Newspaper Page Text
'• Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Praterna
Hiodge No. 37 F & AM meet Ist and 3
Friday nights in each month. All dul;
qualified brethren fraternally and cordi
ally invited to meet with us.
0. J. Dickson, W. M.
W. G. Ingram, Sec.
Call on Speer, the Optromtrist
when you need glasses.
He keeps in stock all the latest
styles of frames and nose glasses.
Mr. Henry Knight is now with
The Henry County Weekly.
We are in the market for corn.
Green, Tarpley an Co.
We pay 50c per bushel for corn,
Green, Tarpley an Co.
Fresh cabbage plants for sale
every day, at W. B. J. Ingram’s
Let us supply you with your
Christmas toys. The Variety
Christmas cards, seals, tissue
paper and Nunnaily candy—City
Drug Store.
Come in and see our line of
Christmas goods. The Variety
Will pay 50 cents per bushel for
corn delivered to me in McDon
ough. —J. T. Rauls.
For rent —A house on Coving
ton street with a good size lot.
Mrs Lizzie McGaritv,
For good sound corn we will
give 50c per, bushel. Green.
Tarpley an Co.
Mrs. W. P. Nutt of Jackson h s
returned home after a recent visit
to Mrs. E. D. Tolleson.
Miss Louise Smith left for
Rome Wednesday to visit Miss
Flora Neal.
Mr. and Mrs. Cliftlon Farrar, of
Waycross, are guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Si ’ney Farrar.
Wmb —A good milk cow, but
«do ;ot vv mi io p«y for any pedi
grees. U iiaY S jith.
Mrs. Fr< d Walker and little
•son, Fred Jr. will spend the Xmas
holidays in Dublin with relatives.
Mrs. Victor Carmichael and
little daughter, Dora thy Anne of
Jachson, spent Tuesday as guests
of Mrs. E. D. Tolleson.
Will pay cash for drv shucked
sound corn, 50c per bushel deliv
ered at the depot in McDonough,
Ga. A. N. Brown.
For rent —A six room house
with electric light and city water
in Locust Grove. Apply Henry
County Weekly olfice.
Mrs. W. P. Nutt, of Jackson re
turned to her home Tuesday after
a visit to her daughter, Mrs. E. D.
Mrs. Ruth Allensworth is spend
ing the Xmas holidays with her
parents, Jndge and Mrs. Paul Tur
Mr.and Mrs. D Taylor and daugh
ter Frances, were guests several
days this week of Mrs. E. M.
Be sure to read the article in
this paper enttled “Co Operative
Marketing the Hope of the Geor
gia Farmers.”
Will pay cash for dry shucked
sound corn, 50c per bushel de iv
ered at the depot in McDonough,
Ga. A. N. Brown.
Wanted—Manufactured hasrea
proposition to offer salesman sell
ing absolutely guaranteed 10 OGO
miie Cord tires at prices which
matce sales. New Departure Tire
Co., 5680 Twelfth St. Detroit.
Two horse farm for rent, Smith
place at Bersheba. F. L. Smith
P. O. box. 472. Atlanta.
For rent a one or two horse
farm, good land. A. C. Elliott,
McDonough Ga., Rt, 2.
Our Christmas toys are now on
Come early while picking
s good. The Variety Store.
For Rent. —Two rooms for a
c°uple or two ladies. See Mis
J. M. Johnson WcDonough, Ga.
Will pay cash for dry shuckt d
sound corn, 50c per bushel deliv
ered at the depot in McDonough,
Ga, A. N. Brown.
Come to W. H. Stewart &
Son to buy your Christmas fruits,
apples, oranges raisins etc. W. H,
Stewart & Son, McDonough, Ga.
Miss Myrtis Hunt is at home
from Zebulon, where she is teach
ing, to spend the holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S.
Lost Black Jersey male cow.
Will be found at H. M. Amis home
place near Greenwood. Owner
please come for him at once.
For Sale—House and lot in
Jonesboro, near depot, fine fruit
and nut trees, and garden. Ad
dress, The Bulletin, Irwinton, Ga.
Wanted—Man with car to sell
low priced Graham Tires. $ 130.00
per week and commissions. Gra
ham Tire Co., 563 Boulevard, Ben
ton Harbor, Mich.
Dr. W. W. Arnald preached the
dedication sermon of the Ttioinas
ton Ist Baptis church Sunday. He
reports a delighlful time among
his old friends and brethren.
Wanted—Represenative for
fast selling line of Auto Access
ories. Motion Picture advertis
ing furnished. $350 00 up per
month. Box 272, St. Joseph, Mich.
On Xmas night carolers from
the three churches will sing thru’
the streets. If you want them to
sing for you, place a candle in
your window and they will stop
and sing.
Rev. J. A. Partridge went to Lo
cust Grove WednesJay evening,
having accepted an invitation to
act as one of the judges of the de
bate held in the Locust Grove In
stitute. He was accompanied by
his wife and son, Croon.
One and two horse farm, lo
party with own stock, two miles
from McDonough, on public road.
Twohosre farm house has four
bedrooms and good barn, good
pasture and land, some fresh
and. See Dr. Tye.
For Sale —Recleaned and graded
Fulghum and Bancroft oats at BCF
per bushel, or will exchange oa s
for good dry, unbroken peas al
lowiug $1.25 per bushel for peas
in exchange for the oats. A. G.
Combs, Locust Groye, Ga.
Mrs. Adam Sloan went to At
lanta Tuesday evening to witness
the performance of “The Doll
Shop” of wh ch she is comDOser.
It is with great pleasure and
pride that the many friends of
Mrs. Sloan learn of her being
awarded a prize for this operetta,
and glad to claim one of her talent
as a native and resideut of our
Double Wedding,
A c’ipping from the Henderson
ville, N. C. paper, that will per
haps be of interest to some of Mr.
Fred Kelley’s Georgia friends:
Of unusual interest to hosts of
friends of the bridal parlies in the
community will be the double
wedding which will take place at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Guy E
Dixon at 4 o’clock on Monday, Dei
cember 26. when Dr. Dixoii’s sif
ter. Mrs. Lillian Dickens, will be
married to B rt Eilisoa of Savan
nah, and his cousin, Miss Novella
Thompson, will become the bride
,t Fred Crabbe Kelley, McDon
ough, Gi. Both Mrs. Dickens and
Miss Thompson are attractive
young ladies, well and favorably
known in the city, and will be
missed by a large circle of friends
McDonough Baptist
Church Berean Class
The young men of McDonough
Baptis church, organized a Bi r an
class last Sund ly wi'h thirteen |
present, but we expect next Sun-j
day at least twenty. The list of
officers as follows;
President, Claaence Elliott; Ist
Vice Pres, Ernest Thompson; 2nd
Vice Pres, William Amis; 3rd Vice
Pres, Chalnius Knight; Sect, Chas
Lowe; Treas, Howell Dixon;
Teacher, H. K. Adams.
For Dismission.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
Whereas, J. W. Capps, administrator of
W. T Capps, represents to the oourt in
his petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that he has fully administered W.
T. Capps’ estate: This is, therefore, to
cite all persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, If any they can,
why said administrator should not be dis
charged from his administration, and re
ceive letters of dismission on the lirsc Mon
day in January, lUBI.
A. G II ARRIS, Ordinary
For Dismission.
GEORGIA —Henry County.
Whereas, J. VV Capps, administrator of
Rebecca Capps represents to the court in
his petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that he has lully administered
Rebecoa < Lapps’ estate: This is, therefore,
ti< cite all persons concerned, kindred and
creditors, to show cause, if anv they can,
why said administrator should not be dis
charged from his administration, and re
ceive letters of dismission on the first
Monday in January, 1921.
A. G. HARRIS. Ordinary.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
GEORGIA—Hcr.ry County.
All creditors of the estate of R. J.
Arnold, late of said county, de
ceased, are heieby notified to ren
der in their demands to the under
signed, according to law, and all
persons indebted to said estate are
required to make immediate pay
ment to me. November 18, 1921.
Temporary administrator of the
estate, of R. J. Arnold, deceased.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors
Georgia—Henry County.
All creditors of the estate of E. R.
Moore late of said countv, deceas
ed, are hereby notified to render
in their demands to the undersign
ed, according to law, and all per
sons indebted to s iid estate are re
quited to make immediate payment
to me, December 19,1921.
Administrator of the estate of
W. B. Moore, deceased.
Notice to the Public.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership of J G. Ammons and
H. F. Kellev, doing business as
CITY DRUG STORE, in the City
of McDonough, Henry county,
Georgia, has Leen dissolved bymu
tu il consent.
J. G. Ammons resumes all the
present, past and future indebted
ness of the firm and is entitled to
collect all the accounts due the firm.
H. F. Kelley is releusd from
farther liability on account of the
present, past or future indebted
ness of said firm.
Bankrupt Notice.
In the District Comt of the United
States, for the Northern District
of Georgia.
In re, Mrs. Mary Goodman, No.
7362, in Bankruptcy.
A petition for discharge having
been filed in conformity with
law by above named bankrnpt
and the Court lmviug ordered t.hut
the hearing upon said petition be
had on January 14, 1922, at ten
o’clock a, m., at the United States
District Court room, in tie city of
A»lanta, Georgia, notice is nereby
to all creditors and other persons
in interest to appear at said time
and place and show, if any they
have, why the piayer of the bank
rapt for discharge should nqt be
O. C. FULLER, Cerk.
Order to Perfect Service.
Eva Barnette Stanfield vs. Cloma
Horace Stanfield. Lible for di
vorce in Henry Superior court,
October term, 1921.
In appearing to the court by the
return of the sheriff, in the above
stated case that the defendant does
not reside in said county, and it
farther appearing that he dees not
reside in this state. It is therefore
ordered by the court that service
he perfected on the defendant ba
the publication of this order once
a month for four months, before
the next term of this court, in The
Heury County Weekly, a news
paper published in Henry County,
Petitioner’s Att'y.
3e it so ordered—
l Sept. 27, 1921. J. S. C., F. C.
BjA R<3 A l|N
- * lit—f nyggPMBMBMBMMi
• -• r --"t- ■ tt+x?- t-*W’TOfjKMWBy
Wishing You Well
has been a year replete with favors
and courtesies extended to us by the
citizens of this];own and countryside.
For the favorsjand courtesies thus
extended we express our deep ap
preciation and grateful thanks.
It is our wish and desire that every
success andj happiness may attend
you through the Yu etide and dur
ing the new year.
YoU Have
Our Thanks
For all that you have have done [for
us the past year we thank yo j-
Wc beg you |to feel that these
thanks, though simple words, are
sincere and come direct from the
May success and happiness come
to you*