Newspaper Page Text
The Henry
County Weekly
Official Organ of Henry County.
B. S. ELLIOTT, Editor.
Entered at the postoffice at McDonough,
Ga., as second-class mail matter.
Advertising Rates 25c per inch, position
5c additional—special contracts.
Foreign Advertising Representative
McDonough, Ga., August 26, 1921.
Flattery never bothers some
Deople. They never get it.
Half the world is hungry and
the other half is acquiring indi
The wise man may become fool
ish at times, but the fool can never
annex wisdom.
When the unexpected happens
most people immediately find that
they were expecting it.
Possibly doctors never take
their own medicine because there
is no one to pay the bill.
If sorqe people were required to
think before they spoke tiiev
would never say anything.
Any one can point out the wisest
man in this town. It’s a poor fish
who forgets his own name.
True, a chronic liar may some
times tell the truth, but he prob
ably lies about it afterwards.
It may be true that there is no
rest for the wicked. In fact, ex-
Ay ience only confirms us in the
Some critics might aptly be de
scribed as people who talk about
one thing while talking about an
other. _____
Every property owner possesses
one right of which no one ever
seeks to deprive him —that of pay
ing his taxes.
But little is said of the profiteers
these days. But possibly people
are becoming weary of talking
about themselves.
Every man is willing to perform
his duty, but most of them insist
upon making their own decisions
as to what constitutes duty.
To various resorts in all parts of the
United States
Write V. L. ESTES, District Passenger Agent,
48 North Broad St., Atlanta, Ga ,
for full information.
The Southern Serves the South.
Pushing the Rich Along.
The rich man doesn’t get there
by his own efforts alone. The
poor man keeps pushing him along.
Take the matter of locomotion
as an example.
There was a time when the
rich man was glad to ride on a
donkey or in an ox cart. The poor
man walked.
Then some ancient genius de
vised the carriage for the benefit
of the rich. The poor man climb
ed into the old cart or straddled
the donkey.
But the man of nothing was not
satisfied. He wanted something.
He commenced to climb into the
carriage. In time he began to own
With the poor man bowling
along in his carriage, the rich man
bethought himself of a new toy —
one beyond the reach of common
The automobile made its appear
ance, with a honk in front and its
smell trailing along behind.
The rich man was again in a
class bv himself. He whizzed by
old Dobbin and scared him out of
his wits or drove him into the
But it didn’t last. The poor
man was stubborn in his deter
mination to keep the pace. He
declined to stay down.
Again time worked its wonders.
It saw the poor man climbing into
the rich man’s car. Today it sees
hin owning his own car.
But evolution continues its work.
The rich man is now onlv one of
the many. He has no class of his
own. Therefore he is turning his
eye toward the aeroplane as a
means of locomotion.
Some day he will abandon his
car and travel in the air—again
above the common herd.
But even that will not last.
There will he no seclusion for him
even in the clouds. The poor
man will get there, too.
It is a great race, with the rich
man sprinting to keep a few laps
ahead and the poor man following
with mighty leaps and bounds in
his efforts to keep abreast.
That, if you please, is one w.ay
in which the poor man is pushing
the rich man along.
Some day they may both attain
wings—in another world.
Sea serpents are no longer con
fined to the briny deep. The
drug store variety is easier to see
and more fearsome to behold.
A pipe’s a pal packed with P. A.!
Seven days out of every week you’ll get real smoke
joy and real smoke contentment —if you’ll get close-up
to a jimmy pipe! Buy one and know that for yourself!
Packed with cool, delightful, fragrant Prince Albert, a
pipe’s the greatest treat, the happiest and most appe
tizing smokeslant you ever had handed out!
You can chum it with a pipe—and you will—once
you know that Prince Albert is free from bite and
parch! (Cut out by our exclusive patented process!)
Why every puff of P. A. makes you want two more;
every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than the
last! You can’t resist such delight!
And, you 11 get the sniokesurprise of your life when
you roll up a cigarette with Prince Albert! Such entic
ing lluvoi you never did know! And, P. A. stays put be
cause it’s crimp cut—and it’s a cinch to roll! You try it!
the national joy smoke
Fmhlcm ojSilufiulutn
A Child Can Work
the Buick Clutch
- xX
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\ ■:£*-+ VWKfc*}»r ,: :1 \/
\ i&J /
• t ' *
McDonough, Ga.
Ik /jB'W y" Ml J
•m/ | k JmA
llZHY drive a car that takes
VV all your strength to work
the clutch?
Buick cars drive right because
they’re built right —as more
than a half-million Buick
owners will testify.
Step into our sales room today,
ride in the new Buick models
and try the clutch yourself.
No others compare.
Buick Sixes
22-Si.x-44 Three. Passenger Roadster $1495
US-Six-45 Tire Passenger Touring - 1525
22-Six-46 Three Passenger Coupe - 2125
22-Six-47 Fire Passenger Sedan - - 2425
22-Six-42 Four Passenger Coupe - - 2325
22-Si X-49 Seven Passenger Touring 1735
22-Six-50 Seven Passenger Sedan - 2635 ~
Buick Fours
22-Four-34 Two Passenger Roadster $ 936
22- Four-35 Five Passenger Touring 975
22- Four-36 Three Passenger Coupe - 1475
22- Four-37 Five Passenger Sedan - 1655
All Pncet P. 0. B, Flint, Michigan
Prince Albert Is
sold in toppy red
bags, tidy red tins,
handsome pound
and half pound tin
humidors andinthc
pound crystal glass
humidor with
sponge moistener
CRIMP "Bui l
Copyright 1921
by R J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co.
yV* ns * o, *-Salem,
N. C.
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