a few years ago, but it’s worth one hundred cents now. The many friends* of Rev. E. Oglesby are glad to see - him able to be up again. Hudson bridge, which has been out of commission, is being rebuilt again this week. The Henry county singing con vention may not hold but one day’s session this year, * The prospect now is that the gin houses will not be crowded much this season. The revival at Sardis church re sulted iu twenty-three accessions to the membership). The construction of the new steel bridge at Island Shoals is nearing completion. The annual reunion of the Miller family was held at the old home near Ola Wednesday. Rev. Lon Cleveland, of Jackson ville, Fla., is visiting relatives and friends near Bethanv. #• Preparations are being made for the meeting at old Shingle roof camp ground this year. The revival at Philadelphia re sulted in seventeen accessions to. the membership of the church. The Young People’s Union will have charge of the 11 o’clock services al Bethany next Sunday. A new organization which is known as “Holy-Rollers” has been Colorado Utah * / California North Carolina Michigan Reduced Summer Fares VIA. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM From Atlanta Convenient Schedules Attractive Service Inquire V. L. ESTES, D. P. A. Broad and Walton'Sts., ATLANTA. GEORGIA. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. I organized in the eastern part of the | county. Rev. and Mrs. Parry Lee, of Pelham, are the guests of Mrs. Lee’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harper. Rev. I. G. Walker, pastor of Bethany church, administered the ordinance of baptism to sixteen at that place Sunday morning. It was our good pleasure to at tend the old soldiers reunion at Shingleroof camp gronnd last Thursday and it was a success. The legislature has adjourned, and the boll weevil has eat up the cotton crop, and all "these appro priations to pay —it’s bad times. Our Bro. correspondent from Stockbridge gives us a short ser mon every week on the sins of dancing, and his articles are high ly interesting. BROWN & BROWN Attorneys, at Law McDonough, Ga. Call or write as for farm loans. Buy Them Economically DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS CIGARS TOBACCO PIPES ICE CREAM NORRIS CANDY TOILET ARTICLES jaw, HORTON DRUG COMPANY. Beginning September 1. Our Terms Will Be We are going to give you more merchandise for your money than we ever have before, and to do this it is necessary for us to get cash for what we sell. The ones who pay cash and 3tay out of debt don’t have any thing to worry about. We are going to make it worth your while to trade with us, so WATCH FOR OUR PRICES. T. A. SLOAN & CO., M’DONOUGH, GEORGIA. A M U S II ■ ■ L-EIT’S GO V Friday: MARY PICKFORD IN “COULD YOU, JEAN” It’s a laugh for all between six arid sixty. Saturday: TOM MIX IN " , ‘•THE SPEED DEMON” ALSO A COMEDY This is without doubt the speediest and most thrilling “Mix” we have had. See the lobby photos then decide for vourself. 'Our Gtmar= aotee Is Behind Every One off • These STATIONERY SCHOOL SUPPLIES KODAK SUPPLIES RUBBER GOODS TRUSSES “REAL” HAIR BRUSHES IVORY COMBS