The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 02, 1921, Image 1
The Henry County Weekly VOL. XLVII. SHINGLEROOF CAMP MEETING.) 921. BISHOP CANDLER ONTHE PLATFORM Bat few Tents Unoccupied—Partridge's Orchestra and Hooten's Choir— People Present —Seventeen Preachers At tend—Bishop Candler, Dr. Shelton, Dr. Jones aud Rev. Sam Haynes Preached Sunday—sso.oo Raised for Superannu ate Home in Henry County. Notwithstanding the stringency ot the times the camp meeting opened as usual Friday night be fore the fourth Sunday in August. Nearly all of the tents were occu pied. Those not occupied would have had tenants if there had been a more prompt compliance with some of the regulations con cerning the tents. Those who attend the night services missed the good lights that were in use last year, on ac count of the financial failure of a company that was to furnish mod ern lights. The trustees will like ly not have to employ substitutes next year for the brilliant lights that ought to be installed perma nently. A gratifying improvement in the musical feature was the orchestra of this year. Several instruments had been added to the piano, which increased the volume of melody and made the sacred song feature more attractive. Rev. J. A. Partridge’s McDonough orchestra did fine work under his leadership. Mr. W.W. Hooten was the song leader and he did good service with his choir, which ought to have been twice as large had the singers present in the audience responded to his repeat ed and urgent invitations to come to the platform. Miss Mary Ammons presided at the piano and did some good hard work in leading the instruments and sa cred song. The crowds were fine, some four thousand or more people being present on Sunday, though not quite so large as in the past, on account of Bro. 801 l Weevil. The order was good, no dis turbance marring the occasion. The ministers present were ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer for Henry county, subject to the election to be held September 23d, 1921. The vote of both ladies and gentlemen will be highly appreciated, and if elected, will discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Talmon Pattillo. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Treasurer of Henry county at the election to be held on the 23rd day of Septem ber, 1921. I was born and raised in the county, and have been in business for many years and feel grateful to the people of the county for support given me in the same. I want this office, and if it is given me, I promise to do my very best to discharge the duties of the same with faithfulness and effi ciency. It will be impossible for me to make a canvass of the coun ty in the short time before the election, but assure you that I will greatly appreciate your support, and if elected I will try to act in a way to deserve the ho'nor confer red upon me. Your support is earnestly solicited, and will be A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County. Bishop Candler, Dr. Shelton, Pre siding Elder Johnson, Dr. C. O. Jones, Revs. J. A. Partridge, S.M. Haynes, J. R. Jordan, W.R. Foote, W. W. Brinsfield, J. E. England, AV. O. Butler, M. C. Liddell (Pres byterian') L. G. Bowden, B. H. Trammell, W. J. Deßardeleben, T. J. Johnson, G. T. Sorrells. The preaching was of a high order and much enjoyed, partici pated in by the following, up to Wednesday morning: Friday night S.M. Haynes; Saturday J.J.Jordan, L. G. Johnson, W. R. Foote, S. M. Haynes; Sunday, S. M. Haynes, Bishop Candler, Dr. C. O. Jones, Dr. Shelton; Monday, J.E. Eng land, S.M. Haynes, B.H. Trammell, S. M. Haynes; Tuesday, J. R. Jor dan, S. M. Haynes, W. R. Eoote. S. M. Haynes. BishoD Candler gave a great sermon at 11 on Sunday, suited to comfort the people and streng then their faith in God, in the midst of hard times, 801 l Weevil and unrest, closing in a melting and joyous time. Dr. C. O. Jones, Dr. Shelton and Rev. Sam Haynes all brought approoriate and able messages on Sunday, holding the rapt attention of the multitudes. All who preached seemed to bring their best and were heard with interest. Rev. W. W. Brinsfield, agent, representing the Conference Board for Homes for Superanuat ed Preachers, was present and this cause was presented by Dr, Shelton and Dr. Jones in behal f of the home at Stockbridge. Responses were made in cash and subscriptions, amounting to $50.00 Some blanks have not yet come’ in. Send subscriptions to W. O. Butler, Stockbridge, Ga. Singing Convention. The Henry Co. Singing Conven tion will hold its annual session at Bethany church, 3 miles east of McDonough, Thursday, September 8, one cay only. Services will be gin at 8:30. Come and let’s spend one day in song and prdlse to our Lord that His name may be honor ed and