Newspaper Page Text
Mosquitoes biting.
Hard times talk.
801 l weevils plentiful.
Watermelon crop played out.
It’s going to be a tough time on
bill collectors.
Prof. Sam Rosser closed out his
singing school at Bethany Satur
Eskridge Norman, of Hazle*
hurst, is visiting relatives in Mc-
Luella Sunday school picniced
at Davis’ lake last Thursday after
C. R. Hand and 0. F. Alexander
are visiting in South Georgia and
Florida this week.
We regret to note the death of
the little infant of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Foster, which occurred
at their home near Bethany Sun
day night. It’s remains were laid
to rest at Bethany Monday after
McDonough is getting to be a
regular shipping point for vegeta
bles and several of the farmers of
near the city are experimenting in
raising beans, etc., and eighty-!
three crates were shipped a few
days ago.
Prof. W. J. Pendley, of Ola, has
recently closed out a ten days
singing school at Sharon. He has
also taught a class at Mount Beth
el, another class at Snap
ping Shoals, with a good attend
ance at each place.
The grounds, tents and every
thing is being prepared and put in
readiness at old Shingleroof camp
ground this week for the annual
camp meeting which begins to
night (Friday) and it promises to
be the best held in years.
The reunion of the Miller fam
ily was held at the old Miller home
place near Ola last Wednesday
and there was a good attendance
present. There is quite a large
number of relatives connected
with the Miller family and these
reunions are indeed pleasant oc
casions, and we wish we had the
space to give a sketch of the fam
ily history and the full details of
all of these reunions that are be
ing held in our old home section.
The reunion of the Laney fam
ily was held at the old Tom Laney
home place in Tussahaw district
last Saturday and there was quite
a number of friends and relatives
present and everybody present
enjoyed the day. This is the home
where County Surveyor J. H.
Laney spent his boyhood days and
these reunions vividly bring back
the pleasant memories of the
past, and we wish we had the
space to give a full sketch of the
events that took place in our old
home district, back in the days of
our childhood.
The annual reunion of the Rod
gers family was held at Bethany
church last Thursday and there
was a good attendance of the
friends and relatives present.
There was quite a number of the
immediate relatives of the Rod
gers familv that was absent on ac
count of sickness in several dif
ferent families, but notwithstand
ing this there was quite a num
ber present. Rev. I. G. Walker,
of Locust Grove, gave a very ap
propriate an interesting address,
and was followed by Rev. Alonzo
Cleveland, of Jacksonville, Fla.,
who gave a most interesting talk.
At the noon hour it was just sim
ply good to be there. It was a
regular good old-time spread din
ner and the long table upon which
it was spread, was just simply
loaded down with good things to
eat and everybody present enjoy
ed the day. The reunion is held
annually, and will hold again next
What WiH the Farmer Do Next
Year? Depends on Who He Is
(Continued from first page.)
highest price at which any peach
es had been sold there this season.
The growers of Upson county
peaches were told while they were
in the eastern markets that U pson
county peaches and those from a
point in north Georgia ranked as
the best peaches shipped from
Georgia in color, flavoring, size
and carrying qualities. Thousands
of peach trees will be set in Upson
next fall and winter and the coun
ty promises to become one of the
leading peach-raising counties ot
the country.
Juliette, Ga. Raising broom
corn is an industry that is now be
ing successfully tried in this sec
tion. The experiment was first
made last year by J. L. Sapping
ton, who formerly resided in Illi
nois, Oklahoma and other states
and is familiar with the raising of
broom corn. He states that the
climate and soil of this country
are suited to this industry, and if
a porper ma ket can be secured the
corn will be extensively grown.
Columbus, Ga. —Columbus is to
have a big sweet potato curing
A contract was awarded Thurs
day to J. C. McCraney Co., for the
erection of a building 50x100 feet,
the house to be so erected as oth
er units may be added as the de
mands increase, for such a plant
here, the investment representing
some SIO,OOO.
