Newspaper Page Text
Roadway and Bridges
From Brunswick to
" St. Simons Island
Atlanta. Ga. Oct. 27 The an
nouncement of state highway en
gineers here today that city and
connty comissioners of Glynn coun
ty have taken favorable action on
their report on building a road
way and bridges from Brunswick
to St. Simons Island has been re
ceived here with unusual interest,
and according to leading business
men, if a bond issue for the de
velopment is passed, it will mean
much to Georgia and the South.
Connecting St. Simons with
Brunswick means, it is further
stated, the restoration and expan
sion of that city as a seaport, the
establishment of new industries
and enterprises in that city and
on the island and the addition of
thousands of new citizens in search
of a balmy climate. It will open
up what is considered one of the
best summer resorts in the South
ern states to the people of the
South and at the same time bring
a heavy winter tourist travel.
Capotalist in the east, it is stated
here, have under consideration
the erection of costly hotels on the
island in the event the big de
velopment is made.
Sixty days ago the Glynn county
commissioners asked that federal
and state engineers make study
of available routes and submit es
timates as to the cost construction.
Two complete surveys were
made, one known an the McCor
mick site, a fraction over eight
miles from the center of Bruns
wick and the other the Cypress
mill route, something over three
miles from the center of the city.
The cost is approximately S3OO,
The county will call its bond
election, it is stated, in sixty days,
but the city cannot do so until
authorized by the legislature en
actment. However, it will be ar
ranged at the county election, dis
patches state, to give the people
of Brunswick an opportunity to
express themselves on the subject,
so that in the event the issue car
ries, which seems assured, the
actual construction work can pro
Building contractors here say
the building of the roadway and
bridges at St. Simons Island will
be one of the most important con
structions ever undertaken in the
Believes Moyies Will
Keep People on Farms
Raleigh, N. C.—John Armstrong
Chaloner arrived here today to
start a campaign, the object of
which is to have a special session
of the legislature, which is to be
held early in December, appropri
ate a sum of money to carry out
in North Carolina his idea of mov
ing pictures in rural sections as a
means of preventing the flocking
of country people to the cities.
Handwriting by Wireless.
New York—Wireless transmis
sion between France and the
United States of actual handwrit
ing has been effected through the
invention of Professor Edouard
Berlin, the New York World an
nounces, Fac-simile photographs
of the writing are reproduced by
the paper.
The Want-Ad Worked.
1 he editor lost hi# umbrella.
But being worldly wise.
He ran a want-ad in his paper
in which he did advise
That the finder kindly keep it;
And, having no replies,
He reports, “The finder did so,
it pays to advertise.”
Three Inseparables
One for mildness.V IRGINIA
One for mellowness. BURLEY
One for aroma.TURKISH
The finest tobaccos perfectly
aged and blended
20f0r15 (
*lll iKtafiK*-
Leading Southern Cities
Show Gratfying Results
Atlanta,Ga. Oct. 27 —Numbersof
leading Southern cities, including
Atlanta and other cities in Georgia,
are checking up on their hew resi
dences and are making very grati
fying discoveries, according to
building contractors and real es
tate men here today. The out
standing characteristic of this as a
construction year has been the
building of homes.
Data from various cities and
towns showing the extent of resi
dential construction has been re
ceived by the Adair and Realty and
Trust Company of Atlanta, and
according to Forroct A/tsii.
president of the company, illumi
nating information is furnished.
The figures make a fine showing
for the Georgia cities, as well as
other southern cities, in which the
Adair company handles chain leas
The South —the entire country
in fact —according to Mr. Adair
has been short on homes. A year
ago the housing situation in many
communities was really distress
ing. This situation, according to
reports, is being releived to some
extent, although, building men
here say it will be vear before the
supply of houses catches up with
the demand. The population of
the South increases each year, and
as pointed out, there must be a
substantial increase in the number
of homes annually in order to take
care of the requirments of the
“The construction of homes
must not be considered in the light
of the units, many of them modest,
some almost humble, but in the
light of the aggrigate of all this
connstruction —the total amount
paid out in wages, and the total
disbursements for house furniture
furnishing, hardware and home
refinements, thus substantially
benefitting many classes of mer
chants” declared the head of one
of the largest building concerns
here today.
The reader! of this paper will be
pleased to learn that there la at least
one dreaded disease that science has
been able to cure in all Its stages and
that Is catarrh. Catarrh being greatly
influenced by constitutional conditions
requires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Cstarrh Medicine is taken internally and
acts thru the Blood on the Mucous Sur
faces of the System thereby destroying
the foundation of the disease, giving the
patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much
faith in the curative power of Hall’s
Catarrh Medicine that they offer One
Hundred Dollars for any case that It falls
to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo,
Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 76c.
Administrators’ Sale.
By virtue of an order granted by the
Court of Ordinary at the September term,
1931, there will be sold before the court
house door in McDonough on the first
Tuesday in November, 1921, during the
legal hours of sale, the following property,
to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land
known as the C. M. Speer home place
about two miles west of McDonough, be
ing 130.27 acres, more or less, being parts
of land lots Nos. 98 and 127 in the 7th land
district of Henry county, Georgia, and
bounded as follows: North by Fayette
ville road; east by lands of Mrs. Annie M.
Nolan; south by lands formerly owned
by J. D. Dupree, now J. H. Turner and
west by lands of Thomas D. Stewart. Also,
one city lot in the City of McDonough,
Georgia, beginning at the corner where
Daniel street comes into Jonesboro or
Fayetteville street and running west 120
feet; thence north 200 feet; thenc! west
to tanyard lot; thence north along line of
lanyard lot 100 feet; thence east to Daniel
street; thence south 300 feet to beginning
point. Terms: Cash
Administrators of the estate of Edna
T. Low.
For Administration.
GEORGIA—-Henry County.
To Whom It may Concern:
H. J Owen, huving made application
to me in due form to be appointed perma
nent administrator upon the estate of 6.
P. Owen late of said oounty, notice is
hereby given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the court of
Ordinary for said county, to be held on
the first Monday in November. 1921. Wit
ness my hand and official signature, this
17 day of September, 1921.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern:
Dr. T. J. Crawford, having made appli
cation to me in due form to be appointed
permanent administrator upon the estate
of Lillie Byars late of said county, notice
is hereby given that said application will
be heaid at the regular term of the court
of Ordinary for said county, to be held on
the lirst Monday in November, 1921. Wit
ness my hand and official signature, this
4th day of October, 1921.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Election Returns.
GEORGIA—Henry County:
Upon consolidation of the returns of the
recent election held for Treasurer of Hen
ry county on September 23rd, 1921, it ap
pears that W. A. Simpson received 263
I votes, which was the greatest number of
votes cast for any one candidate in said
election; and the said W. A. Simpson is
therefore declared duly elected Treasurer
of Henry county.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary,
You'll find nothing here but the good quality
that it pays you to buy in merchandise.
If its simply a cheap price you're after you
won't find it here.
If you want the best quality you can get for
your money; if you want real economy—there isn't
a better store to come to than this.
Want a Clerk
Want a Partner
Want a Situation
Want a Servant Girl
Want to Sell a Piano
Want to Sell a Carriage
Want to Sell Town Property
Want to Sell Your Groceries
Want to Sell Your Hardware
Want Customers for Anything
Advertise Weekly in This Paper.
Advertising Is the Way to Success
Advertising Brings Customers
Advertising Keeps Customers
Advertising Insures Success
Advertising Shows Energy
Advertising Shows Pluck
Advertising Is “Biz”
Advertise or Bust
Advertise Long
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At Once.