Newspaper Page Text
Mr. John T. Bellah has our
.k*.nks for a bunch of pears.
Sunday is Baptist day. Paslor
jl-r.;3lier will likely do the preach
Mr. W.L. Evans has poison in
are hand. Hope he will soon be
4.. &.
A&iss Katherine Grant, of Atlan
"trs,, is the guest of Miss Frances
* Infcnt.
Miss Irene Gunter has returned
•tiwise after a visit to friends in
."Hbome and Decatur.
Grace Butler left Tuesday
fatr Wilson, N. C. where she will
tta §<fh another year.
Ufa's. G. I. Grant, of Atlanta, has
fiKsfin the guest of Mrs. Ed Grant
•m.d 'Mrs. Emma Berry.
W r. Charlie Bless, of the South
* Railway contingent, had a
rweent brief holiday.
Mhe sin of the antediluvians
vwwssviolence. That of the twen-
JAeta ceiTtary is the same.
The delightful showers will help
nr «Sr.e turnips and enlarge the po
aloes still in the ground.
■Misses Sarah and Lady Zue
It&3i‘.Wvil*iams returned this week
ir am a brief vi.dt to Madison, Ga.
Lightning hit the school build
ime recently, going down one
*h -rnney to the floor, injuring both.
At protracted meeting is in pro
at Liberty Biptist church.
TVFree candidates for membership
-st far.
TThe talk of disci nti ming the
T m. train to Atlanta is not rel
here. That train is a great
Smith and Taylor, two
-t j/.ng Floridians, spent several
■tusts/s at Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McWil
Icarr-s recently.
lock bridge was well represent
%& &he Shingle Roof Camp, this
and the meeting is better
■rfa#n has been usual.
W rs. Frank Williams, of Micon»
Mrs. Hugh Callaway, of Ellen
w* (id are visiting their parents,
M r. and Mrs. W. F. Grant.
C? e tent of Mr. W. K. Branan
sat: ire camp ground was occupied
Mrs. Branan -and a group of
yarwtng ladies. They moved in last
*'.r v lay.
''i rs. S.illie Branan kindly looks
■ &il the bail players in her pas
many of whom are small
* ; x When she is around there
peace all about.
The following young ladies rep
Many persons, otherwise
vigorous and healthy, are
bothered occasionally with
indigestion. The effects of a
•disordered stomach on the
system are dangerous, and
prompt treatment of indiges
tion Is Important "The only
medicine I have needed has
been something to aid diges
tion and clean the liver,”
writes Mr. Fred Ashby, a
McKinney, Texas, farmer.
# ‘My medicine is
“fcr Indigestion and stomach
trouble of any kind. I hare
never found anything that
couches the spot, like Black-
Draught I take it la broken
doses after meals. For a long
| time I tried pills, which grip
ed and didn’t give the good
results. Black-Draught liver
medicine Is easy to take, easy
-to keep, inexpensive.”
Det a package from your
■druggist today—Ask for and
insist upon Thedford's —the
only genuine.
Get it today.
resented Stockbridge at the camp
Tuesday, all dressed alike: Misses
Lucy Ward.^Franees Grant, Gladys
Branan, Ida Pearl, and Katherine
Mrs. Fred Grant was made very
sick by eating coined salmon one
day this week. When that article
is used it should be cooked, and
no one ought to drink milk after
eating it.
The hospitality at the camp
ground extended to this scribe by
the tent holders was much enjoy
ed. We do not remember all the
names of the tenters where we
stopped. Many thanks.
Enroute to the camp ground
last Saturday it was our pleasure
to take supper at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Riley, who are
well fixed on a good country farm
with plenty around them.
The girls that are tenting at
camp meeting are Misses Sophro
nia McWilliams, Willie Ruth Bran
an, Helen Clark, Mat Berry, Jes
sie Hugh King, Mary Joe Mays,
The chaperones: Mrs. Will Bran
an and Miss Alice Turner.
Miss Lucy Ward had theS. F. C.
at her home at the latest regular
meeting. All members present,
consisting of Misses Gladys Bran
an, Myra Berry, Cornelia Lee, Lucy
Ward and Messrs. Johnie Berry,
PIEDMONT COLLEGE, Demorest, Ga. po S;;S c a r r,i.„
Standard Four Years Senior College for men and women. No college
or university in Georgia with higher standards. Large outside income
and its own supplies reduce Board, Tuition and. Fees to $259 for nine
months. For catalogue and fmil information, write
DEAN j. C. ROGERS, Piedmont College, Demorest, Ga.
Next week ace announcement of High School of Piedmont College
When you come right down I
to reason, what is there to I
** • 99 9
discount tires ~
THE next time a friend comes
to you all excited about some
wonderful tire bargain—as!: him
how much value he ought to get
for each dollar of tire money.
It’s astonishing that any car
owner today should not know all
the tire service he is entitled to.
Nofhow to check up between
the economy of par quality on
one hand—and big discounts,
surplus stocks, discontinued lines
and retreads cn the other.
* * *
For two years U. S. Tire
makers have been telling the
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They have laid open the tire
business from every angle.
They have always
led the fight for better
They have consist
United States lines
United States |J| Rubber Company
H. M. AMIS CO., McDonough, Ga.
Gene Gunter. Fred Sorrells,
: mon Moore.
O’Hara stood surveying the
body of his friend, lying in state.
Then he began slowly to smile.
“ What is there funny about it?”
demanded a sad, outraged friend.
“ Twas only last week as Clancy
was sayin’ to me how there ain’t
no heaven an’ no purgatory. An’
here he lies now, poor man, all
dressed up an’ no place to go to.”
—American Legion Weekly.
Mrs. W. F. Grant has been
serouslv til for several days and
does not show much improvement.
Her physicians and others think
of sending her to Atlanta for
treatment. She was carried to
Atlanta Tuesday afternoon for
hospital treatment, accompanied
bv her husband, two daughters
and ner physician, Dr. Cunning
ham. Her recovery is greatly de
sired by many.
A young lady who taught a class
of small boys in the Sunday School
desired to impress on them the
meaning of returning thanks be
fore a meal. Turning to one of
the class, whose father was a
deacon in the church, she asked
him: ‘‘William, what is the first
thing your father says when he
sits down to the table?” “He says,
‘Go slow with the butter, kids; it’s
forty cents a pound,’ ” replied the
youngster. AJAX, JR.
ently maintained quality first
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They have established 92
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All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but
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