Newspaper Page Text
Man’s Love for His
I? ~ 1 1 \ a
jl tiiu W itiaii
Now, love is one of the great
est words in cur language, lor
love is a 4*real -spriug ironi which
runs many n all > tibutaries. So
we wili just take «>:ie which is
man’s love for bis It low man. 1
think we would have better health,
enjoy life better and live longer,
if we loved each other better.
In my vouug life I was sick one
time and I had a friend who came
to see me every day. He would
take a seat by mv bed and talk
cheerful with me and bring me
some cool water to drink, got
some water and bathed my face
and hands, smoothed my pillow,
and always left me reeling better.
That was because he was my
friend and he lovtd me. Now
there is hardly any body that is so
well fixed, or that feels so well
but that a kind and cheerful word
from someone would make them
feel better.
mauy years ago I saw an ac
count given of a family, a man
and his wife and three children,
who lived in a wild country near
a great river, and they used water
from a spring down by the river.
One day the man was away from
home, the woman was washing
at the spring, and the children
were playing around, the little
boy fell in the river and was
drowning, the woman began to
cry for help.
There were some young men
camped not far awav and came
running and one young man ran
right on into the river, got the
little boy and brought him to his
mother. She began lo ask who
the young man was, they said his
name was George Washington.
He did that because he loved
somebody and wanted to help
some one that was in need.
We have another account of a
great river that rati through a
great city, there was a bridge
across the river and in the middle
of the river was a great stone pil
low. There had been a lot of
rain, so much that the bridge
washed down and there was a
little girl with her pet lamb cross
ing the bridge when it fell and
the little girl and her lamb were
left standing on that stone pillow
in the middle of the rivor. The
water was still rising and the peo
ple in the city gathered at the
river, but no one could think of a
way to save them. In the time of
The difference between the successful man and the
failure is not usually in ability.
Success comes by plan, by thrift first, and systematic
If you are really willing to pay the price for SUC
CESS, start a savings account here today and keep ad
ding to it regularly.
It is the only sure way.
> ' j
.V; - —4/ ,tQ*> w'w -%-El.' - :i-
South Avenue,
Dili isimas soon hr hciv.
Rev. W.N.Sou’ll filled his'tegu
ilar appointment at B thel Sunday
j morning, and at Ml. Vt rdbn .\ciitK 1
house in DeKaib county in the
: afternoon.
Mr. John Bonner's family are
! moging to McDonough today.
!We regret to lose them as neigh
There are fifty-nine pupi's 011
| roll at this place this term, with
two teachers, Prof. Heifner, of
Tennessee, principal, and Miss
Lessie Moore, of this county, as
sistant. They are doing good
work and the outlook is very
promising for the term. The
children were dt lighted to have
Prof. Horton with them one day
last week, and especially the ball
game at recess.
We regret to note that Mr. T. B.
Swann Las been quite ill for the
past week.
After living in Atlanta several
years Mr. and Mrs. Morris have
moved back to their country home
near here, and intend to raise
chickens for the market.
Mr. W. H. Clark had the mis
fortune to fall from the top of a
this excitement there was a young
man who came with a big rope
and asked the men to tie it around
his waist, they asked what he was
going to do. He said lam going
after the little girl and her lamb.
They fastened the rope around
his waist, he'd the rope and he
did swim to them and brought
the little girl and her lamb safe
to the land. They asked who the
young man was. They said his
name was Benjamin Franklin.
The reason he did this was be
cause he loved somebody and
wanted to help some one in need.
But I am taking to much space in
the good old Henry County Week
ly, so I will write unfinished.
Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications, as they cannot reach
the diseased portion of the ear. There la
only one way to cure catarrhal deafness,
and that is by a constitutional remedy.
Catarrhal Deafness Is caused by an In
flamed condition of the raucous lining of
the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is
Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Im
perfect hearing, and when it is entirely
closed. Deafness Is the result. Unless the
Inflammation can be reduced and this tube
restored to Its normul condition, hearing
will be destroyed forever. Many cases of
deafness are caused by catarrh, which is
an Inflamed condition of the mucous sur
faces. Hall's Catarrh Medicine acts thru
the blood on the, mucous surfaces of the
We will give One Hundred Dollars for
any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot
be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Medlcins. Cir
culars freo. All Druggists. 75c.
F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Toledo. O.
r, The
1 house a few weeks ago. his collar
bone was broken and s*»v< 1 ;>! had
bruises were sustained in ill'* fall,
, but we are glad to say that lie has
[ got along wonderfully well for
jole of his age. lit* is up and
about some, in fact he hasn’t been
in bed at all, he sat up in a rock
ing chair and slept at night all the
Jlie club women, of Eiletnvood,
gave a play at the school house
Saturday night entitled, “How to
boss a husband.”
The wedding, of Mr. Bmus
Peterman and Mrs, Mat Hender
son, which occured at the home
of Rev, Reynolds at Cedar Grove
last Thursday morning, was quite
a surprise to their near relatives
as well as friends. There was
only two or three people who even
suspected anything about it.
All interesting event of last
week was the recital of Miss Lucy
Ward’s music class at the home of
Mrs. C. W. Powell at Rex, Friday
afternoon. The mother mid a
lew friends were present. After
the program, Mrs. Branan Ward
and Miss Lucy played and sang a
few splendid selections; after
winch fruit was served by Miss
Ward assisted by Miss Evel>nM e
Estes. Miss Ward posesses rare
musical talent and is a splendid
Attorneys at Law
McDonough, Ga.
Call or write us for farm loans.
FRED KELLEY, Licensed Embalmer
* i
License No. 497. Issued by the Georgia State Board of Embalmers, Jan. 12, 1915.
•* . - , » .
No case so small but that we give our BEST SERVICE.
, Office Phone- Np. 8. Residence Phones Nos. 32/ 54-J, 132-J.
t * \ * - r. ' *. * *
McPONOUGH,. v - - - - - - - *'GEORGIA.
■•You'do mot-have to count the cost of ■
■ -V r* V* >r.; \•. • • ,0t % ; " •- <; • rf ".'- : :
a bite,-when ■'VoiLdJU-y- meat* from -.-iiis
-■■ ■ r •*t ... -f '
EV^ry-housewife is interested irv five question of meat, ap<t
M M m especially in the matter of price.’ Every housewife
J& Ji g shoutd be vitally interested in the meat that we sell, »
gffffr §1 ll for the matter of price is given special attention by
IHI I m* ' being reduced to the minimum without lowering the
IWI mm fl | standard of: the meat, it is through this means that
_______ J we win you as a customer and keep you permanently
as one. Try ouf meat for ail round satisfaction.
A fine assortment of meat always on hand.
——————————p——w ■ ■ <* 1 ——————ii i
BREAD—Two Loaves for 15c.
-STWITH IN meat market.
PHONE 1-12-W.
** f noediwu vdu" * - .
Children Cry for Fletcher’s
“■ IUU YOU Rave Always Bought, and which lldS been
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a °d has been made under his per
60nal supervision since its infancy.
* Allow no one to deceive you in thfa,
All Counterfeits, Imitations and 4< Just-as-good '' are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment.
Never attempt to relieve your baby with a
• remedy that you would use for yourself*
c What is OASTORIA
Lastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric,
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age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea j allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Comfort —The Mother's Friend.
the Signature of
In Use For*Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought