The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 16, 1923, Image 4
The Henry County Weekly Official Organ of Henry County. B. S. ELLIOTT, Editor. Advertising Rates 25c r>«»r inch, posi tion 5c additional-special contracts Intercd at the postoffice at McDon ougn, Ga., as second class mail matter irHpn Advertising Ittentative i.amlriCAn PREdaASSwwi/.r ->n , MrDonongli, Ga., February 16 1923. “He who is false to present duty breaks a thread in the loom, and will find the flaw when he may have forgotten its cause.” Pull for business for the man for whom you work and not send it to his compeditor is a present duty—be safe and not sorry. OLD FOLKS NEED NOT BE FEEBLE IF you are “getting along in years” you don’t need to sit in a chimney comer and dream of the days when you were full of life and vitality. Keep your blood rich and pure and your system built up with Gude’s Pepto-Mangan, and you will feel stronger, younger and livelier than you have for years. Get it today and watch the result. Your druggist has Gude’s —liquid or tablets, as you prefer. Gude’s Pepto-^angan Tonic and Blood Enricher Just such ‘Heds as You have ahvays wanted Simmons Beds in themselves, repre.sent a known standard of value —but Simmons Beds, ns Bedstead, Spring and Mattress the complete Sleeping Unit , represents a standard of genuine comfort,-restful ness and satisfaction, almost beyond price. Our Bed and Bedding department is replete with designs and styles in Simmons Beds, Springs and Mattresses. 'lt is the logical place to come for a new bed. It is a reliable place—and every claim or promise we make you is faithfully kept. Come in and let us help you to real sleep satisfaction. Five Styles to Choose From Simmons Mattresses—Built for Sleep I he Simmons Label guarantees you a Mattress Built for Sleep. Delivered in its original sealed carton untouched by hand —protected from the dirt, grime and germs of the city streets. For what some stores ‘ charge for ordinary beds- ®J we can supply the gen uine Simtrions Sleeping Beds $7.50 To $25.00 Mattresses $6.75 To $25.00 SIMMONS BEDS JBuilt for Sleep ELLIS-SETZER CO. MCDONOUGH GA. Phone 8 Phone 8 What Is Efficiency? It is doing things, not washing you could do them, dreaming a bout them, or wondering if you can do them. * It is knowing how to apply theo ry to ptaclice. It is the trick of turning defeat into experience and using it to achieve success. It is the ability to mass one's personality at any time or place; it is skill in quick mobilization of one’s resources. It is making everything that is past minister to the future. It is the elimination of the three microbes of weakness —regret, worry and fear. It is self-reliance clothed with modesty. It is persistence plus politeness. It is the hand of steel in the velvet glove. It is alertness, presence of mind, readiness to adjust one’s self to the unexpected. It is sacrificing personal feeling.-* to the will to win. It is the sum of three quantities —purpose, practice and patience. It is the measure of a man, the real size of his soul. It is the ability to use one’s pas sions, likes, dislikes, habits, expe rience, education, mind, body and heart —aud not to be used by these things. It is a self-mastery, concentra lion, vision and common sense. It is the sum total of all that’s in a man. —Toledo News-Bee. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH, GEORGIA THE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK- M' Donough, Georgia CAPITAL $100,000.00 Member of Federal Reserve System OFFICERS m H. J. TURNER, President, W. D. TARPLE Y, Vice President H. C. HIGHTOWER. Cashier, MISS ANNIE G. THOMSON, Bookkeep’ DIRECTORS «** W. N. Gilmore, C. T. Elliott, W. W- Turner, H. C. Ellis, J. G. Elliott, J. B. Turner, C. C. Fargason, W. A. Ammons, W. J. Turner, W. D. Tarpley, H. J. Turner e Eighty-Four Share Holders residing in every section of the County \ Have a large and complete line W. of 4f SEASONABLE MERCANDISE l We have large fresh stocks of garden seed and [can supply "your needs PROMPTLY and at LOWEST prices. ~ TOP PRICES paid for corn, peanuts, peas, velvet beans, poultry, eggs, and almost all farm products. It will pay you to callonus. WATCH THIS SPACE