The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, February 16, 1923, Image 7
Lot:? 1 Happenings ''rSlf”; S ■ IP Fraternal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M. Regular communications of Frater nal Lodge No. 37 F. & A. M., meet Ist and 3rd Friday nights in each month. All duly qualified brethren fraternally and cordially invited to meet vxth us. Fred Leguinn W. M. ThoS. J. PATTERSON Sec. A regular communication of Pine Grove Lodge No. 177 F. &A. M. will be held at the Masonic Hall, Hampton, Ga., every second and fourth Tuesday evenings at the reg ular meeting hours. Visiting breth ren cordially invited. W. W. WISE, W. M. R. H. MOORE, Jr., Sec. Leslie Carmichael, of East Point, spent week-„n.i here. Mr. Ernest Tarpley spent week end with homefolks. Miss Elon Nail spent week-end with her parents. Rooker cotton seed for sale. A. C. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. W D. Tarp’ey 'were visitors to Atlanta Thursday. Mr. Edwin Rape, of Atlanta, was a week-end visitor to the city. Mr. Frank Newman came down from Tech for a week-end visit to his parents. We have some fresh mules just from the market. A. B. and Frank Mitcham Hampton. Mr. D. J. Smith, of Tech, made short visit to his parents last week. Rev. J. A. Partridge filled his regular appointment at Turner’s last Sunday. A new Woodmen of the World Camp is being organized at Locust Grove. Mr. E. 0. Hooten, of Locust Grove, was a visitor to our city Monday. Mr. Arthur Duke and family of Atlanta visited relatives near Bethany, Sunday. Mr. Seab McGarritv, of Coving ton, was here on business last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ford, of Atlanta spent the week-end with Mr. W. F. Hand. Mr. and Mis. Oliver Har.d of Atlanta, spent the week-end with his mother. TV Tin \feHnno 1 rl r\V' Afilla lill • ivouwi t V • **“- Rica, was a welcome visitor to our city last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Castellaw spent week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Welch. Mr. Lum Ingram, of Fayetteyilie, was a visitor to our citv several days, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Grier, of Atlanta, spent Sunday p. m. here with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Grier. Mr. W. L. Black spent several days last week with her mother in Atlanta. For Sale— One good two horse wagon cheap. Mrs. Jennie Farris McDonough Ga. * Mr. Tom Fargason, his two sons and "Mr. Billie Elliott spent the wee K-end with relatives here. Wanted—Two cropers with force to run two horse crop each, Mrs. B. C. Ward, Stock bridge Gj. Messrs. D. P. Cook and Epps Brannan are absent from their work on account of sickness. For Rent— with lights w r ater and telephone. See Mrs JimStroud, Keesferry, St. We regret to learn of the illness of Mr. Roy Turner during the past few days. Trust he will soon be out again. For sale or exchange some good shoats worth the money, will ex change for corn, peas, hav or fodder. D. T. Carmichael. Mr. Harris McCurry, of Emoiy University, came down to attend the funeral of his aunt. Mrs. J. C. Harris, last week. For Sale: —Porto Rico seed and eatnm potatoes. Eating potatoes kiln dried and a nice size. W. C. Dailey McDonough, Rt. 3. Mr. Kemdrick Henley, of Atlanta, and two of his triends, Messrs. A. S. Baught and 0. M. Key spent Sunday with homefoiks. Pure bred Barred Rock Imperial Strain eggs for hatching SI.OO per setting of fifteen. Splendid Bar red Rock cockerals $2 50. Mrs. Rf 4’ McDonough Ga. PEANUTS. We want to wind up our last car by Wednesday Feb 21st and will pay one hundred an.! 1 thirty dollars per ton until then. J. 0. and C. M. KIMBELL. You are missing a bnr<Mn i' l the winter lap robes I am eloseisg. out the entire stock at and hah* price. D. T. Carmichael. Wanted—Lumber, Peas, corn etc. Will pay highest prices for them on accounts. Planters Warehouse and Lumber Company. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Welch have just returned from Brodentown, Fla. Their many friends gladly welcome them back home. For Sale—Six S. C. R. I. Red Cockerels April hatch prize bred, from prize winning strain; price $2.50 each. Mrs. A. u. Combs, Locust Grove Ga. Mr. and Mrs. McDaniel, of Atlanta, attended the furneral of Mrs. J. C. Harris here last Wed nesday. Miss Mary Weems spent the week end at Bessie T'ft in Forsyth with Miss Josephine Goodwin, of Greensboro. Pure bred S. C. Ancona Eggs for Sale SIOO for 15 S6OO Per, Hundred, Post Paid. A. T. Jeffares McDonough Ga., Pu r e Bred single comb Rhode Island Red eggs, for setting $1 00 per (15) Charles Jefferies McDonough Ga. Do you get Eggs in cold weath er: if not buy some Pure bred Ancona Eggs from me, SI.OO for 15, $6.00 Per Hundred. Port Paid. A. T. Jeffares McDonough Ga., Is C £ Everybody uses hie Buckeye big TMCfIU ATriD breeders and little breeders —IO,OOO JOJL KJ chicks a year or one hundred! Endorsed by Agricultural Colleges and Experimental Stations | . The Buckeye operates automatically and can’t go wrong. We are so sure I of itsmever-failing performance that we guarantee it to hatch more and bet- I ter chicks than any other incubator, regardless of price. Come in and see how they work—or, we will send you a catalog. i All Sizes ot Incubators and Brooders Carried in Stock ’ Orders Filled Sum? Day Received. fl f* G. C. SMITH Griffin, Georgia HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY, McDONOUGH GEORGIA. We have on hand some o< e liorse wagons and soma two-hone wagons, some Summer’s buggi s that has been returned -in fair y good condition, also some live stock, wi'l * ■'” of a bargain. Com > ! to see us. We \w \ mke in ex-1 change for tli 1 ob v-' or any oth r merchandise: Otoo Tan Soy beans, field peas, ear corn shucked, or sweet potatoes from curring house. Stockbridge Mercantile Co. Miss Bess Fouche has been ten dered a splendid position wish' Southern Automotive Magazine of which her brother, Mr. Alt Fouche, is business manager and left this week to enter upon hi r new dudes. She has the con gratulations and best wishes of entire community fora successful career. We have on hand some one horse wagons and some two-horse wagons, some Summer’s buggies that has been returned in fairly good condition, also some live stock, will sell at a bargain. Come to see us. We will take in ex change for the above or a iv other merchandise: Otoo Tan Soy bean, field peas, ear corn shucked, or sweet potatoes from curring house. Stockbridge Merchants Co. < 0 Dr R. A. R tins our new dentist who recently purchased the den itJi D.. 0. L. Adams, is opening up his new affice in the office recently vacated by Dr. .1. G. Smith. He is enstalling the latest and best equipments f. r dentist work, atid our people are glad to welcome him into our midst. The ladies of the Methodist Missionary Society held a rally at the residence of Mrs. Hugh Turn r on Friday afternoon. A delight ful program was rendered. These ladies are using every means to stimulate the church at large in the great field of missions At the social hour delightful relreshinents were served. Public Saids We have purchased 122,000 pair U. S. Army Munson last shoes, sizes 5% to 12 which was Ihe en tire surplus stock of one cf the largest U. S. Government siioe contractors. This shoe is guaranteed one hundred percent solid leather color dark tan, bcilows tongue, dirt and waterproof. The actual value of this shoe is $6 00. Owing to this tremendous buy we can offer same to the public at $2.95. Send correct size. Pay posiman on delivery or send money order. If shoes are not as represented we will cheerfully refund your money promptly upon request. National Bay State Shoe Company 296 Broadway, New York, N. Y. I a " d Mil l The housew’ife of tod ly is as much of a business woman as the lady who works in an office or conducts a business, and she keeps her household and personal allowance in a bank, issues checks in paying Ihe household expenses or regul r bills. ( They find it an easy way to keep track of the monthly outlay and more convenient thin the eternal bother of hav ing change on hand to pay tradesmen’s bills, M’DONOUGH . GEORGIA. Member Federal Reserve System I ’, 1; W rW l '' l ' h " i Y, »<.I ~ ii !.:&■ h wte -i 3 i <¥;C ,- A 9R&T ’J 1 rwV*rfj . JWa - '3v~'V - ' w? IP • m fife Y& V i|g^W THE LAND STUDIO Upstairs over McDonough Trading Co., is open regu larly every Monday and Tuesday. Photographs are something that you often regret not h iving and that vou will treasure more and more as time passes. Bring the CHILDREN Don’t WAIT for SUNSHINE they are made just as Good Any Kind Of Weather AT YOUR SERVICE THE LAND STUDIO