Newspaper Page Text
What Is Taking Place in The South*
land Will Be Found In
Brief Paragraphs
In spite of the intimation of Pre
mier Briand that the Brijtish and
French delegations were deadlocked
on the Silesian question, and the feel
ing in diplomatic circles that this was
the read reason underlying Lloyd-
George’s announcement of his decision
to return to England, the French for
eign office denies that a rupture has
The United States shipping board
steamer Black Arrow sank recently off
Cape Vilano, on the west coast of
Spain. The crew and passengers were
saved, hut the ship and cargo are a to
tal loss.
It has been officially announced that
the receipt of Earnonn de Valera’s re
ply to the British fovernment on the
Irish peace proposals, necessitating
early action by the British cabinet, is
the real reason for Lloyd-George's de
parture from Paris.
Col. George Harvey, United States
ambassador to Great Britain, an "ob
server” at the supreme council meet
ing in Paris* spoke up for the first time
since the conferences began. He of
fered to obtain more complete infor
mation to assist the allies in whatever
they may do to alleviate Russia’s dis
tress and to that end has cabled his
government at Washington.
Negotiations between representa
tives of American and British shipping
interests on the question of freight
rates for Egyptian cotton have been
broken off, according to advices from
The pope has named-Bishop Michael
J. Curley of St. Augustine, Fla., as
archbishop of Baltimore, which is the
achepiscopal see of the Roman Cath
olic chyrch in the United States.
An explosion in the Hinoshima ar
tillery magazine is reported to have
injured or killed over two thousand
It is reported in Lindsay, Ontario,
that Gen. Sir Sam Hughes, former Can
adian minister of militia and an out
standing figure in Canada’s war ef
fort, is at the point of death.
All members of the Irish Republican
parliament now in custody will be re
leased, with one exception, in antici
pation of the meeting of the parlia
ment called for August 16, according to
Dublin advices.
Of the entire Spanish detachment
which defended Zeluan against the on
slaught of the Moors, only Lieutenant
Bravo and eight soldiers managed to
save themselves by jumping into the
Frank A. Linney, Republican state
chairman of North Carolina, to be
federal attorney for the western North
Carolina district, has been confirmed
by the vote of 31 to 17.
Congressional investigation of the
American Legion’s organization and
alleged “scandalous and disgraceful
conduct of a small coterie of self-con
stitution, self-perpetuating officials,’'
has been asked in a petition present
by to Vice President Coolidge and
Speaker Gillett.
Congressman W. C. Lankford of
Georgia advocated in the house, re
cently, the passage of his $500,000,000
farmers’ relief bill, which provides for
immediate purchase through the war
finance corporation from banks, either
national or state, farmers’ notes matur
ing within three years from the pass
age of the act and secured by either
first or second trust deeds or liens.
The packer control bill, a subject
of contention in congress for nearly
a score of years, was passed finally by
the house without a record vote and
sent to the White House for executive
Formal invitations to the Washing
ton disarmament and pacific confer
ence will be sent shortly now that
agreement on the date for the opening
of the conference practically has been
practically has been reached. Offi
cial notification from Japan that she
accepts November 11 as the date will
make the agreement unanimous. This
notification is expected hourly.
Even more extensive changes in tax
levies than were agreed upon at the
white house conference between Pres
ident Harding anJ Republican leaders
of the house of representatives have
been voted tentatively by the majority
members of the ways and means com
A definite hospitalization program
for former service men involving the
immediate expenditure of $6,110,000.
The new program is said to have the
approval of Secretary Mellon.
Diplomatic negotiations preliminary
to the disarmament conference reach
ed a formal stage for the first time the
other day when the state department
drafted notes of invitation to the five
powers that are to be asked to partic
Jobs for 1.000,000 idle men will be
provided if congress passes the ad
ministration’s railroad credits bill,
Eugene Meyers, head of the War Fin
ance, declared recently before the sen
ate interstate commerce committee in
in opening hearings on the bill.
A double-barreled campaign for open
sessions of the forthcoming disarma
ment conference was on here, under
the leadership of Senators Hiram
Johnson, Borah and other senate in
Former agents of the alien property
custodian are now in Germany trying
to get retainers from German dye com
panies seeking American business, H.
