The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 16, 1923, Image 5
Pleasant Hill s Well Mr. Editor here we come again with a few dots and dashes from lhis part of the world and as these dots are]; being dashed the weather is some what bad raining aad almost sleeting, February came with some bad weather so let us kindle the fire and set to it. Those who attended the singing 'from here at Mr. De Carmichael last Tuesday night was Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Paynes, Miss Ruth Pfiyne and W. M. Patterson and enjoyed a good community sing* Miss Nellie Coker spent last Fri day afternoon with her sister Mrs. W. M.lPatterson. Mrs. Arnold Payne and Miss Ruth Payne spent last Monday in McDonough the guest at Mrs. W. A. Fields and Mrs. H. A. Farris. Mr. Blakeley Coker was the guest of Mr. Troy Nail a part of last Saturday night, they must have been callers some where. Mr. Bill Howard, of Woodberry, where he is in school, spent last Saturday night and Sunday here lie guest of his mother. Mr. Henry Simpson made a money trip to Lovejoy last Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Patterson and children spent last Friday night here the guest Mr. Slim Jim and family. Miss Sarah Mays and Hellen Payne was the guest of Mr. ai.d Mrs. Charlie Nail last Saturday eight and Sunday. Mr. Henry Mays and J. W. Bunn passed through these parts one might last week. It would take a wonderer to even wonder where they had.started. Mr. Roy Cox, of Atlanta, was in this section Sunday and spent that short rainy day with his best girl. Guess who? Mr. Jack B. Nail made a busi ness trip over to Hampton last Thursday. Mr. Hugh Simpson and Mr. Hap Howard made a pop call one night last week. We are glad to note that Mrs W. A. Simpson, who has been ack for some time, is much better at this writing. Mr. Wymond Farris, of Atlanta, spent week-end with homefolks. Slim Jim. c i:~ aaiuiS We are having some more rain. Mr. Mose Gunn gave a house rolling one day last week and a big dinner. Miss Elvie Barner is spending a few days with her cousins, Mr. and ISrs. J. M. Duke. Mr. J. K. Smith visited his lather and mother, at Porterdale Sunday. Mr. Edgar Wilson, tied his mule at the same old post Sunday p. m. Brother Cornett has been called as Pastor at Sardis church for this year. We are glad to hear that Mr. Paul Lewis is improving, hope he will soon be well again. Mr. J. M. and Miss Alpha Gunn, visited Mrs. Lon Atkinson Thurs day p. m, We have had a few cases of chicken pox around this place. Every body are invited to Sardis Sunday school and B. Y. P. U each Sunday 1:39. Brown Eyes Locust Grove. Most of the sick are better. Mr. S. A. Castellaw has ordered a thousand baby chicks of the Leghorn strain. The Philosophian society will not giye their reception this year. The L. G. I. Band gave a concert Sunday afternoon. It was very such enjoyed. Daniel Bros, new filling station will soon be open to the public. - The P. T. A. met last Friday. Misses Taylor and Nicklors, two of the grammar school teachers spent the week-end at their homes. The Southern Bell Telephone Co has a crew of men here over hauling their line. Zip Strickland one time student of L. G. I. but now of Ga. Tech, spent the week-end at L. G.I. The Mathean and Sophian socities of L. G. I. had a match game of tennis Saturday. The game was won by the Matheans. The Sophians gave a neat comedy Saturday night. Mrs. S. A. Castellaw visited in Locust Grove Saturday. Mrs. Oliver Duke is on the sick list this week. Mr. W. W. Cleavelana has ordered a thousand white Leg horn baby chicks. Mrs. R. H. Brown is spending some weeks with her mother at Wadley. Before the recent rains the painters were beginning to make things hum. Mrs. Grady Castellaw, of Atlan ta, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Harkins of this place. Lets every one get busy and make 1923 a good year. Put up your hammer stop your hard time talk lose your whine throw away your long face and get busy and God and men will help you to help yourself. This ts a pretty good world after all. The reason it isn’t better is because there are to many folks of the above de scription. Hold up your head look men in the face and smile occasionlv if it kills you and after awhile you will descide that the good God is still on His throne directing the destinies of men as well as nations. SCRIBLER. Daniel’s Rain, rain, rain, arn’t you tired of rainy weather. It is remarkable how much you can find out about human nature by charging ten cents admission. Mr. Hincy, of Greenwood, preached an interesting sermon at this place Sunday afternoon. Mr. Marcus Sandifer, of East Point, is spending a few days in our community. Mrs. L. C. Daniel and Miss Jewell Credille went shopping in Griffin Saturday. Miss Myrtle Price, of Locust Grove, was the charming visitor of Miss Annice Boatner last week. Mr. Ennis Peek spent the week end in Atlanta. Miss Annie and Belle Rosser spent the week-end with their sister, Mrs. Marvin Jinks. Mrs. L. C. Daniel spent Friday afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. T. L, LeGuinn. Rey. T. J. Thaxton, of Locust Grove, will fill his regular appoint ment here next Sunday. Dark Eyes. