The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 16, 1923, Image 10

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tieorgia, Henry County.
Mrs. ,J. M. Foster. Guardian of
Glenn it. Foster. Ims applied to me
for a discharge from her Guardian
ship of Glenn B. Foster:
This is therefore to notify all
persons concerned to file their
objections, if nnv they have, on or
before the first, Monday in March
next. i.U o ho will be discharge!
from his puardians-hid as applied
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Dismission From Administration
Georgia, Tlonry County.
Whereas, Mrs. .1. T. Lewis,
Administratrix of Mr. J. T. Lewis,
represents to the (’onrt in her
petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that she Ims fnlly admini
stered J. T Lewis’s estate.
This is, therefore, to cite all
gons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to showoanse, if any they can,
why said Administratrix should not
be discharged from her administra
tion, and receive Letters of Dis
mission on the first Monday in
March, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Dismission From Administration
Georgia, Henry Cou»*y.
Whereas, H. B. **ml A M. Sandi
fer, Eexcntors or Robert Sandifer,
represents to the Court in their
petition, duly filed and entered on
record, that they have fnlly admini
stered Robert, Sardifer’s estate.
This is therefore, ro cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show canse, if any they
can, why said Administrators
should not betdisclmiged from their
administrate n, and receive Letters
of Dismission on the first Monday
in March, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
Will he sold before the Court
House Door, in the City of Mo
Donongh, in said County, between
the legal hours of sale, on the First
Tuesday in March 15123, to the
highest bidder for cash, the follow
ing property, to wit: 56 1/2 aores
of land more or loss, being part of
lot of land no ninety four [94] in
the seventh land District of Hent-y
County commencing at a corner
on the north line of said lot no 94
and running South 28 chains to a
made corner; Thenoi still South
until it, strikes the bank of Wal
nut Crock; Thence down the
windings of said creek to where
the line crosses between lots No
94 and 93; Thence North follow
ing the line between 94 and 93 to
the original corner; Thence West
2>l chains and 40 links to the first
named corner, containing forty
five acres more or less.
Also eight and one half (8%) acres
more or less, being part of lot No
94, bounded as follows: Being on
the Southern Rail wav crossing to
wlmt is known as C. A. Anderson’s
corner and running original line
west to a rock corner; thence
South to a rock corner on the edge
of a gully ; thence running South
east to a rock corner, formerly
known ns C. A. Anderson’s line
corner, standing eight, feet and six
inches; South- -ast ot a whiteoak
tree. Said tracts of land are de
scribed in a deed from H H. Row an
it, al to J. C Daniel, dated Nov.
10th 1903, recorded in deed book 5,
page 485. clerk’s office, Henry
County, Ga.
Also three ncres of land more
or less, adjoining the above lands
fully describe in a deed from J
D. Rowan, recorded in deed book
11, page 203, of Henry Comity re
cords. Said three acres of land
being part of lot, No. 94. The
above tracts of land in a body
contains fifty-six and one half
(56%) acres more or less.
The above described property is
the same land that was deeded by
J. C. Duniel to J. A. Fonclie, in a
dee I dated Nov. 10th 1910 and
recorded in deed book 11, pafs 204,
Henry County records and this
day conveyed by J.A, Fonclie to
B- F. Collins.
Said land levied on as the prop
erty of B. F. Collins to satisfy tax
fi fas for the years of 1921 and 1922
issued from the Tax Collector’s
office in favor of Wyatt Rowan.
Tax Collector ot Henry County,
against, B. F. Collins
Tennants in posessicn notifie d.
This the6th day of February 1923.
W. A. WARD, Sheriff.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Georgia, Henry County.
Bv virtvire of an order from the
Court of Ordinary of Henry County,
will be sold at, public out cry on
the First Tuesday in March Ht the
Court House djor, one third un
divided interst in the following
described land, 70 acres of lanrl
lying and being in the 7th land
District of said Gonntv : Bounded
North by lands of G. O. Bra nan
and J. O. Pair. East by lands of
J. O. and H. R. Bair, South by
lands of Dr R. T>. Tye and west by
.1. B. and it. D Brannan.
Sold as the Estate of Miss Adella
Pair for distribution among the
This February 5, 1923.
Mrs. Tommie Pair,
Georgia, Henry County.
Will be sold before the Court
Honse door in the City of McDon
ough between 'he legal hours of
sale on First Tuesday in March
1923, 90 acres of land of T. B.
Adamson’s estate, in 6th Distric
of Henry County, bounded as fol
lowers : On North, East and West
by lands of Mrs. Ella Adamson ;
On South by lands of Homer Floyd.
Executors Stewart Adamson and
Mrs. Bell Wilson,
Georgia, Henry County.
H. G. Mays having applied to
the Ordinary by petition asking
that H. G. Mays and Miss Mvrtice
Mays, Executors of the estate of
I. S. Mays, deceased, he required
to make to him a deed to 107 acres
of land in the 12th land District ot
said County, being the North half
of land lot No 101 and seven acres
of lot No 124 in pursuance of a bond
for title made by I. S. Mays to the
said H. G. Mays in his lifetime,
the said H. G. Mays alleging that
ho has fully met the obligations
in said bond.
