Newspaper Page Text
I cheerfully pen a message of
“Peace on earth good vviil to man”
to the Editor of the Weekly, all
the office force, and to each read
er of our county paper, I give to
one and all the season greetings.
Wedding bells rang merrily
here last week when Mr. James
Smith, of Atlanta, came down snd
made miss Eunice Crowell his
bride. They left immediately for
their home in the city. Mrs.
Smith is a daughter of Mrs. Sallie
Crowell, and is a lovable lady. By
her sweet, happy disposition, her
beautiful, untiring devotion to
ward her invalid mother for sev
eral months past, she has won
the highest esteem from those
who know her. And all are wish
ing for her the greatest happi
ness. Mr. Smith is a young man
of splendid character and ability,
his many friends are congratulat
ing him.
Mr. Guss Piper, aged man, of
near Bersheba died last Sunday
night. Mr. Piper has been in fee
ble health for more than a year.
He was a Christian and therefore
a good citizen. We sympathize
with his family and those whose
grief is most poignant.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Strawn,
David Franklin Strawn, Mrs. W.
G. Ingram and Robert Ingram
were guests of the T. R. Strawn
Sunday afternoon and attended
Sunday school with them at Mt.
Mrs. S. W. Whitaker, of Con
yers was a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Billie Presson Wednesday of last
Mr. Gene Bledsoe did several
families in the community a great
favor last week by cleaning out
their wells and puling them in or
der. The water supply was grow,
ing short. Plenty now.
Mt. Bethel S. S. Methodist will
render the following program
Sunday afternoon the 25th begin
ing at two u’clock.
Opening exercises—By school.
Remarks—By Supt. L. L. Strawn.
We have car load of
Hog, purebred Berk
shires, Duroc Jersey,
Poland China, etc.,
of all sizes, also good
_ . .v
grade, on sale now at
Stock bridge News
The Stock bridge B. V. P. I
a contest in daily Bible read g
among their groups. Groups e -e
and two winning. They were e
tertained by groups three -i v.
four at a tacKy party S;U;rv:\>
night, December 17, at t:.c
auditorium, which was a great
social event for the B. Y. B. I’.
and was highly enjoyed by ad
i The union meets on Friday
night of each w r eek at 7:lso’clock,
j Everybody is cordially invited to
I attend and see what our young
people are doing toward training
for greater usefulness tor the
Master’s Kingdom.
Remember the Christmas pro
gram that will be rendered on
Christmas morning, December 25,
at eleven o’clock, and the meeting
last several days the following
week. Everybody is cordially in
vited to attend, and to pray for a
great revival in our town that will
be felt for miles around. Let me
sav again my Christian friends pray
as you have never prayed before
that we may have a great out
pouring of the holy spirit and
many souls may be brought into
the Kingdom of God.
On Tuesday night, December
15, Harmony Lodge No, 357 at
its regular meeting elected the
following officers for the ensuing
T. S. Moseley, Worshipful Mas-
Address —By S. J. Hunt.
Quartette —By four young men
from the young men’s Bible class.
Song—Jerusalem. By Mrs. L.
L. Strawn.
Reading—By young lady from
Ladies Bible class.
Song—Sleep Little Jesus. Mary
Franc Strawn.
Story of the Birth of Crist—By
infant class.
Recitation—Sarah Ruth Hunt.
Song—Dear Little Stranger—
Nina and Mary F. Strawn.
We are very sorry to give an
incomplete program as we have
not learned what each class has
prepared but will promise you a
good program and will give a glad
Mrs’ Franc.
henry county weekly, McDonough Georgia.
? , v 1 'u \\ wl dv n*
wTr. Utfc t. t v ter
C Vt IVft .a. lA>urer.
J \Lvrr S.vrvtary,
7 W \ x - jt Deacon.
C V sYr > Jk;.nv>r Deacon.
V \ \VV. JvU or Steward.
\\ VL\'o ough. Senior Stew
ard, ,
S. \ Austin, Chaplin.
N.ghts of meeting the second
sr.* fourth Tuesday nights every
member is requested to come, and
I visaing brothers are cordially in
Every business day in the year we are thank
ing our customers for their patronage, no mat
ter how small the purchase*
At this season of the year it is again our priv
ilege and pleasure to extend to you our grate
ful thanks for the many favors you have ex
tended to us.
We offer you the compliments of the Xmas
season, with the earnest wish that success
may attend you in all of your laudable under
phone 8, McDonough, ga.
' * - •*««*» tju. Jem*
As the dawn breaks upon a new year
the pleasing privilege is afforded us of
again thanking our customers for their
patronage, courtesy and good will dur
ing the year that is passing into history*
May the new year bring to you, to
yours, and to our country peace, happi
ness and prosperity*
* 1 *
Again we thank you.
Planters Warehouse & Lumber
McDonough, Company, GEORGIA.
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