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The spirit of good will is dominant here. We want to help you in making
those you love happy and our prices have been cut to the core to that end.
Your money will count for the most. Let’s make it a practical Christmas by
giving practical presents, presents that are not only useful, bat are beautiful
and will give service. In making preparation for this season we have con
stantly had this in mind and you will find our every department full of practi
cal gifts, gifts that every member of the family will appreciate.
Serviceable Gifts
At Way Under Market Prices
Knitted Caps and Tams, 75c to $2 00 values $ .50
Ladies’ knitted Petticoats, $2.00 to $2.50 values, each 1.25
Ladies’ and Children's Sweaters, from $5.00 to .50
House Shoes, several colors, pair 1.50
Ladies’ grown Kid Oxfords. Much wanted 4.50
Towel Sets. Three pairs in Christmas box 1.00
Rugs for Christmas
Fine quality velvet Rugs, 27x24 in. A practical gift.
Overcoating and Suiting
These are cuts of 2 1-4 yds. length, 56 in. wide. Cut for
blankets for the Government, but not used. Makes the very best
overcoats and cloaks. Must be seen to appreciate what values
they are.
Ties 7 7
The always acceptable gift. Who ever knew the man who
had too many ties? The narrow kind that is so popular, also
the flowing end.
50c to SI.OO
Silk Hosiery
Nothing more acceptable than a nice pair of Siik Hose. And we
have them at less than % of last season prices.
Ladies Silk Stockings from 75c to $3.00
Men’s Silk Hose from 50c to 1.00
Dainty but serviceable. Both in boxes and singly. The always
acceptable gift. Initials, embroidered, crepe de chine; in fact, a va
riety of al kinds and at the right prices.
Air Rifles, Firecrackers, Sparklers, Roman Candles, Sky
Rockets and Salutes, Boy Wagons, Flash Lights with Batter
ies and Lamps. And-Irons, Shoves, Tonges, Coal Scuttles
and Clocks.
Give us your Christmas business. Visit us before you
buy your Christmas bill. We make your money count for its
full value.
We are in favor of a COUNTY FAIR next fall. Are you ? Let's begin planning now.
Crockery and Glassware
We are receiving daily new de-
signs in these Sines, including Vases, [fiftfJYk- ;
Syrup Pitchers, Tumblers, Butter
Dishes, Water Pitchers, Berry Sets, P?
Lamps and many other choice articles
Large white Bowls and Pitchers
(English goods.) This sale, v
S2.CO set.
Aluminum ~ Enameledware
9 New low prices are being made
on these goods. We are offering
the highest quality of Aluminum at
very surprising reductions.
Supply your kitchen now.
Four-quart Lipped Sauce Pans were $1.25 This sale $ .75
Percolators “ 2.00 “ “ 1.25
Double Boilers “ 2.00 “ “ 1.25
Round Roasters “ 1.50 “ “ .93
Other useful Articles in proportion.
*. __________
Cutlery and Silverware
y- Razors are
Guaranteed for Life
Very interesting new low reductions are made in Kitchen
Cutlery, Silverware, Razors and Pocket Knives.
Guaranteed Razors SI.OO to $2.50
A few special 26-piece Kitchen Cutlery to close
out. Were $4.50 now $2.48
Remember that our place is Santa Claus headquarters for
all kinds of Fruits, Nuts, Cakes, Crackers, Fruit Cake, Ingre
dients, Raisins, Candies, Loaf Bread.
We buy Chickens, Eggs, Corn and Field Peas on account
or in exchange for merchandise.