Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Fraternal l.odit.- No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge No. 37 F & A M meet Ist and M
Friday nights in each month. All duh
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
C. J. Dickson, W. M.
W. G. Ingham, Sec.
Call on Speer, the Optromtrlst
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stock all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
We pay cash for used Fords.
S. W. Bryans and W. H. Pullin.
Buy ali your tender snap beans
at KimbelFs Bonded Warehouse.
Old time salt mackerel fish just
arrived at Copeland-Turner Merc.
If you want to sell your ford
cheap for cash, see S. W. Bryans
or W. H. Pullin.
Special prices on Bagging and
Ties for Cash. Copeland-Turner
Merc. Co.
For prompt taxi service, don’t
forget to call Raleigh Steele, tele
phone No. 131-J.
New home-raised sorghum syrup
is being put on the market by sev
eral of our farmers.
Fresh beans, tomatoes, sweet
potatoes, onions and Irish potatoes.
Copeland-Turner Merc. Co.
Special “Gold Band” laundry
soap, to go eight bars 25c. Stock
limited. C peiand-Turner Merc.
Farm Wanted—Wanted to hear
from owner of a farm, or good
land for sale, price reasonable.
L. Jones. Box 551, Olney, 111.
Let us supply you with ice to
your meats through the
summer. Henry County Milling
and Ice Co.
You will find W. A. Chiles’ lini
ment for headache, rheumatism
and all pains at W. A. Stewart’s
store, McDonough, Ga.
P'ann Wanted —1 want to hear
from party having farm for sale.
Give price and description. B. B.
Howard, Champaign, Illinois.
Wanted—Pupil nurses to enter
the September classes. For fur
ther information address, Superin
tendent of Nursing, Griffin Hos
pital, Griffin, Ga.
Salesman Wanted, to sell tires
direct from factory to user. Ex
ceptionally good commission. All
or spare time. Address, Burr Oak
Cord Tire Company, Burr Oak,
Hemstitching and picoting at
tachment works on any sewing
machine, easily adjusted. Price
$2.50 with full instructions. Gem
Novelty Co., Box 1031, Corpus
Christi, Texas.
The Henry County Singing Con
vention convenes at Bethany next
Thursday for a one days session.
The exercises will open promptly
at 8:30 o’clock ann everybody has
a cordial invitation.
Having moved my repair shop
into the building owned by H. M.
Amis on Griffin Street, I am still
prepared to do your shoe and
harness work, so when you have
any to do, call on me. W. W.
Miss Ruby Waters, of Lccust
Grove, is the guest of Miss Jewell
Empty half barrels for barreling
syrup, at Copeland-Turner Merc.
The Kimbell Baptist Association
held its annual session at Sharon
church this week.
Real old time kind of Cuba Mo
lasses just arrived in real punch
eons. Cooeland-Turner Merc Co.
You will find beautiful hard
frozen ice, made of pure fresh
water at Henry County Milling and
Ice Co.
If you have any good clean
sound peach seed to sell, bring
them to Copeland-Turner Merc.
My announcement for County
Treasurer will appear in next
week’s issue of this paper. W. H.
On account of the early planting
of the cotton crop this year, it is
opening rapidly and will soon all
be open.
Good New Georgia grown seed
rye, rape seed, turnipseed and
seed wheat. Copeland-Turner
Merc. Co,
'i he McDonough Womans’ Club
will meet September 6th at
the home of Mrs. R. L. Turner at
4 oclock. Hostesses Mesdames
R. L. and H. J. Turner. Discussion
on Club work ef the General
Federation and of the States will
begin. Mrs. Alonzo Richardson
has been invited to attend this
meeting and will probably be with
us to lecture on “Citizenships.”
Couid Hardly Straighten Up.
When the kidneys are over
worked or disordered and fail
to throw out waste matter from
the system, it causes aches, pains,
lame back, swollen ankles, sore
joints, dizziness, floating specks,
etc. J. W. Seabock, Chester, Pa.,
writes: “My kidneys and back
hurt me so when I got out of bed
in the morning I could hardly
straighten up. Had to rub the
small of inv back before I could
walk. I could hardly button my
shoes. 1 haven’t felt the soreness
since I took Foley Kidney Pills.
McDonough Drug Co.
To our Friends and neighbors
in Hampton and everywhere we
wish to extend our sincere thanks
and appreciation for their kindness,
sympathy and floral offering. May
the sunshine of God’s love ever be
upon you all is our prayer.
Mrs. J. T. Stephenson and children
TY in pamphlet or book-form can
be had for 25 cents the copy at T.
A. Slom & Co., McDonough Drug
Co., Horton Drug Co., McDon
ough, and Locust Grove Pharma
cy, Locust Groye.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall'e Catarrh Medicine.
Hall's Catarrh Medicine has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past thlrty
flve years, and has become known as the
most reliable remedy for Catarrh. Hall’e
Catarrh Medicine acts thru the Blood on
the Mucous surfaces, expelling the Poi
son from the Blood and healing the dis
eased portions.
After you have taken Hall's Catarrh
Medicine for a short time you will see a
great improvement in your general
health. Start taking Hall’s Catarrh Medi
cine at once and get rid of catarrh. Send
for testimonials, free.
F J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Druggiete,
GEORGIA— H**nry County.
Mrs. Angle O. Gardner having made ap
plication for Twelve Months’ Support out
of the estate of John M. Gardner deceased.
All persons concerned are hereby required
to show cause before the Court of Ordi
nary of said connty on the first Monday
in October, 1931. why said application
should not be granted. This 16th day of
August, 1921.
* A. G, HARRIS, Ordinary.
Jjgk J
50good cigarettes
for 10c from
one sack or
The Annual Trustees
Meeting at the Court
House September 6th
On the first Tuesday in Septem
ber, at 9:30 o'clock, all the trus
tees of the county are urged to
meet with the Board of Education
at the court house. The Board
also invites the patrons to join the
trustees and come. One of the
school supervisors wiU address us.
Everybody is invited to be present.
T. J. HORTON, C. S. S.
Bay Mule Taken Up.
I have in possession one Bay
Mare Mule, 9 or 10 years old, taken
up August 16. Owner can get
mule by paying expenses.
Vess Moseley,
Marshal, Stockbridge, Ga.
Beginning Sept, ist
IAESIRING to give the best services and
*■'' lowest prices, and in order to reduce our
expenses, we find it necessary to conduct our
business in the future on a Strictly Cash Basis.
We wish to thank you for ail past busi
ness and assure you that we will endeavor to
give you the best service and lowest prices
Election lor County Treasuier.
State of Georgia—Henry County.
By virtue of the authority con
ferred upon me bv an Act of the
General Assembly of the S’ate of
Georgia, entitled: “An Ant to
provide for the election of a Treas
urer of Henry connty to fill the va
cancy occasioned by the repeal of
the Act of the General Assembly
abolishing the office of County
Treasurer of said county. Approv
ed August 19th. 1919. To fix the
salary of the Treasurer of Henry
connty and for other purposes, ap
proved July 28th, 1921.” An elec
tion is hereby called to elect a
Treasurer for Henry county, as
provided for in said Ant, on Fri
day, September 23d. 1921. Said
election to be held in all the pre
cinots of said county on said date
» M U S II
Eva Novak
“Wanted at Headquarters^ 1
Harry Carey
“Hearts Up“
under the laws governing general
elections in said state. It is fur
ther orderd that t.ho managers of
said election make returns of the
same to the Ordinary of said conn
tv. Given under my official signa
ture, this the 24th day of August
1921. A. G. HARRIS,
Ordinary of Henry Co., Ga.
Lorah-6 Allen
Engraved Cards, Wedding In vltapons, eto