The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 23, 1921, Image 5
School Column* HAMPTON HIGH SCHOOL Dear Mr. Horton. —We sure did appreciate your visit to our school last week, and hope you won’t wait so long to visit us again. We have some tine teachers and we all love them. We are getting along fine in our school work, and hope we can continue to. lam fourteen years old and in the eighth erade. We play bas ket ball sometime and the boys play football. Wishing you a Merry Chistmas and a happy New Year. I am yours sincerely, Thelma Hilley. MT. BETHEL SCHOOL. I, too, was disappointed last week as I turned to the school column in our paper and found that the expected teachers letter was missing. Possibly others were like my self, they would give the space to someone more competent, some one who could say things worth while, or possibly they thought they did’nt have time. Though my own life is a busy one and experience in teaching is short, my heart is in the work and I will do my best to write a few lines. Don’t know whether to take a subject or not. I fear I couldn’t do one justice. I believe will talk to you about “heroes.” In fancy I see a number of little hands raised. Yes every little boy or girl who studies history and some who do not know what the word hero means. We at once associate the word Columbus, George Washington and all the way down the list to our Ameri can heroes in the recent world war. Are these all the kinds of heroes we know? No there are many about us today who are just as courageous just as brave who will die unrecognized, There are fathers and mothers who are fighting hard to keep the wolf from the door, and to keep little folks comfortably clad and fn books, tablets and pencils that little minds may be trained and little liyes molded in the school room. Those who do thi s uncomplain ingly are real heroes, so teachers lat us not be to harsh if Johny doesn’t always have a tab lets or pencil. There are teachers who W ‘ peace JWm Be Yours This is an unusually Merry Xmas tide because it marks the termination of an unusually Happy and Prosperus year. , We are grateful to you who have been instrumental in adding to our prosperity. We are grateful for each oppor tunity we have had and may have .. to help add to yours. SFRU/CF SAFI TY THt BA/VK THAT BACA6 / H£ rARMFFL DEPOSITS INSURED = go into the school-room with n prayer in their hearts that they may do their very best with their responsibility, whomever have onj of encouragement, who never know if they have pleased or dis pleased. Listen, patrons, it doesn’t cost anything and it may means much to your child, if you will go to see his teacher, talk to his teacher about him. If the teacher does a wrong don’t be a coward and tell some one else but be brave and fair, give him a chance to do better or defend himself as the case may be. The teacher who meets every condition and uncomblainingly presses on is another hero. We would not forget the little fellow who goes to his class with the lit tle fellow, who goes to his class with the assurance that he has done his very best but for some cause the other little boy always gets the nod of approval or words of praise, the swallows hard, goes back to his desk to try again. Is he not a hero? Parents, teachers, little children and all, let us watch for the heroes and pray God that he may quicken our eyes to rec ognize and appreciate the heroes of this life, and on the other hand, if those who we expect to help us, disappoint us, let us as the little boy did swallow the lump that is n our throat and be a hero, real izing that in heroism is strength Mrs. Mark Hunt. Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot roach the diseased portion of the ear. There la only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that Is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused by an in flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when It Is entlroly closed. Deafness Is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. Hall’s Catarrh Medicine acts thru the blood on the mucous surfaces of the system. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any caß« of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall’a Catarrh Medicine. Cir culars free. All Druggists. 75c. F. J. CHENEY * CO., Toledo, O. BROWN & BROWN Attorneys at Law McDonough, Ga. Call or write us for farm loans. DR. W. D. HEARN DENTIST Wishes to announce that he is now located at No. 99 1-2 WHITEHALL STREET, ATLANTA, where he will be glad to see his many friends from McDonough and Henry county. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY. McDONOIIGH GEORGIA. Sermons to Live By. “Friends” (BY ELAM FRANKLIN DEMPSEY. D. D.) Text, John 15:14, “Ye are my friends.” (Vip cap! pvnlpitipH hie W« » O 1,1 WUi Puut L •»< VV4 ““j happiness and success by sa>ing, “i had a friend.” The literal meaning of the word friend is “lover” for it bespeaks an affinity of heart. It is true that blood is thicker than water, but “there is a friend that stiekelh closer than a broth er” because kinship is accidental, while friendship is a choice. “Friendship bespeaks recipro cated duty,” and Abraham is cal - eJ tlie friend of God because he did his spiritual duty to God in trusting Him, even though his mind was wrapped in a thick daiknessof ignorance and con fusion. We never think ot friends with out recalling Damon and Pythia, David and Jonathan, Jesus and John. Friendship has been decorated by Jesus with words more la spleiident than any medal, “Great er love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” To all His disciples He has given words most precious, "Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I c )tn mand you. Henceforth I call you not servants — Out friends.” "What a friend we have in Jesus, All our sins and griefs to bear; What a a privilege to carry Everything to God in prayer.” H. C. ELLIS FRANK SETZER ELLIS-SETZER CO. FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMING FRED KELLEY, Licensed Embalmer License No. 497. Issued by the Georgia State Board of Embalmers, Jan. 12. 1915. No case so small but that we give our BEST SERVICE* Office Phone No. 8. Residence Phones Nos. 32, 54-J, 132-J, McDonough, Georgia. The Horrie Hade Kind IS THE BEST FOR YOU r; . ~. .> P , '•» Home made BREAD Home made ROLLS Home made DOUGHNUTS %tj.■ # i i t Home made PIES Home made CAKES • / .* * -f-' * • • ' '' * ■■ • 1 - Home made CANDY Home made MEAL Home made FLOUR The Henry County Milling & Ice Company, "h f' . a--'* *■/ \ 6 A Mi. r i• - •* J" W ' fm. * * Net Contents 15 Fluid DraclmS ■“flMiaS'Vj ZK'.J&e.' '*l- 7Z-. Y*r "H'> Sr oV"i» ■ ' . ; 777 >- 7 r L i » Wiao - tioSn <*r * t*yrr .*> o u k w ,(Vn<> e arit» m u c r. - ->>-» > *' • v a nr or m'ncr.l ' NAfl C NAK&Onth </«• «io w I>, o Kr. *«»».■»•■* rite !:vr rjincJio 'utiHfiahex pri s a 6 ift ,vr i, le lirts inter rmitirntca. FAI-TAS DL SOfiSt [9 oo Drops! lASTP R jAj ! AVc£et abtelYcparatjootnrAs • 1 ty tir.CU\cstaßacbM>dDowwS^j IN FAN TS C HILPWtN | Thereby Promoting Digest* o ® i Cheerfulness and RestCartu® j neither Opium. Morphine iwr k Mineral. Not Narcotic jhpt ai' dfiy Ahclpfulßemedyfcf l Constipation and Durrtwe* nad Feverishness and loss of Sleep _ j resultingthcrefrom^fl^^ 1 kDqm y 40 c LIIL Exact Copy of Wrapper. Bring,us your Home made Corn and take a needed rest while we do .• *. r- .. u.-* v your grinding lor you. “Home made” means a lot when applied to our Meal ground from Home made Corn. Try our Meal and be convinced. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers That Genuine u Gloria Always -7 Bears the fu M SI T‘W ft Jp* In fur ** se Ur For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY.