The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, August 26, 1921, Image 4
STOCKBRIDGE “An empty head makes a garru lous tongue.” “You emnot purify the we 1 ! by painting the pump.” Marshal Moseley has a bay mule he took up the 16th. See adver tisement elsewhere. Rev. VV. P. Carmichael and wife, of Temple were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Milam. Mrs. W. O. Butler, accompanied by W. O. 8., Jr., is on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Jep Daniel, Franklin, Ga. Mr. Grover Cleveland Clark, p. 0. Rex, Ga., has our thanks for re spected favors, which are grate fully acknowledged. On the sick list last week were Mi s. A. W. Mays, Mrs. G. T. Sor rehs, Mrs. Homer Buttles and Miss Grace Butler. All soon showed improvement. No. 10, yi the watermelon pro cession is Mr. J. M. Wyatt, of Rockdale county, who sent us a very sweet yellow rneated melon. Many thanks. Mrs. C. V. Weathers, wife of the pastor of South Rome Metho dist church, and Mrs. I. Bowden, of East Atlanta, were visitors of Mrs. W. 0. Butler Monday. Mrs. Ward McWilliams Warlick, of Buffalo, N. Y., expects to visit her parents here soon. Lieut. H. .1. Warlick, of the U. S. Army, her husband, is stationed in that city Five members were added to the Methodist church Sunday morning and night, four of them by certificate, it being Pastor Sor rells day. Two members were added in the Union protracted meeting, which closed Friday night last week. The pastor reports a good meeting at that church among the members. Mr. Mace Morris moved to Mari etta Monday. He did great work in Henry county with his dredge boats, reclaiming thousands ot acres of good land, some of which have bountiful crops of corn on them ibis year, thus increasing the bread producing acreage in out midst tor years to come. Our peo pie wish him and his family much prosperity in their new home. To see 100 to 200 people on their knees tor a whole hour in prayer, and to hear people testify to conscious salvation tor a solid hour, and many not have a chance to pray or testify are common scenes at Indian Spring camp meeting. Then lo see S2BOO to $3060 raised for the extension of the Kingdom in two hours time as a thank ottering is an annual scene at the camp ground. Will Smith, a person of color, was detected Sunday morning by Marsnal Moseley riding on the trucks of a north bound train and invited to stop over at the Mose ley Inn. lie gave up his position under a passenger coach, remark ing that he had a ticket from Macon, Ga., to Cincinnati, because the conductor did not see him. He is now stopping with our sher riff at McDonough, instead of ho boing to Ohio. Stockbridge high school will re sume Monday. Sept. sth. There are four high schools in Henry county, ana three of them are dis trict schools, that is the patronage is restricted to the population in which the schools are located, but the Stockbridge school is not lim ited to it’s location as to patronage, but pupils living in the districts north of it are allowed a place in this school. For that reason there ought to be a large school in our town. Our marshal’s bull dog has a keen eye as well as his master, and recognizes as a stranger the per son who does not frequent our sidewalks at night. The dog lets you know that you are an intruder on his territory. His master’s voice and the chain about his neck only keeps him from at-j tacking you. There hasn’t been a : burglary here in years. Y'ou can rest undisturbed so long as the marshal and his dog “Sport” are on guard at night. The moving pictures, the mod ern sensual dances, and the auto mobile (the Devil’s buggy) are the three great allies of the Devil in the debauchery of the young life of America. Parents and guard ians of the young are lazily wak ing up to the situation and feebly protesting and weakly acting to avert the dangers that are all about us. The harvest that will be reaped after a while is tearful to contemplate in the loss of vir tue and the damnation of souls. Shingle Roof camp meeting opens Friday niaht, the 25th. Able preachers have been appointed, an experienced singer employed, and a good meeting is expected, if those who attend who are profes sed Christians do not find a soft seat on the stool of do nothing and sit there for a whole week feasting and calling and let sin ners go on to hell while they do nothing towards trying to rescue them. Such people get nothing in such a meeting except to get fur ther from God and nearer to hell themselves. The parable of the talents (Mat. xy.) preaches the funeral of the professed Christian who is good, but “good for noth ing.” The man or woman with the one talent unemployed has the same doom according to the hook, as the maudlin drunkard, the unclean adulterer or the mon ey-loving covetous church mem ber. Lookout!!! AJAX, JR, A Tonic For Women "I was hardly able to drag, I was so weakened,” writes Mrs. W. F. Ray, of Easley, S. C. “The doctortreated me for about two months, still I didn’t get any better. ! had a large fam ily and felt I surely must do something to enable me to take care of my little ones. 1 had heard of CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic “I decided to try it,” con tinues Mrs. Ray ... “I took eight bottles in all ... I re gained my strength and have had no more trouble with wo manly weakness. I have ten children and am able to do all my housework and a lot out doors ... 1 can sure recom mend Cardui.” % Take Cardui today. It may be just what yoit need. At all druggists. E.Bl Colorado Utah California North Carolina Michigan Reduced Summer Fares VIA. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM From Atlanta Convenient Schedules Attractive Service Inquire V. L. ESTES, D. P. A. Broad and ATLANTA, GEORGIA. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA Greenwood. Last Week's Items. The barbecue given by the Sun day school here Saturday proved to be a great success. Had good music in the forenoon with Prof. Horton as leader, and a splendid talk by Judge Daniel. They had plenty of Brunswick stew, pork, and everything that it takes to make a complete meal. They had more good singing in the aftei noon and good talks by Prof. Hor ton, Mr. Harvie Carmichael and Supt. T. B. Hincy. The day was pleasant for all and we hope that we will enjoy another like it in the future. Miss Lucile Rowan was the guest of Miss Hilda Woodward the past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Tvre Rowan were visitors here lajt week. Mr. and Mrs. George Hartshorn, of Cordele, Dr. Red wine and daugh ter, Miss Minnie, of Hampton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pendley Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Morris spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Middleton. Mr. Loyd Dickson spent a few days ir: Birmingham last week go ing through the country. Several from this place attended meeting at Pliiladelohia last week. Mr. Charlie Branan and children stopped awhile in Greenwood Wednesday returning from a visit to Zebulon. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pendlev spent Sunday in this vicinity. Miss Ethel Roan is visiting near Atlanta this week. Ajax, Jr., you were misinformed about the foot-washing ceremony at Ozias. The time annually is the Third Sunday in July, and it always comes to time. Go and see for yourself. JOCELYN PEACH SEED Wanted, 500 Bushels Good, clean of meat, sound, dry seedlings. Will pay SI.OO per bushel, of 50 lbs., and must be delivered by Sept. 10th. Get busy and let us have good lot sound, dry, clean Peach Seed. Can use Chickens, Eggs, Hams, Shoulders, Side Meat, Rye, Wheat and Irish Potatoes. / COPE LAND-TURNER MERC. COMPANY. \>.t Contents 15 Fluid Drachm ry~T7Ti. ~ ” VS-JV -MT' .• w<r.r / ■ <» “ *«T parapr/e.-ip c/c ventre c rt icirt-ft o n, f c tires interin it«r rttea. FALTAa Ut / i: lonsi-qi/e/iu'as dislo-na ilrfancia. ~<3s ST&'ftbtcXZtS’ INJfcTW YORK. PTTcohol-3 pebceHl I AVe^fablcPfcparationforAs• Infants /Children t Thereby Promoting neither Opium,Morphincno >lmeral.NoTNAHC° TIC fitepi of Pumpkin \ Sen-na . 1 JlockUtSrti I i MittStt* 1 1 j C-arified Sugar I ft : aad Feverishness and Fac-Simile Sijna^l 0 * I IseCesmunCoih’tftf- J kDom” Exact Copy of Wrapper. HIGH SCHOOL OF PIEDMONT COLLEGE Highest official educatonal standing in'Georgia A non sectarian, positively Christian four years standard High School for hoys and girls ; every one under the care of a proper preceptress. Prepares for life, teaching or any college. College atmosphere. Libra ry, Lyceums, Athletics, Music, Expression, Horne Economics. Ex penses verv low. For full information write DCAN T. C. ROGERS. Piedmont. College, Demorest, Ga. Next week see announcement of Piedmont College. EAGLE No. 174 For Sale at voar Dealer Mads in five grades ASIC FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK [9oo Drops CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always J . Bears the /jt J* sig r e 4^ ajv In ft/ Use W For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY.