Newspaper Page Text
A Christmas Story.
Papa, please come here and sit
down for a little while. 1 want to
climb upon your lap and tell you
something. Well, here lam Rob
ert, what is it you wan’t to tell,’me.
W ell, papa, to day poor little .Jam
ie Gray came to school barefoot
and he had on patched clothes
and Tom Brown just laughed and
made fun of him following him
around pointing his finger at him
until the poor little fellow ran off
and sat down behind a big tree
and cried and cried. 1 was so
sorry for him 1 went and sat down
beside him, put my arm around
him and told him not to cry any
more, so it is most Christmas and
maybe old Santa would bring him
same new clothes if he would be:
good, you know his father died
last year and he has not had any
clothes since. I told him that my
mamma said that Gad loved little
raged boys just as well as he did.
dressed up boys, he quit crying
and said he loved little boys like
me, that never made fun of other
little boys clothes. Now paoa, 1
want to ask you if I can give him
one suit of my clothes, as 1 am
growing so fast I will soon out,
grow them and 1 have a pair of
nice shoes that uncle George gave
me, ttiey are most too small for me
now, and sister can give little An
nie a cloak, a hood and a pair cf
her shoes.
The school boys say, that old
Santa is too poor this year to give'
things away. Now papa, can’t
you and the other men give old
Santa one dollar apiece, so he can
buy nice presents for good boys
and girls? Now papa, let mamma
make a nice bundle out of mine
and sister’s things and we will
watch for Santa and tell him to
leave them in Mrs. Gray’s porch.
Alright my son, lam glad you
are thinking of the needy ones
around, you now, run along and
tell mamma about it, so she can
get ti.e thing ready, and 1 will go
to the store and tell Mr. Smith to
start Santa put a sack of flour and
some sugar, apples, candy and
nuts on a wheelbarrow, and tell
him to come by here and get your
bundles, when he stopped for Rob
ert’s bundles, they could hardly
pack them all on, but it was not
far to Mrs. Gray’s. Santa made
some noise putting the things on
the porch, and two sets of little
eyes peeped out and saw what
Santa was doing. They ran to
mamma. Oh! mamma, do come
and look what is on the porch, I
do believe Santa has come, but we
are afraid to open the door and
ask him in, his face is red, his hair
so long and white, but he had al
ready gone. You should have
seen those happy children as they
untied bundle after bundle with
many exclamations, of how nice of
Santa to bring all these things!
And they went to bed as happy as
if they had never worn any patch
ed clothes. And the other chil
dren were happy because they had
made some one else happy at
Christmas time while the angels
were singing, peace on earth, good
will to men. It is more blessed to
give than to recieve. Try giving
and see for yourself.
MRS. S. L. Lofton.
Immediate funds on
improved farms. Low
est rates.
Five, seven or ten years.
For imformation, call
or write
McDonough. - - - Georgia.
Reduced Fit igit Rates De
manded by Irs i i c League
Atlinta.—l*' <>■' • ‘i referen
idum of the Sou h> in It. iC lea
gut', the league’s F rd of overu
ors in session In re recently de
railed itself in f ivoi < i immediate
reduction of tr< i, nt r ib : s, ami an
nounced i!i ;t it indorses two
southernt r: h . v.n mines to be
filled soon on tin- iud r-i com
mi tee commit ■ mi sent a
lengthy telegtam to President
Harding couimumc o .g the re
sult of lilt referendum a. d u j. g
tint the vote of me league be ac
cTpo d by him as an expression
of f.ubMc sentiment in southern
t(a ritory.
The men recommended are
Chai fie K." Cotteriil, of Atlanta,
and !. M. Henderson, of Nashville,
Tenn. Mr. Cotteriil, who is promi
nent as a lawyer throughout the
United States, was recently asso
ciated in law practice here with
E. E Pomeroy, but now has his
own law offices here. Mr. Cotte
iill is a republican. Mr. Hender
son, who is a Democrat, and who
is one of the best-known traffic
experts in the South, is at present
commissioner of the Nashville
traffic bureau.
The league’s board of governors
also went on record as favoring
reduced freight rites. The gov
ernors were divided on the class
and amount of t reduction and will
not decide those it: ms definitely
until the league meets during the
latter part ef December.