This is to notify Mrs. Robert
Brown, Mrs. EC. Barr,F. M. Mays
Kate Johnson, Mrs. Kate Johnson,
Guardian for Kate Johson, heirs
at law of the said I. S. Mays, de
ceased, to be and appear at the
March Term 1923, of the court of
Ordinary of said County, and show
cause, if any they have, why the
said Executors should nor, be re
quired to make said deed as prayed
in the petition.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
In the District Court, of the United
States, for the Northern District
of Georgia.'
In re H. Grady Castellaw, No
8502, in Bankruptcy. A petition
for discharge having been filed in
conformity with law by above
named bankrupt, and the Court
having ordered that the hearing
upon said petition b > had on March,
10th 1923, at ten o’clock a. m , at
the United State District Court
room, in the city of Atlanta,
Georgia, notice is hereby given to
all creditors and other persons in
interest to appear at, said time and
place and show cause, if any they
have, why the prayer of the bank
rupt for di .-charge should not be
O. C. FULLER, Clerk.
Dismission From Administration
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, T. A. Sloan Jr. and J.
13. Lowe. Administrators of the
estate of Mrs. Edna T. Lose, re
presents to the Court in their petiti
on, duly filed and entered on record,
that they have fully administered
Mrs. Edna T. Lowe’s estate.
This is therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show canse, if they can,
why said Administrators should not
be discharged from their admini
stration, and receive I ,etters of Dis
mission on the first Monday in
March, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
By virtnre of an order granted
by the Court of Ordinay February
term 1923 will be sold before the
Court House door in the citv of
McDonough between the legal
hours of sale on the Ist Tuesday in
March 1923 to the highest bidder
for cash, tho following property :
One house and lot in town of Stock
bridge, lift., bounded on East by
Sou, R. Y. ; North by W. H.
Lowe; West by Bartow Pounds;
South by Bill Mnrpliy and N. G.
and Sarah Glea ton, also one vacant
lot, in the city of Stockbgidge.
Said lot bounded, on SonOi by Leon
Minter; Ea tt t by W. W. Ward;
On North and West by Mrs. S. F.
Sold as the property of Lee
Oglesby decei sed for payment of
debts and distribution.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
The Bank of Henrv
member of the Federal
Reserve System
Dismission From Administration
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, Dr. T. J. Crawford, Ad
ministrator of estate of Lille B 1 ars,
represents to the Court in his peti
tion, duly filed and entered on re
cord, that he has fnlly administered
Lillie Byars’ estate:
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show canse, if they can,
why said administrator should not
he discharged from his administra
tion and receive Letters of Dis
mission on tho first Monday in
March, 1923.
A. G. HARRIS. Ordinary.
| y I -J * j INSTRUCTIVE! J;1 -*
1 u I h k i educationalryrrrl
U you air losing your manly strength—if you «re weak,
nervous, dcqionrlcnt or suffering from lost vitality from excess,
age or other Causes GLANDTONE will quickly restore you to
normal strength and youthful vigor or in charge will he made.
Write today for free instructive booklet mailed prepaid in
plain wrapper.
fßed V I FERTILIZERS I / to use them*- \
zmmm. if OnanCrops J
\Highe»t WfwiWf ' kOh aU Soils/
ISRT • ,u * nw * B
Quality Fertilizer Pays
Much depends on the QUANTITY and QUALITY of fertilizer you
will use this season. You have no doubt decided to consider only
a fertilizer of established reputation.
SWIFT’S RED| STEER Fertilizers have a national reputation. The
RED STEER on the bag is your guarantee that you are getting
well cured fertilizers, properly processed and combined and of the
highest possible quality.
SWIFT’S RED STEER Fertilizers contain the right amount of quick
ly available plant food to cause a quick start and a sufficient
amount of more slowly available plant food to insure a continuation
of growth and early maturity. They are the result of years of care
ful experimenting in the field, the plant and the laboratory.
PLAY SAFE! Order SWIFT’S RED STEER Fertilizer from the local
Authorized Swift Agent, today.
Swift & Company
Atlanta, Ga. Albany, Ga.
Charlotte, N. C. New Orleans, La.
Local Representative:
McDonough, Georgia
Dismis sion From administration
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas. J. W. Morgan, Admini
strator of T). B. Morgan, represents
to the C jurt in his petition, duly
filed and entered on record, that
he has fully administered D. B.
M organ’s estate;
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show cause, if any they can,
why said Administrator should not
be discharged from his administra
tion. and receive Letters of Dis
mission on the first Monday in
March, 1923
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
“levestment in knowledge al
ways pays the best interest” —
Knowledge of correcting your
errors pays with low loss record.
maam smma mmam •*. Baa WM
No Substitutes
Purely I
Liver Medicine
3 p. 9 H