The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 02, 1921, Image 2

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Th« Occurrences Of Seven Days Given
In An Epitomized Form For
Quick Reading
King Constantine of Greece, who has
been visiting the battle front in Asia
Minor, is ill, according to a dispatch
received in Paris.
The treaty of peace between Ger
many and the United States was sign
ed at Berlin at five o’clock, August 25.
The discovery of an allegd plot to
assassinate President Obregon result
ed in the arrest of General Jesus Salas
Lopez, commander of a small body
of troops in the state of Morelos.
Efforts to salvage the wreck of the
ZR 2, in the wide-spread mouth of the
Humber river, in the hope that more
of the bodies of the crew might be
recovered from the twisted debris of
the giant airship.
The Sinn Fein’s reply to the British
peace offer doesn't accept the proposals,
but "doesn’t bang the door to peace,”
the Evening News Dublin correspond
ent wired recently. Negotiations, he
reported, are largely a matter of “logic
Fears that a death list runing as
high as ten thousand has resulted
from typhoons around Ningpo on the
coast, and on the Yangtse river, were
expressed by relief workers recently.
All communication with the district
has been severed.
Census figures, pubished recenty.
show that Great Britain has a popula
tion of $42,767,530. compared with 40,-
631,386 in 1911. There are 20,430,623
mules and 22,336,907 females.
The ZR-s, the gigantic airship con
structed for the United States navy,
lies in the Humber river, near Hull, a
colossal and appaling wreck of what
was the largest dirigible the world
has ever seen. Of the forty-nine offi
cers and men on board the airship,
only five —four British and one Amer
ican survive.
An official denial that Director Cuno
fo the Hamburg-American line is to
be the first German ambassador to
the United States after resumption
of peace, has been issued in Berlin.
Cuno has also refused the post of fi
nance minister.
Serious fighting taking place at
Sidi Ameran, south of Melilla, Spain.
Sharp fighting along the Spanish po
sitions there is reported. It is stated
Reinforcements have been dispatched
to the front.
W ashington—
Judge W. W. Larsen recently ex
tended his attack on the railroad fund
ing bill during its consideration in
the closing session of the house.
Congressman Charles H. Brand, of
Georgia, member of the banking and
currency committee of the house of
representative, gave out a statement
in, which he expresses great relief in
the improvement of the cotton market.
The treaty with Germany which
was signed recently in Berlin was
made public by the state department.
It puts into force the economic, repara
tions, military arid various other pro
visions of the unratified treaty of Ver
sailles, but provides specifically that
the United States shall not be bound
by the covenant of the league of na
tions or by other enumerated parts
of the treaty of Versailles.
The United States German peace
treaty, framed by the administration
as a substitute for the long contested
Versailles pact, has been concluded,
and after initial conferences between
President Harding and Secretary
Hughes with members of the senate
foreign relations committee, the new
document seemed likely to be ratified
by the senate after it returns from its
month’s recess.
Nine high schools have been offi
cially recognized by the war depart
ment as “honor” institutions not' des
ignated as such because of the “es
pecially high standards of military
training and soldierly displine.” The
Chattanooga, Tenn., high school is in
cluded in the nine.
Friends of Senator Borah of Idaho,
father of the disarmament conference,
are astounded to learn that Borah will
not be one of the American delegates.
However, Senator Borah will not pre
sume upon President Harding, and has
blocked a move by his friends to get
the president to appoint him.
Legislation creating eighteen federal
judges at large has been recommended
to President Harding because of the
congested conditions of federal court
dockets all over the country.
Disapproval of the administration’s
railroad funding bill, recently ieport
ed by the senate interstate commerce
committee was expressed by William
G. McAdoo, former director of rail
roads in a letter presented to the sen
ate recently by Senator Stanley, a
Democrat, Kentucky, who requested
Mr. McAdoo’s views after the commit
tee had refused to hear Tiim.
With temperatures above normal
in all parts of the belt, cotton failed to
show any general improvement during
the past week, The Weekly National
Weather and Crop Bulletin said re
Japan’s “hearty and appreciative ac
ceptance” of President Harding’s in
vitation to participate in the Wash
ington disarmament and Far Eastern
conference was expressed in a noto
received at the state department re
cently from the Japanese minister of
foreign affairs.
It is thought that congress will re
cess in a few days, and the solons will
go home and recuperate from their ar
duous labors.
