Newspaper Page Text
rpi IT .
i ii'U Henry
County Weekly
Offic »I Or an of Henry County.
B. K. ELLIOTT, Editor.
Kn fee red at, o postoffice at. McDonough,
Qa., as floor u I •olassniail matter.
Advertising Catos 25c per inch, poflition
Bo additiona’—special contracts.
Foreign Advertising Representative
McDonough Ga., Dec. 16, 1921.
School Column*
Well, lam glad to have a few
letters for you to read this week.
It gives me much pleasure to hear
you speak of the paper and what
you see about other schools,
1 hope you will all have a fine
vacation, hear about Santa Claus,
if you don’t see him.
Now read a few letters and re
member that you all are to help
your teachers piy for the paper
and make it yours.
School will close Thusrday and
open the first Monday in 1922.
Your friend,
T. J. Horton.
Dear Mr. Horton. —Our school
is still progressing nicely. Lot’s
of good hard work being done by
Misses Mary Lou Rodgers and Lillie Coan Directors
Dec. 22, Cs 23 8:15 P. M.
1. Reading—“ Greetings” Anon
Elsie Peace
2. Reading—“ The Theater Party” From “Mrs. Diggs of
— the Cabbage Patch”
Jonnie Dickson
3. Piano Solo —“Con Amare” Beaumont
Ruby Dickson
4. Reading—“ The Reason" Anon
Walter Cook
5. Reading—“Scrapin’ the Frostin’ Dish” ...Green
Dorothy Rodgers
6. Reading—“ From a.Far Country” Anon
Nellie Fisher
7. Reading—“ The Arithmetic Lesson”.. ...Anon
Sarah Hooten
8. Pin .n Solo —“Fablian” Lack
Louise Rowan
9. Reading—“ Mammy’s Pickanin’” Jenkins
Margaret Rodgers
10. Reading—“ Dick’s Pleasant Dream”. Dudly
Sarah Brown
11. Reading—“ What the Trouble Was”.. Waller
Eunice Hand
12. Piano Solo —‘Twilight Meditation” Dennei
Price Horton
13. Reading—“ The Overgrown Boy” ...Dasef
William Brown
14. Musical Reading—“ The Usual Day”.. ~.Anon
Louise Rowan
15. Reading—“ Edith’s Burgar” Anon
Jamie Hooten
16. Reading—“Diddie, Dnrrms and Chris” Pyrneile
Elizabeth Bradfield
17. Piano Solo —“Moonlight on the Hudson” Wilson
Elyea Smith
18. Reading—" The Old Woman in a Shoe Sermon” Anon
Tom Brown
A Comedy—“ Fast Friends" Re Henry
Characters: Two you lg married women.
Laura Latimer Josephine Turner
Mabel Hamilton Ruby Dickson
Scene—A sitting room in Mrs. Latimer’s house.
Time—The present.
of the pupils.
Everybody is feeling fine and
looking forward to the Xmas holi
days. We are still waiting for a
game of volley ball with some
other school.
We are preparing to give a pro
gram at the school house on YVed
nesday night before Xmas. We
want everybody to come and will
guarantee you your moneys worth
of fun. We have two short plays,
“Shadows,” a romance and “Good
Mawnin Judge,” a scene in a ne
gro police court. Admission only
10 and 20 cents. This is for the
benefit of the school.
Last Saturday was a big day
with Flippen school. All the men
met and had a general work day.
The two inside partititions were
taken down and replaced with one
removable partition so that the
entire lower iloor can be thrown
together into one large auditori
um. And they built a stage in
end. You know that we are
proud of this. Oyster stew and
crackers were served by the tenth
grade girls.
Don.t forget Wednesday night
before Xmas. Everybody come.
Many good wishes for a Merry
Xmas, from,
Fiippen School.
For Sale—Recleaned and graded
Fulghum and Bancroft oats at 80?
per bushel, or will exchange oats
for good dry, unbroken peas al
lowiug $1.25 per bushel for peas
in exchange for the oats. A. G.
Combs, Locust Grove, Ga.
Work f?iade Easier
About forty years air a
Wo made the Terrell scrape,
And you have been trying them —
You fire they are no fake.
Anil a little later on
We made the Slotted plow,
What would you do
ll you couldn’t get them now?
I never was a smart man
liecause 1 did nor, know how,
Dtit I’ve kept working and studying
Until I have the right kind oi plow.
This is a turning plow
That runs upon a slide,
Makes it very easy to hold
And also easy to guide.
Someone else might have made.
But someone else did not
Make a great hig turning plow
With a slide and a slot.
We have asked the patent man
If we could have a patent,
He naid he guessed we could.
He never sa h one to equal that’n.
If farmers will co operate
With me in t his plow. •
Their work will lie easier
Than it has ever been until now.
So come by Copeland Turner Co.
And let me show you the plow,
And If 1 do not sell you one
1 will not iaise a row,
W. 1) KNMUT.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
All creditors of the estate of R. J.
Arnold, late of said county, de
ceased, lire ltoieby notified to ren
der in their demands to the under
signed, according to law, aud all
persons indebted to said estate are
acquired to make immediate pay
ment to me. November 18. 1921
Temporary administrator of the
estate of R. J. Arnold, deceased.
Greatest Price Reduction
$ 19.9G up
Prest-O-Lite again reduces its entire price list, bringing prices of standard
automobile storage batteries down to the lowest point in years. Prest-O-Lite
was last to raise and first to reduce. These new bedrock prices for 1922 are ef
fective immediately. T hese are not “special” models. You get the same guar
anteed high-powered, long-life Prest-O-Lite Batteries that are now standard
equipment on 87 makes of motor cars and trucks and the list is growing daily.
6-Volt Type for Fords and many other light cars
Less than
!2-Volt Type for Maxwell, Dodge and Franklin
New Trade-in Price Yesterday’s Price Price One Year Ago
$32.30 $41.30 $53.10
6-Volt Type for Buick, Chandler, Chalmers, Hudson,
Maxwell, Oakland, Essex, etc., from $24.65 up
Can Y<um Imagine
anything more dainty, more pleasing or more appropriate
for a Holiday gift than any one of the many delightful arti
cles we have for sale?
It makes no difference what you station in life or your
gift problem may be, if a lady is to be the recipient our toilet
section will meet the need. Come in and see what a wealth
of suggestions it offers.
Me OONOUGH, • ' *' J GEOHtftA.
Yesterday’s Price Price One Year Ago
$29.60 $36.00
These are typical reductions. Every size and type is reduced—
and there is a Prest-O-Lite for every make of motor car and truck.
/a s™ n
4q 0
Less than