Newspaper Page Text
'• Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge No. 37 F & AM meet Ist and 3d
Fridav nights in each month. All duly
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
C. J. Dickson, W. m.
W. G. Ingram. Sec.
Call on Speer, the Optromtrist
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stock " all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
Mrs. Sarah Doe is vi siting her
brother in Columbus, S. C.
Austin’s 10c Store will sell you
10 bars of laundry soap for 25c.
We pay cash for used Fords.
S. W. Bryans and W. H. Pullin.
Buy all your tender snap beans
at Kimbeh’s Bonded Warehouse.
Go to Austin’s 10c Store for
bargains Saturday. One day only.
Mrs. J. T. Weems and Julian
have returned from a visit to
We are glad to know that Mrs.
John Green is improving in health
at this writing.
Messrs. William Amis, Dozier
Fields and Miss Howie spent Tues
day in Atlanta.
Mrs. T. J. Brown and Miss
Louise Brown were visitors to At
lanta this week,
If you want to sell your ford
cheap for cash, see S. W. Bryans
or W. H. Pullin.
For prompt taxi service, don’t
forget to call Raleigh Steele, tele
phone No. 131-J.
Mr. Paul Turner, of Texas, is
visiting his parents, Judge and
Mrs. Paul Turner.
Mr. Fred Kelley and Miss Annie
G. Thompson are visiting friends
in North Carolina.
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ingram and
son were guests of relatives at
Flovilia on Sunday.
Mrs. Tom Sowell has returned
from Indian Spring, where she
spent several days.
Miss Flora Neal and Miss Louise
Smith are in Atlanta, the guests of
Mrs. de Forest Taylor.
Miss May. Woodward, of Haw
kinsviile, visited relatives and
friends here this week.
Mrs. H. B. Neal left Wednesday
for Rome, where she will spend a
few days with Mr. Neal.
Misses Biake and Bertha Bunn
have returned home after a visit
of several weeks to Atlanta.
Prof, and Mrs. S. L. Osborne, of
Augusta, were the charming guests
of Miss Ellene Nea! this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dickson and
Mr. P. W. Pullin returned Satur
day from a stay at Indian Spring.
Misses Irene Varner and Katha
leen Huling are at home a^el a
visit to Mrs. Troup Smith at Fio
Rev. W. W. Arnold left Tuesday
for Richland, Ga., to visit his
daughter, Mrs. Giles, for a Rv\
You will find beautiful hard
frozen ice, made of pure fres l
water at Henry County Milling an
Ice Co.
Mrs. B. S. Elliott and daugh
ter, Miss Jennie, have returned
from a visit to Mr. Tyron Elliott
at Crest.
Mrs. John Neal, of Thomason,
and Mrs. Will Clary, of Harlem,
were guests of Miss Ellene Neal
this week.
Let us supply you with ice to
keep your meats through the
summer. Henry County Milling
and Ice Co.
Miss Blake Bunn was the charm
ing hostess to the members of Mrs.
Scott’s Sunday school class on Fri
day afternoon.
Mrs. Verna Wright, of Jackson,
and Mrs. Coma Woodward, of
lexas, were guests of Mrs. Mat
tie Green this week.
You will find W. A. Chiles’ lini
ment for headache, rheumatism
and all pains at W. A. Stewart’s
store, McDonough, Ga.
Farm Wanted —I want to hear
from party having farm for sale.
Give price and description. B. B.
Howard, Champaign, Illinois.
Messrs. J. F. Fields, H. L. Car
michael, B. S. Eiiiott and Loyd
Hand were among those attend
ing Indian Spring camp meeting
Wanted —Pupil nurses to enter
the September classes. For fur
ther information address, Superin
tendent of Nursing, Griffin Hos
pital, Griffin, Ga.
Salesman Wanted, to sell tires
direct from factory to user. Ex
ceptionally good commission. All
or spare time. Address, Burr Oak
Cord Tire Company, Burr Oak,
Hemstitching and picoting at
tachment works on any sewing
machine, easily adjusted. Price
$2.50 with full instructions. Gem
Novelty Co., Box 1031, Corpus
Christi, Texas.
Having moved my repair shoD
into the building owned by H. M.
Amis on Griffin Street, I am still
prepared to do your shoe and
harness work, so when you have
any to do, call on me. W. W.
Rev. W. W. Arnold will preach
at Oakland church at 11 a. m.
next Sunday, Aug. 28. This is an
appointment of special importance
to the church and it is desirable
to have a full attendance of its
In the resolutions on the death
of Mrs. Dnffey in August 19 issue
of this paper you will find the
word feel used where feels should
be used. It was an error of the
one who set the type and not the
one who wrote the resolutions.
“The Jenny Lind Music Club.”
of KelleyPwn was entertained by
Misses Virginia Owen and Dorothy
Crumbley at the latter’s beautiful
home, Thursday afternoon. About
nine members were present.
Dainty refreshments were served
and enjoyed by all. The guests
of honor were Elizabeth Crum
bley, Marjorie Kelley and Mrs.
Lincoln Steere, The next meet
ing will be held with Miss Irene
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the seat of the disease.
Catarrh is a local disease, greatly in
fluenced by constitutional conditions, and
in order to cure it you must take an
internal remedy. Hail’s Catarrh Medi
cine is taken internally and acts thru
the blood on the mucous surfaces of the
system. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine was
prescribed by one of the best physicians
in this country for years. It is com
posed of some of the b, est . ton ' c *
combined with some of the best blood
nuriflers The perfect combination of
?he ingredients in Hall’s Catarrh Medi
cine is what produces such wonderful
results in catarrhal conditions Send for
F S 7 HENEY* A CO.. Props.. Toledo. O.
AH Druggists. 76c.
Hail’s Family Pills tor constlpaUon.
'brown & BROWN
Attorneys at Law
McDonough, Ga.
Call or write os for farm loans.
Do you know
you can roll
cigarettes for
lOcts from
one bag of
Kill ThLYiysgrft E\
Bull Durham
The Annual Trustees
Meeting at the Court
House September 6th
On the first Tuesday in Septem
ber, at 9:30 o’clock, all the trus
tees of the county are urged to
meet with the Board of Education
at the court house. The Board
also invites the patrons to join the
trustees and co me. One of the
school supervisors wiU address us.
Everybody is invited to be present.
T. J. HORTON, C. S. S.
Bay Mule Taken Up.
1 have in possession one Bay
Mare Mule, 9 or 10 years old, taken
up August 16. Owner can get
mule bv paying exoenses.
Vess Moseley,
Marshal, Stockbridge, Ga.
Beginning Sept, ist
to give the best services and
lowest prices, and in order to reduce our
expenses, we find it necessary to conduct our
business in the future on a Strictly Gash Basis.
We wish to thank you for all past busi
ness and assure you that we will endeavor to
give you the best service and lowest prices
TLc’.icn fer County Treasurer.
State of Georgia—Henry Cmmtv.
Bv virtue of tin* authority con
fer rod upon mo hy mi Ant of the
General Assembly of the Suite of
Georgia, entitled: “An Act. to
provide for the election of a Treas
urer ut Henry county to till the va
cancy occasioned by the repeal of
the Act of Ihe General Assembly
abolishing the office of County
Tieasurerof said county. Approv
ed August. 19th. 1919. To tix the
salary of the Treasurer of Henry
county and for other purposes, ap
proved Jnlv 28th, 1921.” An elec
tion is hereby called to elect a
Treasurer for Henry county, as
provided for in said Aid, on Fri
day, September 23d. 1921. Said
election to be held in all the pre
uincts of said county on said date
h M U S_ll
Eddie Lyons and Lee Moran
"Fixed, By George"
This is n five-reel roaring comedy. Bring the children.
George will show you how to fix vour troubles.
"Blind Husbands"
If you are married or ever expect to, don't miss this
picture. We guiranteeit to equal “Once to Everv Wcman.”
“Nuf sed.”
under the laws governing general
elections in said state. It. is fur
ther ordord that the managers of
said election make ryturns of the
same to the Ordinary of said coun
ty. Given under my official signa
ture, this the 24th day of August,
1921. A. G. HARRIS,
Ordinary of Henry Co., Ga.
Lorah;£ Allen
Engraved Cards, Wedding Invitations, etc*