J. S. Wannamaker, president of the
American Cotton Association, attacked
the federal reserve system, and assert
ed that deflation of the currency and
of prices had been terribly destructive
to all American producing interests,
that it had been wholly unnecessary,
without any reason and had been alto
gether brought about, deliberately, by
the federal reserve board, composed of
bankers, working in the interests of
the bankers of the country.
In the face of all sorts of claims
by prohibition leaders that congress
should not quit work until the anti
beer bill has been disposed of, indica
tions are that the senate and house
will recess soon without taking up that
Revenue derived from tobacco, ci
gars, cigarettes and snuffs during the
year 1920 amounted to $294,000,000, of
which North Carolina contributed SIOB,-
447,000 and Virginia $20,721,000.
The United States government has
virtually authorized Costa Rica to
seize and exercise its jurisdiction over
disputed territory in Central America
now in possession of Panama govern
ment troops. For the purpose of main
taining control over developments that
may follow, United States armed forces
—some of them now being urshed from
this country v/ill take up advanta
geous position in the trouble zone
in Central America.
One singular thing about the pres
ent trouble between Panama and Costa
Rica is that the United States, while
exercising a special protectorate over
the former government, is in the posi
tion of assisting Costa Rica. Another
odd feature of the trouble is that the
Goto region is not and never has been
denied by Panama as belonging to
Costa Rico.
Lieut. R. M. Merrell and Jack Rode
heaver, brother of Homer Rodeheaver,
choir leader for the Rev. Billy Sunday,
were killed near Winona Lake, lnd.,
when their airplane crashed to the
Albert Haekerman is the most ab
sent-mended man in New York. Emer
ging from a Turkish bath started for
his office forgetting his clothes.
Revenue Agent Stokes V. Robertson
said recently that the dismissal of the
suits against fifty-five of the sixty-two
re insurance companies by Chancellor
Strieker would not affect the prosecu
tion against the seven re-insurance
Dancing masters of the middle West
in convention at Chicago say that busi
ness are finding ballet dancing excel
lent exercise, a figure reducer, teaches
poise and grace and improves the
According to Senator Richard R.
Meents, one of Governor Smalls
closest political allies, says that Gov
ernor Small will be a candidate for re
election in 1924.
Two masked bandits held up and
robbed the mail coach of Missouri,
Kansas and Texas limited train as it
entered Denison recently of probably
half a million.
John G. Shedd, president of Mar
shall Field Co., throw's all responsibil
ity of prosperity on the action of con
Several eels were caught by mem
bers of the lighthouse tender Colum
bine on the last trip of that vessel to
the Cape Lookout breakwater some
beink at least at foot in circumference
and over five feet long.
Reports of a gun battle recently be
tween Logan county deputy sheriffs
and a large body of armed men at
Blair, W. Va., according to reports
received at Charleston, W. Va.
Thomas Hayes, 48 years of age, a
resident of Nashville, Tenn., was shot
and killed recently by his wife, Mrs,
Maggie Hayes, who claims he wa3
trying to kill her with a razor when
j she fired on him.
Mrs. J. S. Moon. 23 years old, is
dead and her husband wms rescued
! after a drop of 10(1 feet from the Tar
| ahan bridge at Memphis, Tenn., into
the Mississippi river, is being held on
a charge of murder as a result of the
fatal wounding of the woman as she
i was crossing the bridge with her hus
Says Great Britain Cannot Counts
nance Tearing Up Of The
United Kingdom
Barnsley, England.—Great Britain
cannot countenance the tearing up ol
the United Kingdom, said Premiei
Lloyd George, in referring to the Irish
question in a speech here recently. II
would mean civil war in Ireland itself,
he declared. He hoped, however, he
said, that common sense would pre
“I am proud that Great Britain hat
risen above all prejudices and pro
posed terms such as have never been
proposed before,” the prime ministei
said. “They are terms which com
mend themselves not only to Great
Britain, but to the whole civilized
world. I trust common sense will
“Whatever our views are we cannot
countenance separation. We can no
more countenance the tearing up ol
the United Kingdom than America
could countenance the tearing up of
the Unitd States. Severance would
lead, in Ireland itself, to civil war.