H. Land and associates are back
of the movement and they have
already contracted for a number of
potatoes to be delivered early in
September. The new enterprise
was fostered by the chamber of
commerce and it is a twin move
ment to the proposed creamery
plant to be established here, The
latter plant is to be a much larger
enteprise and a stock company is
now being formed to “put it over.”
- *r
Juliette, Ga. —A cream station
has been established at Thomas -
ton and it is providing a most suc
cessful and profitable enterprise
for the farmers. The Central of
Georgia Railway company is en
couraging the enterprise by giving
reduced rates on shipments. The
interest in shipping cream is grow
ing among Upson county farmers
as they learn how easy it is to turn
a product heretofore going to
waste into money. Establishment
of the creamery is expected to
giye a big impetus to the cattle
and dairy industry in the county.
Now, if some enterprising, co
operating body of our good citi
zens will have faith in the future
and give expression to this faith
to the extent that we may have a
potato drying house and a grain
warehouse opened for business by
another year, why should we not
have prosperity again ?
By way of suggestion, here is a
scheme once worked with no small
degree of success and satisfaction:
The Farmers’ Warehouse, it was
called. The farmer brought his
produce to the managing officials
of the concern and left it there,
taking a warehouse receipt, for
say, so many bushels of corn, or
other produce. This was held till
a carload was in the hands of the
warehouse when shipment in large
quantitiy was made, sold and bill
of sales returned, whereupon eve
ry individual depositor was paid
his pro rata share of the proceeds
in accordance with the amount of
produce he had ir, the car and
against which he held the ware
house receipt. The management
transacted business on the com
mission plan.
The time is ripe for safe and
sane thinking and much of it
should already have passed
through preliminary stages and
plans for the future should have
been tentatively mapped out.
What others have done or do
ing, we can do with as marked
success. Others went after it.
We must dp the same thing.
“Wnat ought to be done, must
be done, and we are the ones who
can do it,” i« another good slogan
for the good citizens of our coun
ty. J. A. Partridge.
Administrator’s Sale.
OKOR.HI A—Henry County.
By virtue of an order of the Ordinary of
Raid county, will he sold l»-forr the court
house door in the city of McDonough, be
tween the legal hours of sale on the first
Tuesday in September next, sixty-five
acres of land being in the sixth land dis
trict of Henry county Georcia, being part,
of lot number 109, and being all of said
lot except 27‘/2 acres in the southwest
corner sold to T. O. Callaway i>F .T. F. M.
Fields; 30 acres sold to G. W. Cathy by J,
F. M. Fields, said 30 acres lieing on the
north side; 40 % acres on east side sold to
11. B. Morris, by B, 11. Morris; and 30
acres on the west side set, apart as a dower
to Mrs. Mary B. Morris, v\ldow of said B.
11. Morris. Said land bounded on the
north by dower of Mrs. Mary' s. Morris,
and lands of G. \V. Cathy, on tin* east by
lands of 11, B. Morris, G. W. All and J. L.
Turner, on the south by dower of Mrs.
Mary S. Morris, and lands of G. W. Cathy
and Mrs. Ainaziah Mitchell, on the west
by dower of Mrs Mary S Morris, and"
lands of Mrs. Cora Fields and G. W. Cathy.
Bold as the property of B. If. Morris, de
ceased. This August Ist, 1921.
W. H. MORRIS. Administrator of
B. IT. Morris, deceased.
Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
Will lie sold at the court house door in
McDonough, Henry County Georgia, on
the first Tuesday in September 1921, with
in the legal hours of sale, to the highest
bidder for cash the following property tn
wit: Cne wooden freight and passenger
depot of said .Southern Railway Company,
located at McDonough of said state and
county. Said property levied on as the
property of the Southern Railway Com
pany to satisfy a tax fi. fa. Issued by Wm.
A. Wright comptroller general. The
agent of said Railway Company. C. D.
Ingram being in possession notified m
writing of said levy. This August 2, 1921.
W. a'. WARD, sheriff.
Henry County Georgia.
Sheriff’s Sale.
G KORGI.A —Henry County.