glorified. I. P. Rosser, Pres. W. G. Thompson, Vice-Pres. J. M. Wilson, Sec. Ready to Help You. If you are subject to biliousness, gas, bloating, sick headache, sour stomach or other ills that result from indigestion and constipation, you can get relief with Foley Ca thartic Tablets. They are a genu ine, wholesome physic that affords prompt, sure and safe relief with out griping or pain. J. T. Osburn, R. F. D. 1, Lucasville, 0., writes: “Foley Cathartic Tablets are fine. I had stomach trouble. I took Foley Cathartic Tablets and now I can eat anything. McDonough Drug Co. gratefully remembered. Very Respectfully, G. W. Cathey. McDonough, Georgia, Friday, September 2, 1921. The Me Donough Public School Opens Monday, 5 The McDonough Board of Education and the superintendent of the City Public Schools an nounce the opening of the McDonough schools Monday, Sep tember the filth, 8:30 o’clock. Every friend and parent is requested to be there to meet the new teachers and help give the school term a good send off. It is anticipated that a number of grammar school and high school pupils will enter from the rural districts. We hope to see a large number of them enter Mon day. First of the term there will be a charge for incidental fees, $2.00 for the high school pupils and $1.50 for the grammar school pupils. The first day will be spent in organization, classification, and assignment of work. There has just been installed a splended new high school labora tory and an excellent course in chemistry is offered in the tenth grade. Full collge credit will now be given for all science work done with laboratory note book work. Ml fi r., i ,. ,v,| i ■;% /;'^ t ; Reduces Price Cxtra Sise 30 x3'A, *l6 £5 * ; 1«J Firestone first mad* the low price •f $13.95 on the Standard Non-Skid, May 3. Unusual purchasing power through big volume of business, and the great efficiency of its $7,000,000 Plant No. 2, manufacturing exclu sively 30x3 Yi sire, made this possible. Now, the production of the Extra- Size 3tx3 tire has been transferred You feel secure on Firestone Cords. Because Firestone Cords don’t blow out. Your repair man will tell you he hasn’t seen a blowout this past Firestone Cord Tire* are being sold at lowest prices In cord tire hhtory; 3S*3J4~-*24.50 34i4>*— $M.9t H. M. AMIS CO., Agents, McDonough, Ga,. OBSERVER (_::o The annual session of the Henry County Singing Convention will be held at Bethany church next Thursday, the Bth. The conven tion usually holds a two days ses sion, but it will hold only a one day session Ibis time. A cordial invitation is extended to every body to come and enjoy the day. A number of good leaders are expected to be on hand and it promises to be a good session. Come with your voice tuned up and help to make the day a suc cess. Help Them—Help Yourself. When you consider the steady continuous, never - interrupted work demanded of the kidneys, you do not wonder that they must have help occasionally to filter and cast out from the blood stream the waste matter that forms poisons and acids if permitted to remain, causingbackache, rheumatic pains, stiff joints, sore muscles, dizziness, floating specks, sallowness and ir regular bladder action. Foley Kidney Pills give relief promptly. McDonough Drug Co. CASTORIA For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears ■ l ,,n, tr —— Signature of Cords That Don’t Blow Out to Plant No. 2. This permits the price reduction on this tire from $16.65 to $13.95. No such value has ever before been offered tire users. If your dealer hasn’t the Extra- Size in stock ask for our Stand ard Non-Skid type at the same price. You will still be getting an unusual tire value. year —10,600, 15,99# and 20,009 miles, and the tires still going strong. See your Firestone dealer today. Name below. $2.00 A YEAS : Wants to Buy Mules Saturday, Sept, vt* Guss Weill, of Atlanta, will b* at Joe J. Smith’s stable to tt* mules, Saturday, September 3. / you want to sell your mules, now is the time. Bring them in. Joe J. Smith. “School Days. School Day Do you remember the old -?./>mar about school days being goi*fee rule days? It is wrong to send i. coughing, sneezing, spitting d a Si? to school to spread disease gerr.\«- among other little ones. Conn colds are infectious. Protect ywjn own and other little ones w kr Foley’s Honey and Tar. This sa ? family remedy checks coughs ax* - colds, loosens phlegm and and coats raw, irritating mens branes with a healing, sooth medicine. McDonough Drug Cea For Sale. In turn days after placing an ni vertisement in The Henry Conn it*. Weekly two years ago, it brotig’ me sale for S4OO worth of cow k I now have a two-year-old Wio—- consin Holstein bull entitled to fee registered. For service I get trn Will sell for SIOO, if you will se*- me at once. E. M. FOSTER; Flippen, Gtou