Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F.& A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge No. 37 F & A M meet Ist and 3d
Friday nights in each month. All dulj
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
C. J. Dickson, W. M.
W. G. Ingram, Sec.
Call on Speer, the Optromtrist
when you nekd glasses.
He keeps in stook all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
Mrs. A. R. Cates spent Saturday
in Atlanta.
Rev. Cates spent the past week
end in Tennessee.
Mr. BrananWard, of Stockbridge
spent Monday here.
Miss Josephine Turner spent
Saturday in Atlanta.
Miss Sarah Whitehead spent the
week-end in Atlanta.
We are glad to know that Mrs.
C. B. Golsan is improving.
Messrs. Arnold and Norman
Moore spent Sunday in the city.
Misses Grant, of Stockbridge
spent Sunday with Mr, Will Berry.
Mrs. Arthur Stewart, of Atlanta,
is visiting friends here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Turner spent
Monday and Tuesday in Atlanta.
Messrs. Guy Austin and Jack
Russel spent Sunday in Jackson,
Fresh cabbage plants for sale
every day, at W. B. J, Ingram’s
Let us supply you with your
Christmas toys. The Variety
Mr. David Arnold was over to
see Miss Ethel Sloan Monday
Christmas cards, seals, tissue
paper and Nunnaily candy—City
Drug Store.
Mrs. W. A. Harris, of Jackson
spent Sunday with her niece, Mrs.
H. M. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Ethridge
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Turner.
Mr. Ray McGill, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday with relatives at the
Brown house.
Messrs. Bob McGarity, of Cov
ington, spent Saturday night in
Mr. Croom Partridge, of Emory
University, spent Monday with
the homefolks.
Come in and see our line of
Christmas goods. The Variety
Miss Ellene Neal left Saturday
for Rome, after a visit to her aunt,
Mrs. E. M. Smith.
Will pay 5c cents per bushel for
corn delivered to me in McDon
ough.—J. T. Rauls.
Mrs. John S. Duke, of Locust
Grove, will spend the week with
Mrs. B. S. Elliott.
The U. D. C/s will meet Thurs
day at 2:30 at the home of Mrs ‘
H. B. Carmichael.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Norton, of
Atlanta, were guests Sunday of
Mrs. R. H. Daniel.
Messrs. D. J. Smith, Price Hor
ton and Frank Newman motored
to Jackson Sunday.
For rent —A house on Coving
ton street with a good size lot.
Mrs Lizzie McGarity,
The people of McDonough were
much pleased with entertainment
at the Amusu theatre the p Ist few
Two horse farm lor rent, Smith
place at Bersheba. F. L. Smith
P. 0. box. 472. Atlanta.
hor rent a one or two horse
farm, good land. A. C. Elliott,
McDonough Ga., Rt. 2.
Large 2 lb Cans of G )vern:n »nt
Roast Beef for per can at
Copeland Turner Merc’ Co
For tombstone work, see W. W.
Hooten, Jenkinsburg, Ga. A card
will bring him to your door.
For Rent. —Two rooms for a
couple or two ladies. See Mrs.
J. M. Johnson WcDonough, Ga.
Mr. Henry Joyner moved Weds
nesday to Jenkinsburg to his new
home he bought there recently.
Mrs. W. G. Copeland entertain
ed at rook party Saturday. A
lovely salad course was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carmichae
ane children, of Atlanta, spent
Sunday with McDonough rela
Dr. Johnson scent Monday or
ganizing a new Red Cross chapter
here, also organizing a Junior
Dr. J. G. Smith and Mr. J. J.
Fisher attended the Ice M mufac
tures’ convention held in Savanah
ast week.
Oil Heaters and Oil Cook Stoves
make ideal Xmas gifts. Very at
tractive prices at Copeland Turner
Merc’ Cos/
Mrs. J. G. Smith, Mrs. Fred
Walker, Mrs. J. T. Weems and
Mrs. J. M. Carmichael spent Fri
day in Atlanta.