Will be sold at the court house door in Mc-
Donough, Henry county Georgia, on the
first Tuesday in September 1921, within
the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for cash the following property to-wit;
One brick passenger and freight depot of
said railway company, located at liainn
ton of said state and county. Said prop
erty levied on as the property of the Cen
tral of Georgia Railway Company to sat
isfy a tax fi. fa. issued by Wm. a Wright,
comptroller general. The agent of said
railway company, A. E. Huffman, in pos
sesion notified in writing, This August
2, 1921. W. A WARD. Sheriff.
Henry County Georgia
For Administration.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern:
J. 11. Lowe and T. A. Sloan, Jr,, having
made application to me in due form to be
appointed permanent administrators upon
the estate of M. C. Low late of said county,
notice is hereby given that said application
will be heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for said county, to be
held on the first Monday in September,
Witness my hand and official signature,
this Ist day of August. 1921.
A. G, HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County
To Whom It May Concern:
R. O. Arnold, having made application to
me in due form to be appointed perma
nent administrator upon the estate of
Tom Miller, late of said county, notice
is hereby given that said application will
be heard at the regular term of the Court
of Ordinary for said county, to be held on
the first Monday in September, 1921.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this Ist day of August, 1921.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Office Hours :
" A. M. 60 12 M
McDonough, Ga.
Beginning September 1, Our Terms Will Be
We are going to give you more merchandise for your money
than we ever have before, and to do this it is necessary for us to get
cash for what we sell.
The ones who pay cash and out of debt don’t have any
thing to worry about.
We are going to make it worth your while to trade with us, so
T. A. SLOAN & CO.,
Sheriff’s Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry Cour.ty.
Will he sold at the court house door it: Mc-
Donough, Henrv county Georgia, on the
first Tuesday In Sept. 192 i, within the legal
hours of sale, to the highest bidder for
cash the following property to-wit: One
wooden freight and passeturer depot of
said Southern Railway Company located
at Greenwood of said state and county.
Said property levied on as the property of
the Southern Railway Company to satisfy
a tax fi. fa. issued by Wm. A. Wright,
comptroller general The agent of said
Railway Company, Mrs. T. B. Hensly,
being in possession notified in writing.
This August 2nd, 1921.
W. A. WARD, Sheriff.
Henry County Georgia.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
All creditors ol the estate of Mrs. Re-
Hampton Hardware & Furniture Co.
our service: is the: best
Ify ou are thinking of obtaining glasses, please bear in mind
that the financial and professional responsibility of those to
whom you entrust the care of your eyes is of greatest impor
tance. Ours is a complete organization, devoted exclusively to
the scientific examination of eyes and the fitting and grinding
of proper glasses, ail for one reasonable charge.
Optometrist J. C. Duggan Optician
53 West Mitchell Street , Near New Terminal Station.
-10 Bars of Laundry Soap for 25c
6 “ “ Toilet “ “ 25c
J “ “ “ “ “ 25c
3 “ “ Palm Olive Soap for 25c
25c Ladies Hose for 2 pr. 25c
95p Gunts “ “ “ “
J. Sc P. Coates Thread, 150 yd. spool for 5c
Ball Thread, 5 Balls for 5c •
Black and White Ox Blood Polish for 10c
10-quart Bucket for 25c
8-quart “ “ 25c
400 Stick Pins for 5c
12 Safety “ “ 5c
50c Men’s Ties for 25c
Box Paper for 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, SI.OO
Yours for More Business,
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern:
J. B. Lowe and*T. A. Sloan. J>., havin'-/
made application to me in due form to be
appointed permanent admsnistrators upon
the estate of Edna T. Low late of said
county, notice is hereby given that said
application will be heard at the regular
term of the Court of Ordinary for said
county, to be held on the first Monday in
September, 1921
Witness my hand and official signature,
this Ist day of August, 1921.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
becca J. Treadwell, late of Henrv county,
deceased, are hereby notified to render in
their demands to the under signed accord
ing to law, and all persons indebted to
said estate are required to make immedi
ate payment. July 20th, 1921.
8. W. CARSON, Executor. Atlanta, Ga.