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE has been used successfully in the treatment of Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces. thus reducing the inflammation. Sold by all druggists. F. J. Ch;ney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. Elliston Well news is very scarce around Elliston and we are hoping these few lines will miss the waste basket. Garden’s are looking good, also wheat and oats hope they will continue for harvest. Ats) Sunday school is very fine for the weather. We have a new pastor for the church of Sardis. Preacher Carnett, of Locust Grove May God bless him that he may bring to us the word of God. * The B. Y. P. U. render fine prog rams we invite everyone to be with us. Our attendence in school is very small on account of chicken pox although we are having bad weather to. Miss Maggie and Nellie Godsey was the week-end guest of their brother Mr. Asberry Godsey near Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rosser and their two daughters, Miss Nelle and Erma Rosser cf McDonough, was with us at Sunday school and B. Y. P. U. Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Godsey intertained a small crowd of young people Saturday night by giving a sur prise candy pulling. Miss Elon Lewis gave a singing for the benefit of the young people Sunday night a nice time was reported. Miss Elon and Eva Lewis, of Elliston, also Miss Nellie Willard of Mt. Bethel, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Lewis Saturday night, and also visited the inter tainment at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hunt given by Miss Gladys Hunt reported a nice time- We are very glad to know that Mr. J. H. Havnes is improving after a severe attact of rheuma tism he is still on crutches. Mr. W. P. Lewis is ud and about after being confined to the bed for forty days with the typhoid fever. Blue Eyes. Round-About News The many friends of little Ellen Cleora Elliott are glad to know she is still improving. Mr. Howard Spence, of Thomas ville, stoped over to see Miss Ka b Stenson last Tuesday. Mrs. W. D. Knight spent several days with her sister Mrs. Ollie Fannin who has been iil. Glad to hear she is improving. Miss Galladay, of Kuntucky, spent several days last week with Miss Maggie Rowland. Mrs. J. J. Knight spent a few days with her daughter Mrs. G. B. Russell, who has been ill with erysipelas. A large crowd enjoved the Party Saturday night at Mr. Roy Crumpley’s. Miss May Crumbley was the spend the day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fannin Sunday. On account of bad weather Mr. King dindn't fill his appointment at Timberidge Sunday. Bumble Bee. » Island Shoals News We have had some real rainy weather for the last few days. Mr. and Mrs. K. Cofer had as their guests Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cofer. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lunsford spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lunsford. Mr. Cliff Thompson has been very sick but glad to note he is lots better a* this wiiting. TRADE AT HOME To our Friends and Customers, both Old and New: We are putting in a NEW LINE of MILLINERY “At Home” Goods will all be brand New, but I will use*my same old method of an Honest square deal to every body and abide by the Golden Rule, **T reat you as I would have you to treat me.” Will appreciate your business and save you’money. MRS. J. E. LYONS, Hampton Georgia. vo^j These are progressive times. Are you keeping up with them? Now is the time to provide for your future, not to morrow when it is too late. A savings account at this Bank makee it easy to save. y ■ fi ■ ' i ■ Today you are charged with the responsibility for what your future will be. SFRts/CF SAFFTY Jdnkof§bcKhi^ e THE BANK THAT BACKS THE FARMED = DEPOSITS INSURED 7446 Res. Main 470 CorA&IL Allen WTT'TLI WA A n DURHAM JEWELRY CO., 14 Edge wood Ave.,*Atlanta,|Ga. •'GIFTS THAT LAST” Engraved Cards, Wedding Invitations, etc. Rain rain more rain. Misses. Ruth Smith and Eva Mae Washington were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith Satur day night. Miss Lillie Lunsford was the guests of her cousin, Miss Euphie Lunsford Monday afternoon. Mrs. Dock Moss spent last Tues day afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Otha Piper. We are glad to welcome our new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Newt Coady. Mrs. Charlie'lAilen and little daughter, Lola Allen, spent the week end with Mr. an I Mrs. Grady Lunsford, near McD .ncugh. Masters Melvin and Ernest Allen were the guests of their cousins, Robert and L. D. Allen Sunday. Misses. Lillie Lunsford were the guests of Miss Ruby Shadrix one afternoon last week. Miss Oma Allen spent Saturday afternoon with Miss Lillie Luns ford. Lots of talk of fertilizer and poison so as to try to run Mr. 801 l Weevil out of the country. Mrs. Carl Lunsford spent Sun day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs Dane Lunsford. ,- £ _ Blue Bell.