Are You a Weak
and Ailing Woman?
Beauty and Health Go Hand in Hand
Fort 'Thomas, Ky. “Several years
ago I had become bo poor and weak from
trouble of a feminine character that I
could not walk around in my room with
out holding to the furniture or having
some one to assist me. I was so nervous
at tim&B I could haidly endure any one
walking across the floor. Finpjjy 1 began
taking Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription
and in three months’ time I gained 20
pounds. 1 continued taking the medicine
until I was entirety well. Dr. Pierce’s
Favorite Prescription certainly saved ray
life.”—Mrs. Klepfer, 15 Oak Bt.
Health is most important to you. Do
not neglect it. Obtain this Prescription
of Dr. Pieroe’s now, in liquid or tablet*,
from your druggist, or send 10c for trk
nkg. of tablets to Dr. Pierce’s Invalid'
Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y., or write for fnt
medkal advice.
EAGLE No. 174
For Solo at voor Dealer Made « five grade*
■Rlomck regularity
between the South and Washington and New York
N..W I N,. m l m. 14 Ha. | ATLANTA, CJ4 Nm If 1 No. 17 No. t!7 No. M~
n.m> TTmaST k j <ctwo«. s.sopm «.»pm iium
It 10AM ft MAM 1440 PM 4.40 PM K | Pwl>ln SMUoo (Cm Tlm.)« I*.ISAM IMI'M 4.MPM I.MAM
4 ISAM 4.90 PM 114 PM 9.13 PM » GREENVILLE. S. C. (EoM. TWo) K TOO AM 9.10 PM I.OOPM lOSAM
T.iSAM I. IS PM 4.39 PM 10 40PM •> SPARTANBURG. S. C. K 410 AM 100 PM II.SIAM II.4SPM
lO.OSAM 4 09PM 9.OSPM IL3SAM or CHARLOTTE. N. C. H 494 AM 10.40 AM I MAM 9.05 PM
11.44 AM 0 90PM M MPM 420 AM or SALISBURY, N. C. to 40SAM 9.10 AM 4 10AM 7.4SPM
I 44PM 14 T 9 PM II 10PM 421 AM a, HMi PM.4 M. C N 11 4SAM 4.4 SAM 1.09 AM 4.97 PM
I.IOPM to.9OPM It.4IPM 1.44 AM ar GREENSBORO, N. C. H 19 ISAM 7.ISAM 414 AM 4S4PM
tmwj o.omw Tooxir ToiSJoT vr: sr a»pm ~s~»am tsxm 'ram
4.ooam io.4SAir m w mm toeot iram ~yuam
ram iioAtr i tunr ~ •mjjvmx. vg it ttewt iium ~louu -ttskt
tmast ~ rswr -zruaxyz — E" ~TBXKrrrwm ~t»pm
thht i.mau Tsar r.4oni » sr LosPunr-ooPM In.oam -ram
11.40 PM 7.40 AM 440 AM II ISPM or WASHINGTON. D. C to 110 PM 14S9PM 9.30 PM 9 00AM
I SOAM 9.OSAM 10.94 AM 400 PM or BALTIMORE. MO . Pinno Sja. U 1.41 PM 410 PM 411 PM 4 03AM
4.ISAM II.IIAM 11.20 PM 4.OSPM •> W... PHILADELPHIA U 11 MAM 7.14 PM 447 PM 410 AM
4.ISAM 11 14AM 11.14 PM 4.17 PM ao Narth PHILADELPHIA to 11.14 AM 7.01 PM 313 PM 1.04 AM
444 AM 1.10 PM 9.40 PM 410 PM «r HEW YORK. P~~ Vl— la 9.1 SAM 403 PM 3.1 SPM 19 JON*
M. IT 14 NEW TOOK 0 NEW ORLEANS LIMITED 9aM Pali.. Ma OmPi mam ..r, lama
Hw Orioor 4. Moßlooiwin. Art—to. »iiMr|»4r mmd Ww Twk Swpll iiii All—f —>4 Hirkwi—4. Dmm car
CK* c*r GWw 7-OomttrUmi cor. N» iwbbAob
*u» ATLANTA SPECIAL. Dmbm, ho. mm Uom. Moobr. Coto-A—. AUooU. Wukk|«H mmd Nn Yarft.
WwAimiOß Sow FrmracOßCw loyrsit itowiny (or BlMlllhlli. DkiMßf mm. rPIA.
No. a AM. MRMtNCHAM SOCIAL. DNr4r« hob. tor, AaMooaoo Al— >p g» .At U iota. WaahU«<B. mU Now York.
Wffi Haoo W iAiß|tM Umt *ot»m< bob B»i«>ikii< «•» fctlWfi ud Atbato wmhUfA 01 wr it! i m ur.
OAbmi M»B<fwim. ItmUfNo. Art*, to mm* WooKa*|toti oU Noo York. Dteo| —r. Coach—.
N—; Nob. at ojkd M ÜBB Pworlti wo Stroot VoVtti «Ii at itloata
U**at Traot N* ut waaoct. * Wulio««m «AJt “COLONIAL tXPRESS." tAr—A Croao «o kotaa *m Nott Cota frwfc* lUote.
Waaiiioytco lit i U <u IWm Mob
0 7%a DmU. Trmckmd Trmnk Um Brtwmn AHmmia. Gm. mnJ O. C.
L j
heiaßY county weekly, McDonough, Georgia
*» m u mm e « « m rnmm ft ta to V
Guile’s Pepto-Mangan
Euiids Lip Vigor
arid Strength
There are times when men and
women cannot help losing strength.
They try to do too much or they
lose sleep or do not eat jenough
food that nourishes. Blood be
comes sluggish because poisons
clog it. Faces grow pale and pas
ty looking. It is not long b fore
nerves get unstrung.
The best way to start a change
for the better is to' take a course
of Glide’s Pepto-Mangan. It builds
the blood. The weakness from a
lack of red ceils in the blood is
overcome. Gude’s Pipto-Mangan
sends a fresh supply of red cells
streaming* through the blood.
Good blood, pure and free from
poisons starts building vigor and
strength. Sleep is better, appetite
keener, so that the becomes
properly nourished. Druggists
nave Gude’s Pepto-Mangan in both
i quid and tablet form. The name
“Gude’s Pepto-Mangan is on the
We want a man who can give all
or part of hit time, right in this
locality, to pleasant, dignified sales
work which will be well paid for.
The man who takes up this work
will be his own boss. He will not
be atked to invert any money, and
he has a fine chance to build up for
himself a real business.
Many men In towns similar to this one
tie making $25 a week from an hour or
two spare time a day. Others who rive
more time make SSO a week and up. This
is no “get rich quick" proposition. But
it is an unusual chance to get into a
perfectly legitimate line of business, rep
resenting a million dollar concern sell
ing made-to-order men's clothing, shoes,
shirts, neckwear and other furnishings.
This is a chance that will attract “live
wires.” We don’t want the other kind of
man. We want only one men in thio
locality. In your answer tell us all about
yourself. We will then furnish you with
a complete outline of our proposition.
Wright & Company
engross. Throe* and Harr bo* Sfe, Chlsags
Hamntnn Hardware & Furniture Co.
farm & oans
B & & a U M WO ESera & u □ \a
m■ ■ |■| ■■ |„—IIBIM II ■ ■■■!■ MIT LI ll MWI—M ■■ ■—*l ««■" ■■■■ ■■
■ i bti—mm i —I m i iii mm i« rxmsmj man 11'mui rwwMMMßwa
We have just completed arrangements whereby
we are authorized to make loans on farms in
Clayton and Henry counties for 6 1-2 percent.
If you have ever ridden over a rough
road in a springless vehicle you will ap
preciate the usefufness of springs which
absorb the shock.
Life is generally conceded to be a
pretty rough road, and there is many a
shock coming to the man who is trying
to get along without shock absorbers.
pi""- 4 m f 4.*" - 5 '
There are numerous shock absorbers
J . ♦ +>* - •**-. ... 9 * *. _ ■*
on the market for such an individual,
■ * L i.-* 1
but the best is a bank account.
Ask any man who has one and he'll
* * * U * *** B i
tell you.
re ...r_ - ■ - - *
Capital and Profits SIBO,OOO
Resources, over - $600,000
Member Federal Reserve System