Wiil pay cash for dry shucked
sound corn, 50c Der bushel deliv
ered at the depot in McDonough,
Ga. A. N. Brown.
Misses Annie G. Thompson,
Blake Bunn and Bess Fouche
were guests Sunday of Miss Nina
Wall, in Atlanta.
Mrs. I. C. Doe returned home
Wednesday, after a delightful vis
it to relatives and friends in La-
Grange and Griffin,
Messrs. A. J. Goodwin, Howell
Dickson, Chas. Low and Ernest
Rodgers spent an enjoyable after
noon in Jackson Sunday.
Will pay cash for dry shucked
sound corn, 50c per bushel deliv
ered at the depot in McDonough,
Ga, A. N. Brown.
Want eggs! Call on Copeland
Turnes Merc’ Co., and get Dr. Hess
Poultry Panacea, the egg Tonic
that puts hens to laying.
Come to W. H. Stewart &
Son to buy your Chnstm is fruits,
apples, oranges raisins etc. W. H,
Stewart & Son, McDonough, Gi.
Let us put joy into your Xmas
buying. Come in and see our line
of new low priced inerch mdise.
Copeland and Turner Merc’ Co.
Mr. Andrew Partridge, Misses
Adeline Partridge and Frances
Carrall, of Atlanta, were guests
Sunday of Rev. and Mrs. J. A
Parti i Jge.
Wanted—Man with car to sell
low priced Graham Tires. $ 130 00
per week and commissions. Gra
ham Tire Co., 563 Boulevard, Ben
ton Harbor, Mich.
Wanted—Represenative far
fast selling line of Auto Access
ories. Motion Picture advertis
ing furnished. $350 00 up per
month. Box 272, St. Joseph, Mich.
Rev. W. W. Arnold has receiv
ed a very hearty unanimous call to
the Woolsey Baptist church as
pastor on the first Sunday. He
will give this call serious consid
Wanted—Manufactured hasrea
proposition to offer salesman sell
ing absolutely guaranteed 10 000
mile Cord tires at prices which
m ik n sales. New Departure Tire
Co , 5680 Twelfth St. Detroit.
If it’s sweet potatoes you want,
you will find them at “The Golden
Sunset," the home of Mr. John
Varner near Tunis. Mr. Var
ner has 350 bushels for sale at
50c per bushel See him at once.
Special cut prices are now being
j made 0:1 Cook Stoves an i R mges
by the Copeland Turner Merc. Co.
Will pay cash for drv shucked
sound corn, 50c per bushel deliv
ered at the depot in McDonough,
G l. A. N. Brown.
The Christian Endeavor of the
Presbyterian church entertained
at a “stunt party’’ at the home of
Mrs, Harris Carmichael Friday
night, at a late hour sandwiches
and chocolate was served.
At Brushy Knob court ground
December 17. the J. M. Gardner
place will be let for rent at highest
bidder. Thirty dollars of the rent
to be paid in advance, the remain
der next fall. Egbert N. Gardner,
One and two horse farm, to
party with own stock, two miles
from McDonough, on public road.
Twohosre farm house has four
bedrooms and good barn, good
pasture and land, some fresh
land. See Dr. Tye.
We have near McDonough a
fine piano slightly used and part
ly paid for, which we will sell to
party willing to complete the re
maining monthly payments. Send
name and address for full infor
mation. Cable Piano Co , 82-84
N. Broad St.. Atlanta. Ga.
Wanted: —Men or women to
take orders among friends and
neighbors for the genuine guaran
teed hosiery, full line for men,
women, and children. Eliminates
darning. We oay 75c an hour
spare time, or $36 a week for full
time. Experience unnecessary.
Write International Stocking Mills,
Norristown, Pa.
Car new barbed wire,
government surplus, paint
ed black, forty rods,
weight about 60 pounds,
$1.39 roll. Cash with or
der, act quick. Jackson
Army Store, Jackson, Ga
You Should Buy the FREE Sewing Machine
The FREE Is the Best Sewing
Machine in the World
The FREE has every good feature known
to any sewing machine, ana all undesirable
features have been eliminated. It also has
many improvements absolutely unknown on
other machines.
