Newspaper Page Text
Chris! ;.,ts gift.
Santa Cl us coming.
Hang I.;) your stocking.
And sc i' t away the blues.
W. E. If yes, of Forney Ala., is
visiting re!..lives at Ota.
Mr. J. R. Price will plant one
hundred arc fifty acres in pepper
next year.
A. A. Lem. n and D. T. Carmi
chael aliened the masonic lodge at
Ola Saturday night.
Ray Lester of Toledo Ohio is
visiting his parents near Snapping
Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Smith and
daughters, and Miss Mary Weems
spent Tuesday in Atlanta.
Fraternal Lodge No. 37, of Mc-
Donough held its regular meeting
last Friday night and the follow
ing officers were elected for the
ensuing year:
T. J. Brown, W. M.
A. A. Lemon, S. W.
C. J. Dickson, J. W.
T. A. Sloan, Jr. Sect.
John Hightower. Treas.
Harvey Brown. S. D.
Fred LeGuinn, J. D.
Dewey Bowden, S. S.
William Kimbell J. S.
Rev. J. A. Partridge, Chaplin.
W. G. Thompson. Tyler.
A public install ition of officers
will be held on the first Friday
night in January.
The Masonic Lodge at Ola held
its regular meeting last Saturday
night, and had made arrange
ments to entertain its members,
and visitors from other lodges,
with a big oyster supper, and
other good things to eat, but ow
ing to the enclemency of the
weather there was only a small
number present. The annual el
ection of officers was-held and
Mr. W. G. Cowan was elected
Worshipful Master but we failed
to learn the names of the other
officers elected. This is one of
the hugest mid best Indues in the
county, and those who attended
on this occasion report a big time.
We w ere indeed pained to learn
of the sad death of Mr. J. H. Pat
terson of our town. He was out
friend, and we did not know
Prices on every Prest-O-Lite storage battery have
been cut from 15 to 33 per cent, effective at once.
These are not “specials.” You get the same guar
anteed, high-powered, long-lived Prest-O-Lites that
are now standard equuipment on eighty-seven makes
of cars and trucks.
6-volt battery type for Ford and other light cars -7-
new trade-in price $1990
Yesterday's price on identical battery $29.60
Price one year ago 36.00
6-voit type for Essex, Hudson, Buick,
Chandler, etc., trade-in price $24*65 U P
12-volt type for Maxwell, Dodge, Franklin $32*30
Yesterday's price, same battery $41.30
Last year's price 53.10
Drive around today. Trade in your old battery
for a Prest-O-Lite, the recognized cold weather battery,
at the lowest price ir. years.
Stan sell & Rape Bros.,
McDonough, ga.
Judge E. J. Rei’gan
Appointed Attorney
Railroad Commission
The many fiiends of Judge E. J
Reagan in Henry County and
throughout the State will be glad
to know of his appointment as
special attorney to the Railroad
Commission of Georgia. Judge
Reagan is known far and wide as
one ot the most learned lawyers
in Georgia. For a number of
vears he was Judge of the Flint
Judicial Circuit and no man has
ever filled the office with more
credit to himself than he. He is a
man of courage and covictions
and will stand for what he conceiv
es to be his dutv. The opinions
which he will furnish the Railroad
Commission will be in accordance
to law without favor to either in
dividuals or corporations.
Governor Hardwick could not
have made an appointment to the
office that will meet the approval
of the peaple more generally than
the selection of Judge Reagan and
the State will have an able, con
scientious man for attorney to the
It is understood that Judge
Reagan will continue his residence
here while he discharges his
duties in the office.
how much we loved him, until
we took the last look on his
face, as he peacfully lay in his
casket. He had been in declining
health for the past year, and his
friends knew' that he was fast ap
proachiug the end, but we were
all so busy looking after our own
inter sts, that we failed to take
time to give him the cheering
words of coinforf, and cheer until
it was to late. Jim, was a good,
honest, whole souled fellow, al
ways true to his fellowman and
during affliction, he did not mur
mur or complain. He had beeu
| partially paralyzed for some time
; and could scarcely walk, but he
icame uo to town almost daily. If
jwe could call him back we would
j try to make his life more cheerful.
! YVe will miss him from our town
! and no more will we see him
quietly walking our streets hop
iug to regain his health. Jim,
was a good fellow and his friends
were numbered by the score, and
we extend our deepest sympathy
to the grief-stricken family in this
sad bereagement.
Mrs, Hankinson Named
For Postoffice Place
In McDonough
Washington, December 19. —
(By Constitution Leased Wire.) —
It was officially announced to
night that Mrs. Christine Park
Hankinson, of McDonough, was
appointed today to be postmis
tress at that place, this appoint
ment being made upon the re
quest of the various women’s or
ganizations in Georgia, among the
indorsers being Mrs. Hays, Mrs.
Alonzo Richardson and others.
This appointment was made by
reason of the strong woman’s or
ganization indorsements after the
appointment of another had been
Hampton News
Hamptonfis a groat town.
Everything is a little quiet over
here just at this lime however.
But we are going to have things,
humming here in a few months!
because the people of the town j
and country all around us are J
talking of, and we are almost sure j
to have one of the most needed
things of the day. And that is a
grain elevator. It will afford
market for the farmers surplus
grain of all kinds. We want to
get just as many farmers interest
ed as possible. Come over and,
help us.
We are glad Col. Chas. H.
Griffin has moved his law office
to Hampton. We welcome him.
This will be a blue Christmas for
good m any of us, but let us lake
courage and when down in the
mouth remember Jonah, he came
out alright.
The Hampton Milling Co. has
closed a deal wit i the Anglo-
American Mill Co. and will ex
change their old mill for a new
and much larger one in order to
take care of the big crop of w heat
we hope to see harvested next
We hope that all will enjoy the
holidays, and celebrate them in
the way they should be celebrate
ed. Dusty.
We are extending to every one
our heartiest
Christmas Greetings
Thank You, Friends
FVr yc: -- inner. < e during the pest year
wc arc ;i ankkil.
For yen r continued f: lendship we are both
thankful and gratekd.
Mon- y is good -xhilc it lafts, but friendship
is pr does and beyond price.
J. O. & C. M. Kimbell.
To Yom All
The Christmas season is one cl joy
in all Christian lands.
It is the appropriate season for m e
to express to my friends and cus
tomers the joy and thankfulness I
feel for the favors they have extend
ed to me during the past year.
To such, and to all citizens, I ex
press the hope that the coming year
may deal gently and beneficiently
with you, and with ail others whom
you love and cherish.