The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, October 28, 1921, Image 5

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H. M. Amis Co., local dealers for
Fordson Tractors and implements
built especially for the Fordson
Tractor have advised us that they
will hold a big Fordson Tractor
and implement demonstration at
McDonough, Ga, on Monday and
Tuesday, November 7th and Bth,
assisted by representatives of the
Ford Motor Company, manufac
turers of the Fordson Tractor,
David T. Bussey of Atlanta, author
ized Fordson Implement distribut
or, Oliver Chilled Plow Works,
Roderick Lean Mfg, Co., Stover
Mfg. & Eng. Co., and other imple
ment manufacturers, all of whom
manufacture equipment designed
especially for use with the Ford
son Tractor.
Plows of different types, har
rows, culti-packers, ditchers, grain
drills, grist mills, and feed grind
mg mills, including corn ard alfalfa
grinders, and other belt driven
equipment will be shown giving
hundreds of farmers from this and
surrounding counties a concrete
example of the manifold uses of
the Fordson Tractor ir. the eco
nomic operation of the farm. The
demonstration will be very com
plete and every piece of equio
ment will be fully explained by
factory experts.
As a means of reducing labor
costs and to show the new possi
bilities of farming in this section
by the use of Fordson Tractors I
and improved farm machinery'
which automatically reduce labor j
costs the demonstration will cer
tainly prove to be the most irn-'
pressive from an agricultural
standpoint that has been witnes
sed in this section.
In addition to the farm machin
ery display several manufacturers
will send soil and other experts to
lecture on Fordson farming and
its economic advantages. An in
teresting and educational lecture
will be given on correct seed bed
preparation. This lecture will be
illustrated by stereopticon slides
and moving picture films. These
slides and films will show especi
ally prepared test tubes, filled
with different grades of soils,
clearly illustrating the difference
in a correctly prepared seed bed
and one which is incorrectly pre
pared. In the moving picture
films you actually see the corn j
sprout, take root and grow from |
the time the seed is planted under!
the soil in botli types of seed beds. I
You can see the moisture rise and
Special Offer to Subscribers
For a limited time we will give
a year’s subscription to the South
ern Agaiculturist without charge
to any subscriber, new : r old, who
asks for it when paying a year’s
subscription to The Henry County
Weekly. The popularity of the
Southern Agriculturist is shown
py its circulation, which now ex
ceeds 375,000.
This offer is intended for our
farmer friends, who are urged to
take advantage of it at once, be
cause we have only a certain num
ber of subscriptions which we can
give free in this way. When they
are used, this offer will be with
drawn. First come, first served.
We will pay the market price
for your potatoes or we will store
them tor you in our big 20,000
bushel curing house and cure
them the scientific way.
Potato Curing Warehouse Co.
Jonesboro, Ga.
reach the seed more qnickiy in
the correctly prepared seed bed,
and as soon as the moisture
reaches the seed things begin to
happen. The seed planted in the
correctly prep ired seed bed ger
minates and growth starts eight
days in advance of the seed plant
ed in the incorrectly prepared
seed bed. You see the roots be
gin to sprout downward followed
later by the top sprout pushing
upward and thru the soil.
The slides and films give a visi
ble lesson in the procer prepara
tion of the soil for all crops and the
lecture which accompanies them
is said to be the most striking on
advanced agriculture ever heard
in the South. They are really
wonderful andevery farmer should
avail himself of this opportunity
to see them as they must be seen
to be appreciated. Weather per
mitting, the slides and pictures
will be shown in the open, and the
famous Magnavox Telemegaphone
will be used insuring each one
present of hearing every word
that is spoken. Popular musical
selections will also be rendered
thru the use of this wonderful
instrument. This feature will
prove of unusual interest as it will
afford the majority of those pres
ent the opportunity of hearing the
Magnavox Telemegaphone for the
first time.
There can be no doubt that such
demonstrations have high merit
in making the value of power
farming more generally known
thru out this section and in plac
ing mechanical aid on many farms
where owners are worrying with
labor problems and crops con
ditions. Another value is that by
the use of improved machinery
the average acreage can be main
tained in cultivation and idle farms
again made productive. Such
power farming demonstrations
held on the scale as organized by
the Fordson people have a great
benefit by reason of the valuable
instructions it gives to farmers and
the impetus it creates thru the
adoption of power farming on a
more extensive scale, in sections
of the state where it is badly
needed. Surelv demonstrations
of this kind are milestones in ag
ricultural progress.
An unusually large attendance
is exeected, and a cordial invita
tion is extended to every one" by
(I. M. Amis Co., who will cheer
fully furnish any additional infor
For Sale.
A desirable place for saie at
once, best location in McDonough,
hot and cold water. A fine well
of water on porch, large lot and
plenty of berrnuda.
. w. H. Bankston.
Office Hours :
n A. M. tO 12 M
McDonough, Ga.
Immediate funds on
improved farms. Low
est rates.
Five, seven or ten years.
For imformation, call
or write
McDonough. - - - Georgia.
Two Men Killed in
Train and Auto Crash
Two deaths were the toll of an
accident which happened here on
Thursday, when the Central of
Georgia pafsseneer train, No. 10,
Atlanta to Macon, crashed into a
truck at the crossing just north of
the depot.
R. I. Berry, 65-year old Clayton
farmer, was instantly killed, and
his brothor, J. M. Berry, 58 years
old, died at an Atlanta hospital,
where he was rushed a few min
utes following the fatal crash.
The aged farmers were driving
slowly, reports stated. They were
coming into Jonesboro, but had
taken a side road which leads up
to the main crossing, making a
diagonal cut and forming an in
tersection with the main highway
just where it crosses the railroad
The passenger train was moving
swiftly and struck the heavily
laden truck squarely broadside,
hurling both occupants several
feet ‘-nid practically demolishing
the truck. The fact that the men
were thrown to the side by com
pact of the locam dive saved them
from being run over by the en
gins.—Clayton County News.
For rent —Six room dwellin g
house; newly plinted inaide and
outside; acre lot; close in. For
further infonntion call at VVeekl v
FRED KELLEY, Licensed Embalmer
License No. 497. Issued by the Georgia State Board of Embalniers, Jan. 12. 1915.
No case so small but that we give our BEST SERVICE.
Office Phone No. 8. Residence Phones Nos. 57, 54-J, 132-J,
You do not have to count the cost of
a hate when you buy meat from us
Every housewife is interested in the question of meat, and
I SSI ga IP 1 MI \ especially in the matter of price. Every housewife
M I | should be vitally interested in the meat that we sell.
m 8 ] for the matter of price is given special attention by
JkJI If | being reduced to the minimum without lowering the
111 ran f fe i J standard of the meat. It is through this means that
L - S we win you as a customer and keep you permanently
as one. Try our meat for all round satisfaction.
A fine assortment of meat always on hand.
BREAD —Two Loaves for 15c.
SMITH & IMAIIfiHI IN. meat market,
phone; 112-w.
Children Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of
• J and has been made under his per*
sonal since its infancy.
' < **<** / <6 J Allow no one to deceive you in this,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment.
Never attempt to relieve your baby with a
remedy that you would use for yourself^
e What is CASTORIA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine ijor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Comfort—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought