The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 02, 1921, Image 6
The 801 l Weevil. "Know thou, that for all these things God will bring thee into Judgment.” Ec clesiastes 11 : In. To everyone everywhere. When I wrote last I did not say half I wanted to say. Now 1 want to say a few more . words, not so much on the boll weevil as on the sweet promises of God. 1 do not know the heart of the people, hut I fear that we are all too far away from our God, and 1 do feel deep in my poor heart that that is wh\ God is letting the boll weevil rule us. Because, we are loving the vain thing', of this life too well and forgetting to love and serve Kim. We are tyld all through the Bible what will be when we for sake the Lord our God. Just read again please, the 28 and the 2hlh chapters of Dueteranomy, and the 78 Psalm, and the whole bible if you will, and then I think you will know better how far away from our God we are. But His wo hi is, return unto me, and 1 'will, return unto you. Now please read these two verses with me, 2 Clu mic! s, 71h chapter, 13 14 verses, “If 1 shut up heaven that th re be no rain, or if 1 command the Locusts to devour the land, or if 1 send pesti lence among my p ople; If my peo ple which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek mv face,'and turn from their wicked ways, then will 1 hear from heaven and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” So the bible tells us in many places, that the suhet promises of God is to all generations and His com mands to all generations. You can find this command in the lGth , chapter and 15th verse of 1 Chrbni-i cles. Be ye mindful always of! His coven 11'.; the word which He command‘d to thousand genera tions. Now oh my dear ones, we : know that we are one of those j generations, oh, do study deep,! and see vvh it you think we ought i to do, oh, 1 do fear f >r our proud United States, because the boll weevil and many more things tells me that we are iyat serving God right. Oh! my soul, n 1 know my own heart, 1 love everybody, and want even body to love God, and obey His holy word, before it is too |ate. I have read through the bible many, many, times, and I have nev r found no promise to J no people, when th w were not serving God, oh, do turn from the vain things of this life and help me cry to God daily, for mercy, as we are commanded. Mrs. Shirley Elliott Kelley.’ It is accommodating. It co-operates in every man ner known to the best, most up-to-date banking meth ods, with those who patronize the Bank. % It assists by extending credit where credit is due, by gladly giving advice to anyone wishing to consult its officers on any financial #>r business matter. Come in and talk' it ever with us. You will find the friendship of this Bank valuable to you. ' SEhWcF } THE m ''THE EAMW2 7> 7 .Vp = DEPOSITS INSURED = South Avenue, I ..Ist Weeks Items. I Fodder puiiing time and cotton opening right along. Farmers around here have not found much time to pitch horse shoes this summer, but instead they have been busy peddling to Atlanta, not just butter, eggs and chickens, but anything that would brings dollar, or even a half. They have found a way to live without borrowing money. Mrs. Willis Campbell and little daughter, Evelyn, of Jonesboro, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lem Cook. Pearl South was the guest of Irene South Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howell and little son, John Lewis, were the guests of Mr. J. C. Howell and family Sunday. Mr. W. N. White and f unify and Mr. 'l'. W. Peterman and family were the dinner guests of Mj\ and Mrs. F. W. Everett in Atlanta Sun day. C. W. South and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Tyson in Atlanta Sunday. BUSY BEL. Colorado ' Utah California North Carolina Michigan Reduced Summer Fares VIA. ' SOUTHERN RAILWAYSYSTEM From Atlanta 0 Convenient Schedules Attractive Service Inquire V. L. ESTES, D. P. A. Broad and Walton Sts., ATLANTA, GEORGIA. henry county weekly. McDonough Georgia. Twenty million people are said to be facing starvation in Bol shevists Russia. Possibly they represent that portion of the popu lation that has not embraced Bol shevism. H. C. ELLIS FRANK SETZER ELLiS-SETZER CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMING FRED KELLEY, Licensed Embalmer License No. 497. Issued by the Georgia State Board of Embalmers, Jan. 12, 1915. No case so small but that we give our BEST SERVICE. Office Phone No. 8. Residence Phones Nos. 57, 54-J, 132-J. McDonough, v - - - Georgia. N r W a * « ow is the j line — To buy your supply of coal for the winter The slow movement of coal during the summer months indicates a shortage and higher prices during the coming win ter. * We offer FOX FNDGE COAL, the -best free-burning, red ash coal on the market at S Q. 25 Per Ton, Delivered. More heat, less ash in Fox Ridge Coal. Burns to ashes—no clinkers. Place your order now. PLANTERS WAREHOUSE <L LUMBER C 0„ EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. No flea! is Perfect Without'Good Meat Relishing a meal puts a fellow in a good humor (the ladies are aiwas that way.) Without meat there is always a feeling of something lacking. And if you have saved meat, and it is not of the best, the relish is not there. The obvidis thing, therefore, is to buy the BEST meat—meat that produces a relish—that nuts you in a good humor—that keeps you in the pink of condition. Tne quality of the meat you eat is more importannhan the quantity. It has QUALITY if bought from us. BEEF, PORK, SAUSAGE, POULTRY, EGGS and BUTTER. A fine assortment of meat always on hand. -S; PROMPT DELIVERY BREAD-=-Two Loaves for 15c. smith &. McLaughlin, mat market, phone: 112-vv. HOWARD L. CARMICHAEL FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EE.MBAI—MINO Office Phone 19 Residence Phone 30 lAa | m