If southern Ireland is not satisfied
with freedom, I fear all hope of ac
commodation must be abandoned. We
only want to db what is fair, right and
just. If Ireland has a right to sep
aration so has Scotland and so has
Wales, but no Welsh or Scotch pa
triot would ever dream of demanding
1 believe that when the Irish people
realize the sense of the freedom which
is theirs, that real freedom is offered
them, and that all they are asked to
do is to come into the produest com
munity of nations in the world as
freemen, I believe yoi* will find that
that gifted people will realize that their
destiny is greater—a free people in
side a free federation of peoples.”
In the course of his speech, Lloyd-
George made several striking utter
“We have all gofi .prejudices,” he de
dared. “I have seen anti-Irish prej
udices lashed into unwisdom and I
have seen anti-English prejudices on
the other side lashed into unwisdom.
For God’s sake, let us clear aside prej
udices. A nation that lives on prej
udices is doomed, just lik a man who
lives on hatred.
“Whether it is in public or private
trust, no man can endure who has a
vendetta in business or polities, and
a nation's vendetta is just the same.
iysa dour pasturage of hatred. There
is no nourishment, nothing but disap
pointment in it. Let us sweep it on
one side, whatever it costs, even when
there is reason in it. I am proud to
think that Great Britain has arisen
above its prejudices and has given its
prime minister a fair chance to speak
in the name of the people of Great Brit
“If you had severance it wouljd lead,
in Ireland itself, to the most cruel and
most terrible civil war Ireland has
ever seen, and help would be rushed
from all sides and every part of the
world to assist the parties who were
fighting out the battles. We could not
witness civil war of that kind at our
own doors which would involve our
own people throughout the empire and
other peoples as well.”
Tar And Feather Coat Given Texan
Beaumont, Texas. —J. W. Bordern,
an electrician was taken from officers
at Silsbee recently by several masked
men and carried into the country in
an automobile where he was tarred,
feathered and whipped, according to
word received here from the sheriff
of Hardin county. Bordern was later
brought back to Silsbee and dumped
out on the main street, the sheriff
said. No reason has been assigned
for the attack.
One Man Killed In Club Hold-Up
Stamford, Conn.—One was was kill
ed recently when nine men held up
the “Dewey Club’’ in State street, this
city, and obtained $2,000 in cash and
some jewelry from a score of men.
The man killed was Bernard Kilkelly
30, a trolley conductor of this city.
Copy Of New Treaty Leaves Berlin
Berlin. —The official copy of the
peace treaty between Germany and
United States, executed by Dr. Freid
rich Rosen, the German foreign min
ister, and Ellis Loring Dresel, the
American commissioner in Berlin, was
forward to Washington recently.
Many Are Dead In Railroad Wreck
Rome. —Fifty persons are reported
to have been killed and many serious
ly injured, when a passenger train
collided with a freight train ten miles
from Rome recently
Says You Cannot Gripe, Sicken, or Salivate Yourself if
You Take “Dodson’s Liver Tone” Instead
Calomel loses you a day! You know
what calomel is. It’s mercury; quick
silver. Calomel is dangerous. It
crashes into sour bile like dynamite,
cramping and sickening you. Calomel
attacks the bones and should never be
put into your system.
When you feel bilious, sluggish,
constipated and all knocked out and
believe you need a dose of dangerous
calomel lust remember that your drug
gist sells for a few cents a laVge bot
tle of Dodson’s Liver Tone, which is
Apt Definition.
Jack came home from visiting the
new boy in the neighborhood.
“His mother is so petty,” confided
Jack to his own mother.
“Do you mean she is cross?” asked
the surprised woman.
“No. she is petty and awful nice,”
returned Jack.
“But how can she be nice if she’ is
petty?” called big sister.
“Don’t you know?” said Jack. “She
pets her boy, and calls him pet names.”
Name "'Bayer” on Genuine
f m \
Take Aspirin only as told in each
package of genuine Bayer Tablets of
Aspirin. Then you will be following
the directions and dosage worked out
by physicians during 21 years, and
proved safe by millions. Take no
chances with substitutes. If you see
the Bayer Cross on tablets, you can
take them without fear for Colds,
Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,
Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and
for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve
tablets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacld.—
Advertisement. _ *
Maine Woodsmen Come to Town.
Backwoodsmen attend vocational
night schools in Portland, Me., some
of them walking seven and eight
miles to attend the classes. There are
now 26 schools in Maine giving voca
tional agriculture, 87 home economics
and 65 industrial work, besides 70
evening and Americanization schools.
