Newspaper Page Text
The Holiness meeting in West
'.Griffin came to a c'ose last Sun
‘*fav night. Monday they moved
*5 E ast Griffin, where they will
continue for several weeks.
One of the best ‘ sermons we
have heard in quite a while was
impeached at the Presbyterian
<fc*rch last Sunday at 11 o’clock
bv Dr. Stafford. We can’t call to
mind the exact words of his text
right now, but it was one of the
ofid prophets speaking to his son
teiiftng him to be a man, the sub
j edt being mostly building charac
ter. A large crowd was present
stud we felt very highly paid for
t tie effort in going.
We also paid our respects to a
soldier from overseas by attend
ing his funeral Sunday afternoon
at 4:30 o’clock, held from the
First Methodist church. The body
ot Clifford Orin Wallers arrived in
Griffin at 5:20 Saturday afternoon
-jLttd was held by an undertaker
until the time above mentioned.
The casket was covered with a
targe flag and bowers’. Rev. O.
K. Cull, Christian pastor, read the
scripture lesson, followed by a
prayer by Rev. Pierce of the
Methodist church. Dr. Stafford
■ voros chosen speaker, he having:
been in the service himself, who
■made a short hot very impressive
ttik. The boy scouts turned out
Sn ti body do pay respects to the
deceased, who was one of the
first scouts in Spalding county,
it was indeed sad as we watched
-Iha/lear old mother, draped in
black, and stout boys and girls
weep and brush their tears sjway
for all that remained of their j
ftreasure. Put yourself in their!
place ao best you can was the |
ftiuught that entered mv mind as!
*lhe choir €»ng ‘Abide With Mo,”
-sind our 'wart went up in thuik
.tilt-nose that all was well with us
• artdWaat the Lord would pour out
'Rs-s blessings on the bereaved
LVlrs. Roy Blankenship and chil
dren spent several days last week
■with relatives in Griffin,
There will be no preaching at
PIEDMONT COLLEGE, Demorest. Ga. po !!,ivHyaii"un
Sfnndurd Fmr Yu irs Suuiur Foliage for niPuYund woman. No college
■n«: university in Georgia with higher standards. Large outside income
j#»«'<. its own supplies reduce Board, Tuition and Fees to $259 for nine
■ioiontLs. For °atal full information, write
DKAN j. C. ROGERS, Piedmont College, Demorest, Ga.
Next week see announcement of High School of Piedmont College
i We Will Help Yo« h
One of the most important functions of this Bcnk is
to assist our friends and customers, wheye either credit
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There is no single need you may have
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experienced attention if presented to us.
Our chief aim is to help each customer
succeed. We grow through your success.
the Presbyterian church for a
month, the pastor being awav
on a vacation.
Fraser Blankenship, of Atlanta,
spent Thursday night at home.
Mr. Hard Crumbley, of McDon
ough, was in Griffin a while Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Love are re
joicing over the advent of a ten
and a half pound boy. v
Country beans, watermelons,
cantaloupes and all kinds of barter
are being sold on the streets of
Griffin at very low prices. Think
of it —last year beans were bring
ing from 50c to SI.OO per gallon,
now they are 10 and 20c.
One, Two.
For prompt taxi service, don’t
forget to call Raleigh Steele, tele
phone No. 131-J.
thenforiT* Black-Draught Highly
Recommended by a Tennessee
Grocer for Troubles Re
sulting from Torpid
Ea3t Nashville, Tenn.— The effic
iency of Thedford’s Black-Draught, the
genuine, herb, liver medicine, Is
vouched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a
grocer of this city. "It is without
doubt the best liver medicine, and I
don’t frslieve I could get aloug without
It. I take it for sour stomach, head
ache, bad liver, indigestion, and all
other troubles that are the result of
a torpid liver.
“I have known and used it for years,
and can and do highly recommend It
to every one. I won’t go to bed with
out it in the house. It will do all it
claims to do. I can’t say enough for
Many other men and women through
out the country have found Black-
Draught just as Mr Parsons describes
—valuable in regulating the liver t.o
P 3 normal functions, and in cleansing
the bowels of impurities.
Thedford’s Black-Draught liver medi
cine is the original and only genuine.
Accept no imitations or substitutes.
Always ask for Thedford's. e.BB
I YtMk w
?i«i vMw - -
The Annual Trustees
Meeting at the Court
House September 6th
On the first Tuesday in Septem
ber, at 9:30 o’clock, all the trus
tees of the county are urged to
meet with the Board of Education
at the court house. The Board
also invites the patrons to join the
trustees and come. One of the
school supervisors will address us.
Everybody is invited to be present.
T. J. HOPTON, C. S. S.
Orricuc Hours :
n K. M. tO 12 M
McDonough. Ga.
Now Is the Time —
To buy your supply of coal for the winter
The slow movement of coal during the summer months
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We offer FOX RIDGE COAL, the best free-burning,
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our service: is the: best
If you are thinking of obtaining glasses, please bear in mind
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whom you entrust the care of your eyes is of greatest impor
tance. Ours is a complete organization, devoted exclusively to
the scientific examination of eyes and the fitting and grinding
of proper glasses, all for one reasonable charge.
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