The FREE Runs Lighter Than
Any Other
Because evpry bearing in the stand is ball
bearing, The FREE is the lightest running
sewing machine in the world. If you unbelt
The FREE stand and start it running as fast as
possible, it will run four or five times longer
without stopping, than any other sewing ma
The FREE Lasts Longer Than
Any Other
The Toggle-link and Rotoscillo movements
will never wear out. They are perfect and in
The FREE Is More Beautiful Than
Any Other
The FREE is unusually beautiful is design,
being a combination of curved lines and round
ed surfaces that are very pleasing to the eye.
The wood from which it is manufactured is the
very best quality of quarter-sawed Oak, highly
figured and beautifully finished. The FREE
stand is entirely different from any other sew
ing michine stand, the leg being of French de
sign, nicelv curved to conform to the furniture.
The stand is finished in a rich brown color to
harmonize with the finish of the furniture.
The entire effect is a most beautiful machine,
one that wiil be an ornament to any room in
your home. You will appreciate this feature
when you consider how homely and ungainly
all sewing machines have been yp to the pres
ent time with the plain, straight furniture and
black legs.
McDonough, . . . PHON * *: . . . Georgia.
The workers conference of the
Flint River association was held
at the tlie First Babtist church in
Griffin,on Thursday. A special
P 'ogrtm wis cu ried out. R:v
W. W. Arnold, E. M. Copeland
and J. E. Hooten attended from
McDonough. The Griffin breth
ren were hosts to conference at a
splendid lunch during noon re
Mr. Patterson, of Griffin, who
is connected with the pimento
pepper plant business, will be at
Mr. Fred C inniehael’s home near
the county farm next Monday,
Dec. 19th at 1 o’clock to give in
formation to all who would like
to learn how to prepare seed beds
for pepper, especially those who
has a contract with them.
The members of Mr. C. B. Gol
san’s Sunday school class spent a
most enj jyable day last Stturday
on a rabbit huat. The weather
was ideal for the occ ision, and the
boys all report a great time.
Those enjoying the hu i* were Mr.
Golsan, Paul Dunn, Hudson Tur
ner, Chas Turner, Ernest Smith,
Julian Weems, J C. Harris Jr.,
A. C. Ward, Chas Kimbell, Clin
ton Hightower, H un .Steele, T. J.
Horton, L. H. M ison, Lamar Ma
son, Wade Hunt, Ralph Wilson
and Walter Cook,
Ivy 7446 Res. Main 4707
14 Edgewooi Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Engraved Cards, Wedding Invitations, etc.
Bankrupt Notice.
In the District Con. t of the United
.States, for the Northern District
of Georgia
In re, Mrs. Mary Goodman, No,
731)2, in Bankruptcy.
A petition for discharge having 1
been tiled in conformity with
law by atiove named bankrupt
and the Ceort having ordered that
the hearing upon said petition be
had on January 14, 1923, at ten
o’clock a. m., at the United {States
District Conrt room, in tie city of
A'lanta, Gcorgis, notice is nereby
to all creditors and other persona
in interest to appear at said time
and wince and show, if any they
have, why the piayer of the bank
rupt for discharge should not bo
O. C. PULLER, Cerk.
rain or shine, the phone to
ring is number forty-nine
It Is Guaranteed for Life
The FREE sewing machine an
swers every need of the woman who
sews. It has all the latest improve
ments, many of whicn are absolutely
unknown on other machines. The
mechanical construction of the FREE
is superior to any in the world, Its
sewing qualities are absolutely per
fect and its improvements the best
that can be made.
It is built and guaranteed for life
by the Free Sewing Machine Com
pany, Rockford, Illinois, U. S. A.
Trade in Your Old Machine.
Do not buy any michine at any
price until you have seen The FREE
demonstrated. Convenient terms.
We make an allowance for your old