The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 23, 1921, Image 10

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    T he Henry
. si?.
county Vveeki> Organ oi Henry County.
H. S. KLUUTT, Editor;
Kntorod ai the poatotfu* at McDonough,
Gt*,, as Beoumi-'ilassmail matter.
Advertising ItatoH 25c per inch, position
be additional — special contracts.
Advertising Representative
McDonough, Ga., Dec. 23, 1921.
Keep the home fires burning
this winter, The coal man needs
the money.
Yes, we know a man in this
town who reads his bible every
day. He’s a preacher.
Some people often wonder why
their neighbors dislike them so
much, but they are too wise to ask
Foolish people take things as they
come, but the wise man takes on
ly the things to which he is enti
Study the faults of your neigh
bor. It may teach yo > how to
avoid committing the same of
Don’t be too ready to extend
sympathy to the feiiow wdth a sad
look on his face. Possibly he ate
too much. __
Some people never worry over
their own faults. They are too
busy gloating over those of their
If you don’t like your neighbor
and want him to move, begin tell
ing your troubles to him each day.
He’ll soon get enough.
People who advocate canceling
the debts the allies owe tha United
States might prove their consis
tency by canceling the debts oth
er people owe them.
We feel sorry for the woman
who marries a man in order to
reform him. These last chances
are often worse than no chances
at all.
And the laziest person we ever
heard of is the fellow who died
from indigestion rather than go to
the trouble of chewing the food
he ate.
**l was weak and run-down,’*
relates Mrs. Eula Burnett, of
Dalton, Ga. “I was thin and
Just felt tired, all tho timet
I didn’t rest well. I wasn’t
•Ter hungry. I knew, hjr
this, I needed a tonic, and
as there Is none better Utah —
The Woman’s Tonic
. . « I began uaing Cardui.”
continues Mrs. Burnett
"After my first bettls. I slept
better and ate better. I took
tour bottles. Now I’m well,
feel just fine, eat and sleep,
my skin is clear and I have
gained and sure feel that
Cardui Is the best tonic erer
Thousands of other women
haVß"Tmifra -cardur Toxt as'
Mrs. Buruett did. It should
help you.
“ft***, •
$ I U A 5 !•< Utev l
ivjiiiy was very beautiful, arid
also extremely impulsive girl.
And she took advantage of her
charms to have what she termed
a good time; that is,/he liked to
be admired by the bother sex. She
encourage their attentions, and 1
am afarid she flirted outrageously
with most of them.
In spite of all this, Milly was in
love, deeply. She met Harper
Smith while he was in training at
Camp Gorden. She knitted his
socks, sweater and helmet before
he went across.
Harper was one of the fortunate
ones, and came home without a
scratch. He went into business in
Atlanta; was successful, and the
way seemed clear to have the
Knot tied, and move into that
cozy home; built “Just big enough
for two.”
Their only quarrel was about
Milly’s continually "vamping.” L
"I don’t like it, Milly. 1 can see
people who are virtually laughing
in their sleeves. They think you
are having me bark up the wrong
tree. Just for vour amusement.”
“Oh, but it is such fun!” cried
Milly. “It dosen’t matter what
people think, so long as it’s only
you 1 care for.”
“But consider my feelings,” he
pleaded, “I don’t want people
thinking my wife is nothing but a
brainless vamp.”
“Brainless vamp, am 1?” Milly
tossed her head angrily. “Just
for that, I am going to flirt with
everything that w'ears pants!”
“You will flirt one time too
many, I fear. But, Dear, let's
don’t part in anger. You know
I am leaving for Nashville tonight;
I will be gone a whole week; 1
wish I hadn’t said anything to —”
“I don’t care if you did! Go on
home and tell your Mother to
teach you some sence! And I’m
going to 'flirt every blessed
minute you are gone, so there!”
And thus did Harper go to Nash
Milly's threats subsided before
he had been gone three d«ys, and
it was a very contrite litile girl
who walked through the park
one fine morning. Self accusing
thoughts filled her heart as she
sank down on a bench. She gaz
ed around absently; then sudden
ly she sprang up with a glad cry.