Vocational education in the state lias
grown from making small things to
building houses, machines and auto
mobiles. Boys of the Dexter high
school have built a new shop for their
vocational work. The number of cen
ters where the state department car
ries on extension courses for indus
trial teachers will be doubled soon to
meet the demands.
is greatly relieved by constitutional treat
is a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of the Eusta
chian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect
hearing, and when it is entirely closed
Deafness is the result. Unless the in
flammation can be reduced, your hearing
may be destroyed forever. HALL’S
CATARRH MEDICINE acts through the
blood on the mucous surfaces of the sys
tem, thus reducing the inflammation and
assisting Nature in restoring normal con
Circulars free. All Druggists.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio.—Ad
It's Generally Done.
Scot* Fitzgerald, the brilliant young
novelist, was the wit of his class at
He once attended a Salvation Army
meeting. A pretty Salvation lass rose
and spoke fervently. She declared
that if any one were to strike her on
the right cheek she would turn tne
“And if some one were to kiss you
on the right cheek.” the young under
graduate called gayly from his seat,
“would you do the same thing, miss?"
50 YEARS'^,
Not Only For Chills, Fever and Malaria
' If not eold br tow drourlot, write Arthur I A Co.. LoblotUlo. lr. ______________
entirely vegetable and pleasant to
take and is a perfect substitute for
calomel. It is guaranteed to start your
liver without stirring you up inside,
and can not salivate.
Don’t take calomel! It can not be
trusted any more than a leopard or
a wild cat. Take Dodson’s Liver Tone,
which straightens you right up and
makes you feel fine. Give it to the
children because it is perfectly harm
less and doesn’t gripe. Advertisement.
Why, Papa?
A father and his little son were
riding on a train. It was one of the
hoy’s first trips on the train.
When the train approached Flora
the conductor called the name of tin
station and the train soon stopped.
One passenger, a woman, got up
and left the coach.
The lad turned to his father and
said: “Papa, why did he make Flora
get off the train?”— lndianapolis.
Cuticura Soap for the Complexion
Nothing better than Cuticura Soap
daily and Ointment now and then as
needed to make the complexion clear,
scalp clean and hands soft and white.
Add to this the fascinating, fragrant
Cuticura Talcum, and you have the
Cuticura Toilet Trio. —Advertisement
New Use for Phonograph.
Phonograph records are used in
many Catholic colleges, seminaries,
convents and churches for teaching
the Gregorian chants. This style of
music is notably difficult for the rea
son that it can be taught by oral
methods alone. The talking machine
solves the problem.
Find the Cause!
It isn’t right to drag along feel
ing miserable —half sick. Find out
what is making you feel so badly
and try to correct it. Perhaps your
kidneys are causing that throbbing
backache or those sharp, stabbing
pains. You may have morning
lameness, too, headaches, dizzy
spells and irregular kidney action.
Use Doan’s Kidney Pills. They have
helped thousands of ailing folks.
4 .sk your neighbor!
A Georgia Case
Mrs. Hattie Dar
by, SOI Lawrence "fwr ■’Ware
St., Marietta, Ga., TeibcStwy”
says: “I had pains |
in my back and a
lull headache all IA TV
the time. I was / i tff FJ **
nervous and when
I bent over I would PiilVlew^V
get dizzy. My sight /l | I
blurred, too. My </fo ’jJmW
kidneys didn’t act li/W
properly and my Mbr -
back was sore and
lame. Doan’s Kidney Pills were rec
ommended to me and I got a supply.
I was entirely cured.”
Get Doan’s at Any Store, 60c a Bos
Clear Your
Sf >1 with This
\ y I Remedy—
For pimple*, black-heads, freckle*, blotches,
and tan, as well as for more serious face, sen ip
and body eruptions, hives, eczema, etc., use
this scientific compound of sulphur. As a lo
tion, it soothes and heals; taken internally—
a few drops in a glass of water—lt gets at the
root of the trouble and purfies the blood.
Physicians agree that aulphur is one of the
most effective blood purifiers known. Re
member, a good complexion Isn’t skin deep
—it’s health deep
Be sure to ask for HANCOCK SULPHUR
COMPOUND. K has been used with satis
factory results for over 25 years.
60c and $l2O tht bottle
at your druggist's. If he can't supply yon,
send his name and the price in stamps and
we wtH send you a bottle direct.
Baltimore. M«L
XmXiiii Suifhar OmfndnS Oh>t
mtn< —ZSt Xk —ftr uu with tht 1 ■ |_-
Lhruid Ccmftund.