O. Metz, New York dye maker declar
ed recently in resuming his opposition
to the proposed dye embargo before
the senate finance committee.
A bill authorizing the president to
confer congressional medal of honor
and the distinguished service cross
on the unidentified American soldier
who will be buried in Arlington na
tional cemetery by November 11, has
been passed by the house and sent to
the senate.
Announcement of renewed insisteno
by the United States upo nadjustment
on the lines of the White award of the
boundary dispute between Costa Rica
and Panama is forecast at the state
department as the next step in the
controversy between the two repub
The whole question of prohibition as
it operates in the United States has
been thrown open in the senate. An
anti-beer bill was passed, with twenty
senators voting against it, after a de
bate which indicated the first organiz
ed reaction toward present-day en
forcement of the Volstead act. While
they did not succeed in defeating the
bill, or in sending it back to commit
tee, the opposition group did achieve
the passage of an amendment which
requires every enforcement officer to
obtai na search warrant before he sets
forth on the liquor trail, a provision
which "rduys” declared would “nullify”
the Volstead law.
Easier credos for farmers, provided
for by the bill which passed the senate
• will provide some relief for the present
disorganized condition of agriculture,
representatievs of the farmers says.
The war department has 1,000 com
missions for second lieutenants and
only 126 applicants.
Cost of labor allowances to railroads
for the six months guarantee period
following government control will in
clude only increased wages and not
alleged “inefficiency of labor” factors,
under a decision handed down by the
interstate commerce commission.
Reports that five persons had been
killed and ten or twelve injured when
train No. 13 on the Yazoo and Missis
sippi Valley railroad hit a truck at a
grade crossing at Anguilla, Miss.,
were received at Vickburg.
Dr. J. E. Slaughter, a planter, was
shot and killed at his plantation at
Schlater, near Greenwood, Miss., by
a negro tenant farmer who escaped,
but was reported surounded by a sher
iff’s posse in a woods near the scene
of the killing.
Two men were killed and five in
jured, three seriously, when the party
was buried under several tons of de
bris by a fall of rock in No. 6 shaft
of the Quincy, Mich., mine. The cav&-
in was caused by an air-blast.
Ten of the nineteen Craighead coun
ty, Arkansas, farmers recently convict
ed on charges of night riding arrived
at the state pentitentiary at Little
Rock to begin their sentences. Their
arrival was delayed because of time
allowed them to cultivate their crops.
They will serve terms ranging from
two months to one year.
Reaf Admiral George Fink Kutz,
U. S. N., retired, said to be the sec
ond oldest living rear admiral in the
navy, died at San Francisco recently,
at the age of 86. He participated in
most of the important engagements of
the Civil war'
Governor Small of Illinois, under ar
rest in connection with charges of mis
use of public funds and embezzlement
while he was stazted treasurer, has de
manded a change of venue and an im
mediate trial.
As the result of a quarrel over
“moonshine” Emmett Bates, 18, is
dead, and Clarence Wells, 19, is held
in the Wise, Va., jail in connection
with the killing.
Fourteen-year-old James Burnett,
alias Charles Hickson, is being held
in the Waifs’ Home, New Orleans,
while the police are investigating a
story imputed to the boy that four
months ago he killed a companion
in Dalton, Ga., and then fled to New
t© by McClure Newspaper Syndicate.)
THIE story of New
1 York should
Al rightly begin with
ft;/ fjw eighty-five
IH IUMm JJf years before Henry
Hudson’s voyage in
his little boat, the
• Half Moon, up the
river which now bears his name. For
at that early date an Italian navi
gator, Verrazano, exploring for France,
sailed Into New York bay. This first
visit to New York made little stir and
was soon forgotten, and It was Hud
son's rediscovery which tempted the
Dutch to send over colonists and ob
tain for the Dutch West India com
pany a monopoly of the Dutch fur
trade In America. The new colony
which was started In 1023 called its
territory New Netherlands, after its
mother country, and their principal
city New Amsterdam. It is Interesting
to reflect that Manhattan Island, which
Is now New York city, was purchased
from the Indians for $24 worth of
beads and ribbons. Even In its earliest
days the settlement on Manhattan Is
land was cosmopolitan. In 1043 It Is
reported that eighteen different lan
guages were spoken there. In 1004 the
English captured New Netherlands,
and King Charles II presented the col
ony to his brother, the duke of York,
who was later King James 11, and its
name was then changed to New York.
New York played a leading part in
the formation of the United States.
It was Alexander Hamilton who was
New York’s representative in framing
the Constitution and it was New York
city which was selected as the first
capital of the new Union, where Wash
ington was inaugurated the first pres
ident. Ever since the Empire state, ns
New York Is sometimes called, has
held the deciding voice In presidential
elections. Though its size is only
49,204 square miles, not quite half way
In the list of states according to area.
Its great population gives New Y'ork
forty-five presidential electors, the
largest number of any of the states.
®T HE capital of
1 North Carolina
is very appropri
ately named Ra
leigh, for it was
Sir Walter Raleigh
who was respon
sible for North
Carolina’s first settlement. It was in
1584 that Raleigh obtained permission
from Queen Elizabeth to plant an
English colony in America, and the ex
peditions which he sent established a
little colony on Roanoke Island. There
In 1587 was born the first American
child of English parents. She was
named Virginia Dare, after the virgin
queen. This colony, due to England’s
war with Spain, could not be properly
supported, and after a few years per
ished. It was not until over a century
later that permanent settlements wer6
made. Daring pioneers from Virginia
pressed south into the new territory,
and these, augmented by a large com
pany of Huguenots from France and a
greater number of Germans from the
Palatinate, founded the first North
Carolina town of Newburn In 1710. By
the time of the Revolution the popu
lation in North Carolina had increased
to such an extent, with an influx of
Scotch-Irish and Scotch Highlanders
who settled chiefly in the western
counties, that it ranked fourth among
the original thirteen colonies. Today
Its population entitles it to twelve
electoral votes for President. In area
it stands about half way among the
states with 52,420 square miles. North
Carolina was the twelfth state to
adopt the Constitution, the formal
ratification taking place In November,
1789. The derivation of the name
Carolina, as in the case of South Car
olina. came from the Latin Carolus,
meaning Charles, and was given orig
inally In honor of King Charles IX
of France and retained by King
Charles II of England. North Carolina
is also known as the Old North state.
Novel Pistol.
A Frenchman has perfected the in
vention of a “poison pistol.” If one
Is not permitted to carry firearms, a
poison pistol will do the work as ef
ficiently. It Is like an ordinary gun In
appearance but without bullets or cart
ridges. The handle of the gun con
tains a poison gas fluid. If the trig
ger is pressed a thin stream of the
poison fluid shoots out and acts in
The Reason.
“Doctors do not exercise any dis
crimination in their business.”
“Why not?”
“Their patients are invariably al*
•‘Dodson’s Liver Tone” is Taking Place of Dangerous*
Sickening Chemical, Say Druggists
Every druggist in town has noticed
a great falling off in the sale of
calomel. They all give the same rea
son. Dodson’s Liver Tone is taking
its place.
“Calomel Is dangerous and people
know it.” Dodson’s Liver Tone is per
sonally guaranteed by every druggist
who sells it. A large bottle doesn’t
cost very much but if It fails to give
easy relief in every case of liver slug
gishness and constipation, Just ask
for your money back.
Poor Girl.
Willis —Saw a girl staggering down
the street the other night.
Hlll is—Swaeked?
Willis —No, she was a dizzy blonde.
—California Pelican.
There is only one medicine that really
stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for
curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and
Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root stands the
highest for the reason that it has proven
to be just .the remedy needed in thousands
upon thousands of distressing cases.
Swamp-Root makes friends quickly be
cause its mild and immediate effect is soon
realized in most cases. It is a gentle,
healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at all
drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medi
um and large.
However, if you wish first to test this
great preparation send ten cents to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a
sample bottle. When writing be sure and
mention this paper.—Advertisement
What Did He Want?