“Oh, Harper!” she said, as
she threw her arms about the
young man’s neck. “I never was
so glad to see anybody in my life!
When did you return? You had,
to slip back w ithout my knowing!”
A very astonished young man
found himself being kissed by a
very beautiful girl. He arose
awkwardly; “Why, I—I—” he
“Oh, Dear, you are lame!” she
interrupted, “what ever is the
matter? How did you do it?”
Her fed distress was evident.
With twinkling eyes, the young
man promptly accepted the situa
tion: “Why, \ did that back home,”
he ventured “I — went hunting,
and—” iWeO, <am glad you are
back today, we can attend the
lawn party at Mrs. Knowles, this
evening. And —and announce
our engagement,” she suggested.
| “That will be .fine,” the young
man agreed, enthusiastically.
This particular young man, as
you perhaps have guessed, was
not Hsrper Smith at alt; but was
his twin brother, and as much
alike as two peas in a pod. He
also had come home from
but would be cripple for ‘life.
Harper had returned to towbfhat
day/Ttmnre- fisrane
for a little visit. When he rflch
ed borne, ixm\ hi§, stroll iiQhe
“The very thing!” he expl v&ed
Rich, Red Blood Built Up
by'Pepto Mangan
Liquid or Tablet
Blood is srong and full of life
giving vigor when there are plen
ty of red cells in it. Anaemic
people have little strength because
there are not enough red cells in
the blood. It is thin and watery.
Weak blood makes faces pale,
pulls down the strength and
leaves the body tired, weak, and
A course in Gude’s Pepto Man
gan restores weak blood to its
normal strength. Taken regularly
for a while it adds red cells to the
blood, the strength and vigor of
health raturn. There is pleasure
in living, with good blood r unning
thrqugh the veins. Gude’s Peptu-
Mangao is put up in liquid and in
tablet form. They are the same
medicinally. Physicians have pre,
scribed Gude,s Pepto-Matigan for
years. The name ‘.Gude’s Pepto-
Matigan” is on the package.
the situation to Harry. “Now, to
teach that young lady a lesson.”
He said.
As a result of their plans, Milly
recieved a phone message that
evening stating that Harper was
suffering with his foot, and would I
be unable to attend the pany.
But wh it was her snrprise to
find Mr. Smith already there! He
didn’t seem to bu aware that he
had a sprained ankle! And he
was having such fun with that
horrid Tiiumosou gu ! He never
even glanced in her direction
Thebiule! So this was the af
fection ami respect he showed
future! Well, she would show
him a thing or two! Milly was
furious. Sue flirted witli the boys
till she was ashamed; brushed by
him numbers of times; but the
brute continued to gaze ardently
at the horrid Tompson girl, un
mindful of Milly’s presnnee.
(Continued next week.)
Office Hours :
” X. M. to 12 If
McDonough, Ga.
Taste is a matter of
tobacco quality
We state it as our honest belief
that the tobaccos used in Chester*
field are of finer quality (and
hence of better taste) than in any
other cigarette at the price.
Liggett Sc Myers Tobacco Co.
of Turkish and Domestic tobaocos-^bUnded
v • N , l -V tlliM ***
iilvu »v ,4ui *
* } dvitofnita dir nosqnioriT M j WJO crbdojaruyis
Office PfiuH 19 Residence Thone 3!)
Have your cv 1 M .ttf’sses renovated—made
gooi as :t;w— at the Griffin Mattress Co., 207
N. Hi!; street, Griffin, Ga.
• »
R. 11. JOHNSON, Manager.
PHONE 333.
Ivy 7446 Res. Main 4707
Lb-BAffl.IL Allen
14 Edge wood Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Engraved Cards, Wedding Invitations, etc.
If you are thinking of obtaining g’asses, please bear in mind
tha tthe financial and professional responsibility of those to
whom you entrust the care of your eyes is of greatest impor
tance. Ours is a complete organization, devoted exclusively to
the scientific examination of eyes and ihe fitting and grinding
of proper glasses, all for one reasonable charge.
Optometrist J. C. Duggan Optician
53 West Mitchell Street, Near New Terminal Station.
oome: xo
Prompt Delivery and All Work Guaranteed.