Knlcker —“Saint Switlnn is a wet
saint.” Booker—“ But he brings noth
ing but water.” —New York Sun.
Good Bye!~Malaria!
Recommended for Adults and Children Because ft
Does Not Contain Alcohol, Arsenic, Narcotics, Quin*
ine, Mercury or Habit-Forming Drugs
In Capsules Absolutely Tasteless
Although Antipiasma is a 7-day guaran
teed cure, the majority of malaria suf
ferers taking this treatment, which is in
capsule form hence tasteless —report
relief and seemingly normal condition
at the end of the third and fourth day!
. your druggist doesn’t sell it. mail $2.00 to the Vino Medical
200 West Houston St.. New York, N.Y., and one bottle containing com
plete seven-day cure will be immediately sent you postpaid.
Antiplasma is Malaria Insurance at a cost of $2 yer year
. ■^^•'3;‘ J J o
Ml JVrrr*:/
y§ii' « *
I /Nb
W&@4 I
Dodson’s Liver Tone is a plpataunß
tasting, purely vegetable rcmedj*
harmless to both children and adult*
Take a spoonful at night and wake up
feeling fine; no biliousness, sick head
ache, acid stomach or constipated
bowels. It doesn't gripe or cause h*
convenience all file next day like vio
lent calomel. Take a dose of calomeU
today and tomorrow you will feti
weak, sick and nauseated. Don’t law
a day. —Advertisement.
8 l-3c Yard for 37 Inch,
3.50 wt. Brown Drilling, Atco Stores, A tea. Cm.
Agent h Wanted, men or women; sell "ArUmy.”’
the highest grade Insect exterminator ■Lad*
for flies, mosquitoes, ants, fleas, bedbugs auM
roaches. Bullock A- Hook, Ulassboro. N. M.
Want to Sell Your City I’ro|>erty. lmpra*«a
or wild lands, or business? Write us cm*-
jdete description. We get results. C ■-
Meat Smokers That Smoke
Stop spoiling your meat by putting a Era
underneath. Save your smoke-house, fratn
tire. Keep your meat cool arid sweet. C■»
be made and attached by any farmer » a
couple of hours. Complete and im
structlons sent prepaid on receipt of tux'
Order now and save SIOO in (neat uevH
Brooklyn Station Baltimore, Mary la mi
iiay KBVKBf D< v< u Want Relief? M
you do, send one-ceni stamp for circalxu
telling you how to get It
141 August it St. Los Angelo*, Cold
Calilmge Plants, Collard, Tomato, Lcttwoe.
Celery, Beet, Bermuda Onion Plants. T*rr«t
Post, prepaid. Satisfaction or money tutefc.
100, 30c; 300, 75c; 500, $1; 1,000, $1.75. Em*.,
fob 1,000. $1.30: 6,000 at $1 20; 10,0»0 at
sl.lO. Cauliflower plants double the a!)***
prices D. F. Jamison, Summerville, 8. C
Cuticura Talcum
is Fragrant and
Very Healthful
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c.
Harmless, purely vegetable
entry label. Guaranteed non-uarcobc, not-alcoholic.
"Bless Its Heart —It’s Happy Now** !
because its healthy stomach digests food
properly, and bowels act as they should, I
after using
The Infants* and Children's Regulator
It is a real pleasure to give this invaluable prep
aration — and babies and young children like to
take it. Mrs. Winslow’s Syrup never fails to over
come constipation and brings remarkably quick ,
and gratifying relief in wind colic, diarrhoea,
flatulency and the many ther similar troubles.
Add a few drops, depending on age, to each feed
ing, it keeps baby's bowels regular.
It is the best remedy that medical skill has
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may be quickly proven by reading the complete
formula below which appears on every label.
Senna Sodium Citrate Oil of Asia* Caraway
Rhubarb Sodium Bicarbonate Feoaa) Coriander
Glycerine Sugar Syrup
At All Druggiata
ANGLO-AMERICAN DRUG CO.. 215-217 Feltea St. New York
General Selling Agents: Harold F. Ritchie St Co., Inc.
New York London Toronto